Explore the RSP Archive

A Dark Goddess: An inter-religious language for feminine spirituality


15 October 2018

Ross Downing interviews academic and vlogger Áine Warren about her research and fieldwork experience of the Dark Goddess; a contemporary Pagan feminist figure being fed into by women from all over the world and from many religious backgrounds. The inspiration of Jungian psychology is discussed and the development of a media-based theology or thealogy.


Áine Warren


Ross Downing


Representations of Religious Studies in Popular Culture


8 October 2018

Given that popular cultural representations are more likely to shape public perceptions about what the study of religion is and who does it than either direct experience in the classroom or statistics about graduation rates and job placements, we hope that you will agree that we should try to understand what these perceptions are. In this podcast, Chris speaks with Professors Brian Collins and Kristen Tobey about this fascinating and important topic.


Christopher R. Cotter


Brian Collins


Kristen Tobey


Ecospirituality, Gender and Nature


1 October 2018

Is, as Sherry Ortner once asked, Female to Nature as Male is to Culture? Where does this discourse come from? How does this gendering of nature intersect with contemporary forms of ecospirituality? And religion more generally? Why does it matter? And for whom? Joining Chris today to discuss these questions and more, is Dr Susannah Crockford of Ghent University.


Christopher R. Cotter


Susannah Crockford


Are You My Data? #1: Carole Cusack


26 September 2018


Carole Cusack


What is the point of of academic conferences?: A roundtable discussion


24 September 2018

Why attend conferences? What is the point? What else could we do instead that might be a better use of our time? And how did we find having a fully-functional podcast studio set up at this conference? These are just a few of the issues that crop up in this lively roundtable discussion, facilitated by the inestimable Moritz Klenk.


Christopher R. Cotter


Moritz F. Klenk


Sammy Bishop


Thomas White


Angela Puca