Religious Studies Opportunities Digest (3 August 2012)

3 August 2012 Issue

By sharjah_lover -
By sharjah_lover –

We are not responsible for any content contained herein, but have simply copied and pasted from a variety of sources. If you have any content for future digests, please contact us via the various options on our ‘contact’ page.

In this issue:

  • Books
  • Calls for Papers
  • Jobs
  • Journals
  • Grants
  • Courses



Nicholas Campion

‘Astrology and Popular Religion in the Modern West’


Title: The Rural Believer in the Eighteenth Century (ASECS,

Cleveland, OH 2013)

Location: Ohio

Date: 2012-09-15

Description: “The Rural Believer in the Eighteenth Century”

(Sponsored by the Society of Early Americanists) (American

Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies Annual Meeting,

Cleveland, Ohio April 4-7, 2013) This panel will explore

eighteenth-century religious experience and narrative beyond

urban centers. We inv …



Announcement ID: 195950

Call for Papers- Contemporary Islam- Special special issue

on Ahmadiyya Muslims

Date: 2012-09-10

Description: As Founding Editor of Contemporary Islam: Dynamics of

Muslim Life I would like to invite you to submit an abstract

for the special issue on Ahmadiyya Muslims. If you are

interested in contributing to this special issue, please note

that the deadline for the Abstract is 10 September 2012. If

your abs …



Announcement ID: 196058

Title: Apocalyptic Turn

Date: 2012-09-30

Description: Call for publications: Contributions wanted for a an

upcoming volume of the “Post-apocalyptic Studies” series called

“Apocalyptic turn”. The editors are searching for

interdisciplinary scientific approaches to the topic “Why is

there such big interest in the possible end of the world?” –

especially …



Announcement ID: 196052

Call for Papers: Digital Methodologies in the Sociology of Religion 16th November 2012, Enterprise Centre, University of Derby

Organised by the Centre for Society, Religion & Belief (SRB), University of Derby Funded by Digital Social Research (DSR)

Within an era of a growing reliance on digital technologies to instantly and effectively express our values, allegiances, and multi-faceted identities, the interest in digital research methodologies among Sociologists of Religion comes as no surprise (e.g. Bunt 2009; Cantoni and Zyga 2007; Contractor 2012 and Ostrowski 2006; Taylor 2003). However the methodological challenges associated with such research have been given significantly less attention. What are the epistemological underpinnings and rationale for the use ‘digital’ methodologies? What ethical dilemmas do sociologists face, including while protecting participants’ interests in digital contexts that are often perceived as anonymised and therefore ‘safe’?

Implementing such ‘digital’ research also leads to practical challenges such as mismatched expectations of IT skills, limited access to specialized tools, project management and remote management of research processes.

Hosted by the Centre for Society, Religion, and Belief at the University of Derby and funded by Digital Social Research, this conference will bring together scholars to critically evaluate the uses, impacts, challenges and future of Digital Methodologies in the Sociology of Religion. We envisage that the conference will lead to an edited textbook and are currently in discussion with key publishers.

For the purpose of the conference and textbook, digital research is broadly defined as research that either works within digital contexts or which uses either online or offline digital tools. Abstracts for papers that focus on one, or more, of the following themes are


  1. Epistemological Positioning

  2. Ethical Dilemmas

  3. Implementation & Practical Challenges 4. Wider impacts beyond Academia

Please submit an abstract of no more than 300 words, as well as the title of the paper, name of the presenter, institutional affiliation, and contact details to Dr Sariya Contractor ( and Dr. Suha Shakkour ( by 5pm on Tuesday 28th August, 2012. Shortlisted participants will be notified by 11th September 2012 and will be expected to submit summary papers (1000

words) by 1st November 2012 for circulation prior to the conference. A registration fee of £30 will apply for all speakers and delegates. A few travel bursaries are available for post-graduate students. Further details about the registration process will be circulated by mid-August.2012.

Call for Proposals: Myth and Religion in German Expressionism

“Metaforms” is soliciting articles for upcoming volumes on special topics.

Please consider submitting essays to the following volume: Myth and

Religion in German Expressionism

| Deadline for Abstracts: Oct. 1, 2012

| Contact: Almut-Barbara Renger ( & ISGRL


Despite a strong, Enlightenment-driven trend toward increased

secularization across German-speaking culture, literature continued to

exhibit various religious forms and manifestations after 1900.

