Religious Studies Opportunities Digest – 15 June 2012 Edition

15 June 2012 Issue

image of booksWe are not responsible for any content contained herein, but have simply copied and pasted from a variety of sources. If you have any content for future digests, please contact us via the various options on our ‘contact’ page.

In this issue:

  • Journals
  • Conference Announcements
  • Jobs
  • Events
  • Calls for Papers
  • Studentships
  • Resources



Approaching Religion

Vol. 2/ 1 (June, 2011)

Theme: The New Visibility of Atheism in Europe

Available at:


Grace Davie, Phil Zuckerman, Teemu Taira, Thomas Zenk, Teuvo Laitila, Tiina Mahlamäki, Gavin Hyman, Mattias Martinson, Stuart McAnulla, Stephen Bullivant, Lise Kanckos, Mikko Sillfors.

AR is published by the Donner Institute for Research in Religious and Cultural History in Åbo, Finland. Its purpose is to publish current research on religion and to offer a platform for scholarly co-operation and debate within the field. The journal appears twice a year and consists of articles and book reviews. It addresses an international readership and, as the title suggests, approaches the field of religion from a broad perspective, engaging contributors from different theoretical and methodological traditions.

Contributions to Indian Sociology

Special Issue: Suicide in South Asia: Ethnographic perspectives:

1 February 2012; Vol. 46, No. 1-2

Available online at:

Journal of Religion in Japan 1:2 2012


  • Inoue Nobutaka

Media and New Religious Movements in Japan

  • Galen Amstutz

Materiality and Spiritual Economies in Premodern Japanese Buddhism: A

Problem in Historical Change

  • Ugo Dessì

Religion, Hybrid Forms, and Cultural Chauvinism in Japan

Book Reviews

  • Erica Baffelli, Ian Reader and Birgit Staemmler (eds.), Japanese

Religions on the Internet: Innovation, Representation and Authority,

by Elisabetta Porcu

  • John Breen and Mark Teeuwen, A New History of Shinto, by Jakub Havlíček

  • Charlotte Eubanks, Miracles of Book and Body: Buddhist Textual

Culture and Medieval Japan, by Matthew McMullen

More information on the Journal of Religion in Japan (aims and scope,

editorial board etc.) can be found here:


ESSWE Magic Thesis Workshop

A one-day workshop for graduate and postgraduate students organised by ESSWE in conjunction with the Chair for History of Hermetic Philosophy and Related Currents, University of Amsterdam, on Friday 6 July 2012.

Throughout the day, international scholars from varying perspectives (cultural, intellectual, history of science) will present papers, discuss issues around framing research questions, and reflect on the importance of developing the skills necessary to successfully carry out research. This workshop will provide an opportunity for graduate and postgraduate students to engage with specialists in the history of ancient, early modern and modern magic, and other subjects more broadly based in the field of Western Esotericism.

It should be stressed that while the focus of our three specialist speakers is on magic, time will be available for students to interact with the scholars and discuss more general strategies for research, such as the issues of definitions, typologies, disciplinary boundaries and interdisciplinarity, questions of primary and secondary sources, publication, networking and other practical matters of a scholarly life. The chronological focus will not be restricted to the Early Modern period, but will range from the Middle Ages to the 20th Century.

Doors open for registration at 10:30 and the event begins at 11:00.

Presentations by guest speakers

11:10-11:50 > Dr Bernd-Christian Otto (University of Erfurt): Magic in Antiquity

11:50-12:30 > Dr Gyorgy Szonyi (University of Szeged): Magic in Early Modern Europe

12:30-13:10 > Dr Henrik Bogdan (University of Gothenburg): Magic in Modernity

Students have the opportunity to discuss practical research issues with the following scholars, in addition to the speakers: Jean-Pierre Brach, Peter Forshaw, Nicholas Goodrick-Clarke, Wouter Hanegraaff, Boaz Huss, Andreas Kilcher, Birgit Menzel, Marco Pasi, Mark Sedgwick, Demetrius Waarsenburg & Helmut Zander.

A roundtable discussion focussed on specific themes (15:30-16:30)

Definitions & Typologies: issues of terminology, reification, essentialism, actors’ categories

Boundary Work: Magic, Science and/or Religion, Hybridity

Magic & Culture (Elite, Court, Popular)

16:30 Workshop Close, followed by wine and nibbles.

