Explore the RSP Archive

Media and the Study of Religion


20 January 2020

Vivian Asimos, Chris Cotter, Time Hutchings and Suzanne Owen discuss the intersections of Media and the Study of Religion.


Christopher R. Cotter


Tim Hutchings


Suzanne Owen


Vivian Asimos


The Sacrality of the Secular and Philosophy of Religion


13 January 2020

In this week's podcast, we speak with Bradley Onishi about the ways in which philosophy of religion has thought "with" religion rather than for or against religion. "It's possible," he says, "to hold an enchanted secularity" if we think about religions themselves as tools for questioning our basic assumptions about the world.


David McConeghy


Bradley Onishi


Discourse! #13 | January 2020


Separating Religion and Government...But What Is Religion?: A Look at the US Supreme Court


6 January 2020

Americans generally affirm the importance of separating "church" and "state." But what does church--or religion--mean? Hear two leading religious freedom lawyers discuss the meaning of religious freedom in key #SCOTUS cases, including one before the Court this term.


Benjamin P. Marcus


Maggie Garrett


Jennifer Hawks


Only Sixty Seconds! | Mid-Year Special 2019


23 December 2019

For our eighth(!) annual special, Only Sixty Seconds returns! This time, Chris Cotter is your host, as David G. Robertson returns to defend his 2018 crown against Bettina Schmidt, Douglas Davies and Theo Wildcroft. We may not have avoided repetition, but I do not hesitate in promising you no deviation from hilarity!


Christopher R. Cotter


David G. Robertson


Bettina Schmidt


Theo Wildcroft


Douglas Davies