Alongside critical examinations of religious traditions and a general air

of skepticism, one also finds a genuine spirit of rediscovery and

revitalization of a spectrum of religious heritages passed down from

antiquity. From roughly 1910 to 1925 the broad movement identified as

German Expressionism is saturated with metaphors and motifs drawn from

religious traditions, for example: ideas of fate, destiny, and the holy;

plots of sacrifice, suffering, and redemption; allusions to the sacred and

the mystical; and aspirations for messianic heroism. Expressionist

experiments frequently viewed art in religious terms and thereby

recalibrated aesthetic experience as an abandonment to some kind of

spiritual, sublime energy. A deep commitment to the irrational,

unpredictable, and often frightening aspects of the human or world soul

drove writers and artists to shatter bourgeois expectations and


To read the full call for proposals, see the attachment (also , under All Titles – Related

files, the page that opens first).


Ancient Egyptian Demonology Project: Second Millennium BC Academic

Supervisor: Dr Kasia Szpakowska

Two fully-funded PhD studentships form part of a three-year research project

funded by the Leverhulme Trust entitled Ancient Egyptian Demonology Project:

Second Millennium BC.

Demons abound in the media today-from tales of possession to the labeling of

political policies as demonic, to the channelling of spirits for healing.

Some of the most prevalent rituals in the ancient and modern world are those

designed to target demons and those that call upon their superhuman power

for benefit. But thus far, there has been no comprehensive systematic study

of benevolent and malevolent demonic entities in Ancient Egypt. This

project, Demonology 2K, applies Second Millennium AD technology to create a

classification and ontology of those supernatural entities we will call

demons, and the means used to harness their powers in Ancient Egypt during

the Second Millennium BC. The approach combines archaeological,

iconographic, and philological analysis of specific material,

representational, and textual evidence. The research is data-driven, and

includes the development of an interactive collaborative database and

website. This project illuminates the darker and more private side of

Ancient Egyptian religion that impacted daily lives, driving individuals to

perform rituals and to access divine beings, with or without priestly


The PhD studentships are available from 2 January 2013. Applicants must


demonstrated Egyptological expertise

ability to work with both texts and artefacts familiarity with and desire to

study Middle to New Kingdom religion reading knowledge of German and French

Digital expertise will be integral to one of the studentships detailed

below. Please provide details in your statement of interest of experience of

working with:

relational databases


Web 2.0 (interactive websites, blogs, virtual spaces) multimedia

Both Ph.D.’s are based in the Department of History and Classics, College of

Arts and Humanities. The successful candidate will join a vigorous and

friendly postgraduate community supported by theGraduate Centre for Arts and

Humanities at Swansea University. The Academic Supervisor will be Dr. Kasia

Szpakowska, a specialist in Ancient Egyptian private religious practice and

co-founder of the international Ancient Egyptian Demonology Project.

Applicants must have an MA or equivalent qualification, obtained or due to

be obtained by October 2012, in any relevant discipline.

Preliminary application materials consist of

academic CV

1-2 page expression of interest (include why you are interested, a bit about

your background and how you fulfil the brief) research proposal (no more

than 1200 words or 5 pages) focussing on one of the areas (or both if you

have no preference) referee information (names, contact details, and emails

of 2 referees)

To submit materials or for more information please contact Kasia Szpakowska,

( Please note that I will be on annual leave

6-15 and 27-31 August and will not be able to respond to emails.

Eligibility: Home/EU students

Closing date: 17 September 2012

International Consortium for Research in the Humanities, University

Erlangen-Nuremberg, Germany – Postdoctoral and Senior Fellowships –

Call for Applications


Boston College – 2013-2014 Corcoran Visiting Chair in

Christian-Jewish Relations


Leibniz Institute of European History – Wissenschaftliche/r

Mitarbeiter/in (Islamwissenschaft / Islamische Studien / Islamische




The advertisements for a postdoctoral researcher in South Asian / Buddhist studies and a research assistant in social movements based at NUIM (Ireland) are now available online at (search under “Education” and “Academic”) and at

The successful candidates will be part of a team researching the life of U Dhammaloka, a Dublin-born migrant worker who became an activist monk in early C20th Burma, other Irish figures in the Asian Buddhist Revival with their transnational organisational links and the wider world of working-class western Buddhists. The postdoctoral researcher will be exploring Indian and Sri Lankan archives while the research assistant will be attempting to identify U Dhammaloka’s pre-Buddhist past as a plebeian activist in the US. This funded project, “Early western Buddhists in Asia: transnational lives, hidden histories, colonial encounters”, is associated with a wider 3-year research project on other aspects of U Dhammaloka and early western Buddhists in Asia. Further background is available on

Full details of job requirements and how to apply are on the websites listed above. For informal enquiries please feel free to contact me (but by Monday 6th August as I will then be on holiday until close to the deadline). We plan to hold interviews (by phone or skype for candidates not currently based in Ireland) in the week starting 3 September. The successful applicants must start work by 1 October (this is a condition of the funding).