Please note: this is a free event. Venue: Bijzondere Collecties, Oude Turfmarkt 129, Amsterdam

For more details, or to book a place, contact Sara Mulder:

Date(s): July 06, 2012
Location: Amsterdam
Address: Special Collections (Bijzondere Collecties) of the University of Amsterdam

Oude Turfmarkt 129, 1012 GC Amsterdam

PO Box 94436, 1090 GK Amsterdam

The Netherlands

Wednesday 4 July – University of Manchester: 10am – 3.30pm

Monday 16 July – Avonmouth House London: 10am – 3.30pm

Friday 20 July – Edinburgh (venue tbc): 10am – 3.30pm

The AHRC is holding three open events focussing on our current themes: Care for the Future, Digital Transformations, Science in Culture, Translating Cultures, and the Connected Communities Programme.

The aim of the events is to provide background information about the development of the themes and activity to date, to consult on the future shape of the themes, including funding calls, and to provide attendees with an opportunity to discuss research ideas of potential relevance to the themes and network with colleagues.

Specific sessions will be held on each of the themes and Connected Communities, each running twice (subject to demand), giving attendees the opportunity to attend up to two different sessions.

There are three dates to choose from:

Wednesday 4 July – University of Manchester: 10am – 3.30pm

Monday 16 July – Avonmouth House London: 10am – 3.30pm

Friday 20 July – Edinburgh (venue tbc): 10am – 3.30pm

(Lunch will be included)

Please RSVP to indicating which session(s) you would like to attend from the following options:

• Care for the Future

• Digital Transformations

• Science in Culture

• Translating Cultures

• Connected Communities

Please indicate a maximum of two sessions.

Places are open to all and will be allocated on a first come first served basis for each theme.

Please provide your name, organisation, email address, brief research interests and details of any dietary requirements.

If you have any queries, please email them to

The Context Group & NordForsk meeting

Helsinki-Järvenpää, June 18–21, 2012


MONDAY 18.6.

Theme: Network Theories in Biblical Studies (keynotes + afternoon panel organized by Risto Uro, István Czachesz and Mikko Heimola)

(7.45–9.00 full breakfast for those who stay overnight)

8.00 –             Registration and coffee at the reception lobby

9.00              Opening words (Petri Luomanen and Risto Uro)

9.15     Keynote 1 (45min. + 30min. discussion)

Dennis C. Duling, Problems and possibilities for doing social networking in New Testament study: Paul’s recruitment network and inclusivity/exclusivity issues.

10.30             Keynote 2 (45min. + 30min. discussion)

Adriana Destro and Mauro Pesce,

Cohabitation between followers of Jesus, Jews, and pagans: Worship and burial spaces

12.00             Lunch

Afternoon panel: Risto Uro, chair

13.00      István Czachesz, Thinking with networks: Toward a new modeling tool in the study of religion

13.30      Mikko Heimola, Costly signals in religious revivals: A simulated network experiment

14.00              Response: Liv Ingeborg Lied

14.15              Discussion

14.45             Coffee

15.15     Rikard Roitto, Practices of forgiveness as network maintenance in the early Christ-movement

15.45              Eric Stewart, Information control in social networks

16.15              Response: Petri Luomanen

16.30              Discussion

17.00             General discussion

17.30              Dinner

18.30     Cultural program: Sauna + evening snack


9.00                           Paper 1: Philip Esler,

         The emergence of ethnic identity in apocalyptic literature: The Apocalypse of Weeks (1 Enoch 93:1-10; 91:1-11) (45min.)

                         Response: Jutta Jokiranta (15min.)

Discussion (15 min.)

10.15                           Paper 2: Nadja Boeck,

Norms and values in the construction of social identity in groups who have experienced intergroup conflicts (20 min. summary; PhD student paper).

         Response: Philip Esler (10 min.)

         Discussion (15min.)

11.00                           Coffee

11.15                          Paper 3: Nina Pehkonen,

We are the circumcision!- Paul’s strategies for strengthening the gentile Christian identity of the Philippians in Phil. 3:2-11 (20 min. summary; PhD student paper).

Response: Philip Esler (10 min.)

Discussion (15min.)

12.00                           Lunch

13.30                          Paper 4:  Outi Lehtipuu,

How to disclose a deviant? Resurrection beliefs and boundary creation in early Christianity (60 min., including 30-35 min. presentation + discussion)

14.30                           Coffee

14.45                           Paper 5: Nils Hallvard Korsvoll,

         Magic’s mode of religiosity: Trying Whitehouse’s Modal Theory on Late           Antique Christian amulets (20 min. summary; PhD student paper).

