Explore the RSP Archive

Following the Objects: Seeing Religion in Egypt and Syria


8 March 2021

Why do scholars of religion have such a variety of incomplete and messy tools to “follow the objects”? Find out with the curious stories of devotional objects from Cairo and Damascus as Candace Mixon speaks with Richard McGregor about Islam and the Devotional object.


Candace Mixon


Richard McGregor


Race and the Aliites


1 March 2021

Complex issues of race, identity, citizenship, sovereignty, and Law come together in this interview with Spencer Dew about the New Religious Movements surrounding Noble Drew Ali and the groups he inspired.


David McConeghy


Spencer Dew


Religious Climate Activism | Discourse! February 2021


22 February 2021

Environmental issues take center stage in this month's episode of Discourse!, hosted by Michael Munnik with guests Suzanne Owen and Daniel Gorman Jr.


Suzanne Owen


Daniel Gorman, Jr.


Michael Munnik


Beyond Ecological Essentialism: Critical and Constructive Muslim Environmentalisms


15 February 2021

The diversity of Muslim environmentalisms shows the urgency of decolonizing Religious Studies and Environmental Humanities amid escalating global climate crises, says Prof. Anna Gade in this week's episode. Based on her decades of fieldwork in Indonesia, Dr. Gade sketches new intersections of religion and the environment that decenter conversations long dominated by Western ecological models.


David McConeghy


Lauren E. Osborne


Anna Gade


Myth-making, Environmentalism, and Non-Religion


8 February 2021

What myths do non-religious people use in their climate and environmental activism? What does the study of everyday stories bring to the study of 'religion' and 'non-religion'? Find out in this interview with Dr. Tim Stacey by RSP Co-Founder Christopher R. Cotter.


Christopher R. Cotter


Timothy Stacey