The Religious Studies Project (RSP) is an international collaborative enterprise producing weekly podcasts and resources on the social-scientific study of religion.
Since January 2012 we have released over 330 podcasts with religious studies scholars on cutting-edge theoretical, methodological, and empirical issues.
You can find them here on our website, along with response essays which broaden the conversation, teaching resources for using our podcasts to learn more about religious studies, and our weekly digest of opportunities (including job postings, journal CFPs, conference announcements, and funding sources).
The RSP is a non-profit charitable organisation supported by the British Association for the Study of Religions, North American Association for the Study of Religion, International Association for the History of Religions, European Association for the Study of Religions, and Australian Association for the Study of Religions.
But we always need your financial support so we can keep our episodes free. You can contribute by using our Amazon Associates links to shop or with a one-time or monthly donation.
Unless otherwise stated, all RSP material is disseminated under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License. and can be distributed and utilised freely, provided full citation is given.
The views expressed in podcasts, features, and responses are the views of their individual contributors, and do not necessarily reflect the views of the RSP or our sponsors.
The RSP was launched in 2012 by Christopher R. Cotter (University of Edinburgh) and David G. Robertson (The Open University) to bring contemporary issues in RS to a wider audience and provide a resource for undergraduate students of RS, their teachers, and interested members of the public.
Their aim was to provide engaging, concise, and reliable accounts of the most important concepts, traditions, scholars and methodologies in the contemporary study of religion, without pushing a religious or nonreligious agenda or resorting to presenting “fact files” about “World Religions”. You can view a short video clip with the founders explaining their motivation here.
We are eternally grateful for the support of dozens of staff members and hundreds of contributors, and would like to acknowledge the hard work of our former editorial team members Louise Connelly (2011-2013), Per Smith (2012-2013), Kevin Whitesides (2012-2015), Hanna Lehtinen (2013-2014), Knut Melvær (2013-2017), Martin Lepage (2014-2016), Venetia Robertson (2014-2016), Jane Skjoldli (2013-2017), Cole Gleason (2015-2016), Katie Aston (2016-2017), Thomas J. Coleman III (2013-2019), Jonathan Tuckett (2012-2019), Sammy Bishop (2016-2019), and Marek Sullivan (2018-2019).
The Religious Studies Project is a Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organization (SCIO) devoted to producing engaging and accessible resources for the contemporary study of religion.
In September 2017, The Religious Studies Project Association (the organisation behind the scenes at the RSP) became The Religious Studies Project Association [SCIO] . This meant the production of a constitution, the appointment of trustees, and a whole lot more.
A pdf version of the constitution of The Religious Studies Project Association [SCIO] is available.
The trustees of the SCIO are:The Religious Studies Project is made possible by the generous contributions of hundreds of scholars over the last decade. We’re exceedingly grateful for their scholarship and their participation in this open-access forum for the academic study of religion.
To see a full list of our contributors, please visit this page.
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution- NonCommercial- NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.
The views expressed in podcasts, features and responses are the views of the individual contributors, and do not necessarily reflect the views of The Religious Studies Project or our sponsors. The Religious Studies Project is produced by the Religious Studies Project Association (SCIO), a Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organisation (charity number SC047750).