                         Response: István Czachesz (15 min.)

Discussion (20min.)

16.30                          Dinner

18.00               Cultural program: A guided tour to artists’ homes by the Tuusula Lake



Papers:  60min. including 30-35min. presentation + discussion

09.00                           Paper 1: Zeba Crook,

         Memory, historiography, and the historical Jesus.

10.00                           Paper 2: Dietmar Neufeld,

         Mark, mockery and the memorable: The art of telling a good story

11.00                           Coffee

11.15                           Paper 3: Peter Oakes,

Galatians for first-century house churches

12.15                          Lunch

14.00                           Paper 4: Richard DeMaris,

Backing away from baptism: Early Christian ambivalence about its ritual.

15.00                           Coffee

15.15                           Closing discussion, chair Petri Luomanen                                                                  Opened with Halvor Moxnes’ review

16.30                           Supper (light one)

17.00-                          Cultural program: Sauna (17.00-19.00) + Closing banquet, Restaurant Krapi                           20.00-


Breakfast and check out


Three Doctoral Research Fellows (E13 TV-G-U, 75% part-time) are sought by the Emmy Noether “Diversity of Non-Religiosity” Research Group at Goethe-University Frankfurt am Main, based at the Institut für Ethnologie (Social Anthropology, Faculty of Philosophy und History).

The start date is 01.11.2012 and the positions are limited to a period of three years.

Please do not hesitate to contact me for further information concerning the research project and the application process under:

Researcher (Church Growth Programme, Cranmer Hall, St Johns College, Durham)

Applications are invited for a Researcher to join a team commissioned by the Church of England to research church growth in the contemporary Anglican church. This is an exciting project suitable for gifted researchers and offers opportunities to contribute to a range of publications. The successful candidate will need proven research skills (possessing qualifications to Masters level or higher), will be a good team player and possess good interpersonal skills. The project will run for 12 months, finishing in September 2013 and will command a salary of around £20 000. The project is based in Cranmer Hall, a theological college which is a constituent part of St Johns College, Durham. Team members will be able to enjoy the benefits of being part of the college community. Some travel will be involved as part of the research.

The closing date for applications is 22nd June and interviews will be held on 3rd July.

For more information and details of how to apply , please contact Val Strickland on

Expressions of interest are invited for applications for the British Academy Postdoctoral Fellowship programme through the Faculty of Theology at Oxford University. EoIs must be received by 22 June. Attention is drawn to the criteria of eligibility for the programme, published on the British Academy’s website (

The application form is attached – for further information, please contact Dr Mike Froggatt (<>).

Please circulate details of this call for expressions of interest to anyone you are aware of who would be eligible, and interested in applying.


Annual International Egyptological Colloquium Pagans, Christians and

Muslims: Egypt in the First Millennium AD BP Lecture Theatre, The British

Museum 2pm Monday 9 July – Tuesday 10 July

For flyer, programme, abstract and ticket information, please see:



Title: MA in Holocaust and Genocide Studies

Location: New Jersey

Description: Announcing two new projects: an open, summer 2013

multinational delegation to sites of genocide (Poland and

Bosnia); and an international dual qualification masters degree

in human rights with the Univ. of Leicester (pending final

agreement). Details and information about the program (one of

four US …



Announcement ID: 195074


Religion in Cyberspace 2012

10th international conference Cyberspace 2012 held in Brno, Czech Republic, 30 November – 1 December 2012

Illustrative topics:

Religious normative frameworks in cyberspace, networking diasporas, religious collaborative environments, on-line counseling, on-line fatwas and cyber muftis, new religious movements, religious discourses in cyberspace, methodology of online-religion research, rituals in cyberspace etc.

Note: Authors of accepted papers will be invited to submit their papers for peer review to Masaryk University Journal of Law and Technology (MUJLT – or Cyberpsychology


Important dates

Abstract submission deadline: 31 July 2012

Notice on acceptance deadline: 31 August 2012

Conference dates: 30 November – 1 December 2012

Papers for publication deadline: 11 January 2013


Expressions of interest are invited for applications for the British Academy Postdoctoral Fellowship programme through the Faculty of Theology at Oxford University. EoIs must be received by 22 June. Attention is drawn to the criteria of eligibility for the programme, published on the British Academy’s website (

For further information, please contact Dr Mike Froggatt: (

La Trobe University – PhD Scholarship, Religion and Sexual Politics

in Postsecular Australia



The Hastings Encyclopaedia of Religion and Ethics is fully available online.