Welcome to the Religious Studies Opportunities Digest! This week you will find a new job opportunity, a grant, a seminar, and 4 Call for Papers.
Everyone at RSP says thank you to all who have generously supported the RSP through our Patreon and PayPal donation options! Our goal is to have 100 patrons (currently at 32!) to support all of our upcoming developments. Please visit our donations page for information on how you can sign up for a regular subscription, leave a one-off donation, advertise with us, or use our Amazon links.
Visiting Assistant Professor of Religious Studies (Full-Time, emphasis on African American Religions)
College of Charleston, US
Deadline: March 18, 2023
More Information: https://jobs.cofc.edu/postings/13544
Partners for Sacred Spaces
Deadline: April 1, 2023
More Information: http://www.rraweb.org/call-for-papers-partners-for-sacred-places/
Theology in Arabic Seminar Series
More Information: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdLbhu-sWMDVeiFKkPdMaM22yfB2x9gYxJdvzR44vzSsTUf8g/viewform
Call for Papers:
Phenomenology and the Sciences: Between Foundation, Clarification, and Material Contributions
Deadline: June 1, 2023
More Information: https://philevents.org/event/show/108181
Interfused: Imagination, Faith, and Reason in Romantic Writers
Deadline: May 31, 2023
More Information: https://call-for-papers.sas.upenn.edu/cfp/2023/02/15/interfused-imagination-faith-and-reason-in-romantic-writers
Phenomenology and the Limits of Experience
Deadline: April 10, 2023
More Information: https://philevents.org/event/show/108177
Ecclesiastical Historical Society Blog Posts
More Information: eccleshistsoc@gmail.com