Jacqui Frost

Jacqui Frost is a PhD candidate in the Department of Sociology at the University of Minnesota. She received her MA in sociology at Portland State University where she conducted research on atheist identity and activism. Her dissertation focuses on a “godless congregation,” The Sunday Assembly, and she has been involved in an ongoing ethnography of the group for almost a year now. She is a research fellow at the American Mosaic Project, a multi-wave, national survey project designed to explore racial and religious diversity among Americans, and she is a graduate editor at The Society Pages, an online social science project ran out of the University of Minnesota.


Contributions by Jacqui Frost


Measuring Secularity

While often rigorously testing for variance among the religious, many studies treat the irreligious as if they have a static identity, resulting in an elision of the range of beliefs and behaviors that have been found within this growing group. At the home of the first secular studies undergraduate program, amid dozens of secularity scholars from around globe, Tommy Coleman's interview with sociologist ...