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Discourse #11 | Oct 2019


19 November 2019

Chris Cotter is joined by Susannah Crockford and Sierra Lawson in this month's edition of discourse, discussing college football politics in Alabama, Donald Trump's new 'spiritual adviser', a Day of the Dead/Dia de Muertos memorializing migrants who have died at the US border, Armistice/Remembrance/Veterans day rituals, and the recent controversy surrounding QR codes at the AAR-SBL.


Christopher R. Cotter


Susannah Crockford


Sierra Lawson


Doctors and Stigmatics in the 19th and 20th centuries


18 November 2019

In this week's podcast with Gabor Klaniczay we learn about cases of stigmata during the 19th and 20th century in Europe, where medical discourses clashed with as well as supported religious discourses about the authenticity and meaning of famous stigmata cases like Italian Padre Pio.


Sidney Castillo


Gabor Klaniczay


Reflections on "Thinking with Jonathan Z. Smith"


11 November 2019

Aaron W. Hughes, the keynote speaker for the #JZSatNTNU Conference in Trondheim, Norway, talks conference panelist Andie Alexander about the legacy of Jonathan Z. Smith's work for the field of religious studies.


Aaron W. Hughes


Andie Alexander


Lady Death and the Pluralization of Latin American Religion


31 October 2019

In today’s podcast, Professor R. Andrew Chesnut connects Brazil’s colonial past to its pluralist present and explains why folk saint devotion to Santa Muerte or Lady Death is one of the fastest growing religious movements in the world.


David McConeghy


R. Andrew Chesnut


EASR 2019 Publishing Panel


28 October 2019

This panel, recorded at the EASR conference 2019 at the University of Tartu, is intended for PhD students and early career scholars who want to learn more about the publishing world.


Christopher R. Cotter


David G. Robertson


Suzanne Owen