Calls for papers
INSIDE OUT: Reflexivity and Methodology in Research with British Muslims and Muslims in Britain Research Network Meet
September 10, 2014, 10 AM–5 PM
Cardiff University, UK
Calls for: delegates
Deadline: N/A
Religion, Citizenship and Public Policy
November 14–15, 2015
(Please note: The oppsdigest of August 5 incorrectly stated that the date was 2014, not 2015 as is correct.)
University of Dongguk, South Korea
Calls for: papers
Deadline: September 9, 2014
IAHR panel: Differentiating Nonreligion
August 23–29, 2015
Calls for: abstracts
Deadline: September 8, 2014
Conferences and events
L’effetto di Papa Francesco. L’impatto del nuovo pontificato sulla realtà italiana e sul panorama religioso internazionale
August 25–28, 2014
San Gimignano, Italy
Christianity and the Limits of Materiality
September 25-26, 2014
University of Turku, Finland
Missionaries, Materials and the Making of the Modern World
September 15–17, 2014
Emmanuel College, Cambridge, UK