Explore the RSP Archive

Muslim Superheroes


28 May 2018

A. Dave Lewis joins us again for a discussion of representations of Muslims in superhero comics. We talk about some positive representations, like Kamala Khan, Marvel's new Ms Marvel, and some less-than-positive portrayals, like Frank Millar's Holy Terror!


David G. Robertson


A David Lewis


Worldviews and Ways of Life


21 May 2018

Ann Taves joins us to discuss her work arguing that we should study religions under the broader rubric of "worldviews" and "ways of life". This ambitious interdisciplinary project aims to place a micro-level analysis of individual worldviews into a broader evolutionary perspective.


David G. Robertson


Ann Taves


From Static Categories to a River of Theories: "The Myth of Disenchantment"


14 May 2018

In a free wheeling conversation, Dr. Jason Josephson-Storm and Dan Gorman discuss the intellectual history of religious studies and the myth that magic is dead.


Jason Ā. Josephson Storm


Daniel Gorman, Jr.


Situating Religion within Justice


7 May 2018

In this podcast Professor Joe Bulbulia of Auckland University speaks to Thomas White about situating the study of religion within a broader concept of ‘justice’. Bulbulia calls ‘religion and spirituality those features of nature [in the biocultural sense of the word] that combine to cultivate a sense of justice in people’. Bulbulia argues that common across human societies are conceptions of obligation and responsibility:


Thomas White


Joseph Bulbulia


Stereotyping Religion: Critical Approaches to Pervasive Cliches


30 April 2018

"Religions are belief systems", "Religions are intrinsically violent", "Religion is Bullshit"... these are just some of the pervasive cliches that we might hear from time to time in the English-speaking world about our central topic of discussion on the RSP, 'religion'.


Christopher R. Cotter


Craig Martin


Brad Stoddard