Explore the RSP Archive

Developing a Critical Study of Non-Religion


24 August 2020

Can discourse analysis help scholars avoid the pitfalls of studying non-religion? In his new book, RSP Co-Founder Christopher R. Cotter argues it can. Speaking with co-host Breann Fallon, this interview highlights the challenges of studying non-religion while celebrating the promise of new methodologies.


Christopher R. Cotter


Breann Fallon


Decolonizing Religious Studies and Its Layers of Complicity


17 August 2020

What layers of complicity in colonialism are still embedded in the field of religious studies? How can we learn from decades of decolonial work in Native American and Indigenous Studies? Dr. Natalie Avalos speaks with RSP co-host David McConeghy about the urgency of decolonial scholarship to start the RSP's 10th season.


David McConeghy


Natalie Avalos


Decolonizing the Study of Religion


29 June 2020

How can the field address its whiteness and the legacy of its colonial origins? In this final episode of our 2019/2020 season Christopher Cotter speaks with Malory Nye about decolonizing Religious Studies.


Christopher R. Cotter


Malory Nye


The Science of Prayer: Genealogies and Biopolitics


22 June 2020

In this week's episode, John Lardas Modern discusses the genealogy and biopolitics of the scientific study of prayer from E.B. Tylor to DEVO.


David McConeghy


John L. Modern


Discourse! June 2020


15 June 2020

Amid mass protests against police brutality and systemic racism ongoing in the United States, RSP contributor Ben Marcus speaks with Andre Willis and Carleigh Beriont about race and religion in this month's Discourse episode.


Benjamin P. Marcus


Andre C. Willis


Carleigh Ann Beriont