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Negotiating Gender in Contemporary Occultism


10 December 2018

In this interview conducted at the 2018 EASR conference in Bern, Sammy Bishop speaks to Manon Hedenborg White about the development of Western esotericism, charting the influence of the infamous Aleister Crowley and his philosophy of Thelema. They explore Crowley's somewhat ambiguous view of gender, before bringing the research into the present day, on how gender roles in contemporary Thelema can be contested and negotiated. Finally, Hedenborg White delves into the important but often overlooked role of women in the development of contemporary Occultism.


Sammy Bishop


Manon Hedenborg White


A Global Study on Government Restrictions and Social Hostilities Related to Religion


3 December 2018

In this podcast, we speak with Dr. Katayoun Kishi, who oversaw the ninth in a series of reports by Pew Research Center analyzing the extent to which governments and societies around the world impinge on religious beliefs and practices. We discuss the findings of the report as well as methodology for collecting and analyzing data. Dr. Kishi summarizes findings for different regions of the world--including the Americas, Europe, and the Middle East and North Africa--and she explains long-term trends evident from Pew's reports.


Benjamin P. Marcus


Katayoun Kishi


Religion, Education, and Politics in Australia and NZ


26 November 2018

Following on from the delivery of her conference paper at the EASR 2018 in Bern, in this podcast, Professor Marion Maddox of Macquarie University speaks to Thomas White regarding the historical, national and regional differences in the presence of religion in Australian and New Zealand schools.


Thomas White


Marion Maddox


Are You My Data? #2: Russell McCutcheon


21 November 2018

Become a patron of the RSP for access to this exclusive podcast series.


Russell McCutcheon


New Directions in the Study of Scientology


19 November 2018

Scientology seems almost exclusively to be considered fair game (pun intended) for ridicule and criticism among New Religious Movements, and this may have much to tell us about the theoretical models scholars are using, and the institutional factors at play in the legitimisation of particular traditions in the academic and popular discourse. We discuss insider scholarship and the control of information; the Free Zone and the Church; strategic use of the category 'religion'; and how we see scholarship developing in the post-Hubbard era


David G. Robertson


Carole Cusack


Stephen Gregg


Aled Thomas