University of Exeter

Modern Middle Eastern History

Cultural Studies of the Muslim World

Middle East Politics

Arabic and Islamic Studies


I am pleased to announce that the July 2012 issue of “Paranthropology: Journal of Anthropological Approaches to the Paranormal” is now available to download from the following links:

This edition features:

“A Paradigm Breaking Hypothesis for Solving the Mind-Body Problem” – Bernardo Kastrup

“Psychic Surgery as a “Breaking Frame”: Ethnographic Observations of a London Based Psychic Surgeon” – Lara Bauer

“Tylor and Neo-Tylorian Approaches to the Study of Religion: Re-Evaluating an Important Lineage in the Theorisation of Religion” – Liam Sutherland

“Child Witches: From Imaginary Cannibalism to Ritual Abuse in London” – Leo Ruickbie

“The Shamanic Flight of the Soul: Visiting Other Worlds” – Erwin Rooijakkers

“Entheogenic Spirituality and Gender in Australia” – Joseph Gelfer

Print editions will be available within 2-3 weeks.


Title: Contract Review Grant for First-Time Textbook Authors

Description: The Text and Academic Authors Association (TAA) is

offering grants to cover the cost of hiring an intellectual

property attorney to provide assistance in negotiating a

textbook contract. Members can apply for grants of up to $1,000

and non-members can apply for grants of up to $250. The grants

are l …



Announcement ID: 195880

Title: TAA Academic Publication Grants

Description: The Text and Academic Authors Association (TAA) is

offering grants to cover expenses incurred in publishing print

academic journal articles and books including academic journal

page costs or university press subventions; the cost of

preparing artwork or other charts, diagrams, or images to be

includ …



Announcement ID: 195881


St Philip’s Centre is an ecumenical foundation in Leicester with over 6 years’ experience delivering inter faith courses and community engagement projects. It is one of 4 national Presence & Engagement centres set in Bradford, Leicester, Birmingham and London. Leicester is the most multi religious city outside London. The Centre’s patron is The Most Revd. Dr Rowan Williams, Archbishop of Canterbury.

1. St Philips Centre Leicester offer Part-Time Post Graduate Courses in Inter Religious Relations, validated by De Montfort University.

Choose from Certificate, Diploma and MA courses studies part-time over 1 or 2 years. Places are still available for our September 2012 intake.

Internship opportunities are available through the Centre’s links with establishments in India and Sweden.

Contact the Registrar for further details of fees and modules. Call 0116 273 3459 or email

2. Exercising Senior Christian Leadership in a Multi Faith Society – Tuesday 18th September 2012 and Thursday 21st February 2013

St Philip’s Centre Leicester offers a One Day Course for Christian Leaders of all denominations to challenge and inspire fresh thinking across a range of inter faith areas. £140 including lunch and resource books(The cost of this course is usually covered by the respective ecumenical partners). Call 0116 273 3459 or email

3. Presence & Engagement in a Multi Faith World – Thursday 11th, 18th & 25th October 2012 and Tuesday 26th-Thursday 28th February 2013

A three day training course for Christians of all denominations examining Christian mission and identity within a multi faith society including visits to key places of worship in Leicester.

The total cost is £120 including lunches and refreshments (Some funding may be available). Call 0116 273 3459 or email

4. ‘Non Stop Turmoil or Global Spring?’ One Day Conference Saturday 3rd November 2012 10am – 4pm Venue: St Philip’s Church, Evington Road, Leicester LE2 1HN

Hosted by St Philip’s Centre’s Christian Muslim Dialogue Group and led by Jim Kenney, visionary and ‘big picture’ thinker. This one day conference is a chance for Muslims and Christians to explore contemporary religious and spiritual values and help shape the future. Tickets £10 including vegetarian lunch. Call 0116 273 3459 or email