Explore the RSP Archive

What do we mean by Indigenous Religion(s)?


2 October 2017

We talk a lot about the World Relgions Paradigm at the Religious Studies Project, and this discussion looks more closely at one of the ancillary categories, Indigenous Religion. What exactly does this term refer to? Does it refer to specific religions (plural) or a kind of religion (singular)?


David G. Robertson


Bjørn Ola Tafjord


Arkotong Longkumer


Hindu Traditions in Contemporary British Communities


25 September 2017

This podcast explores how Hindu belief and traditions have been incorporated into modern western practices. An overview of the British kirtan community and the Art of Living movement is followed by a discussion of authenticity, reconciliation of tradition and modernity, and the influence of popular culture.


Steve Jacobs


Theo Wildcroft


Ella Bock

Ella Bock


Islamic Millennialism


18 September 2017

We may tend to think of millennialism as something typical of New Religious Movements and christian fundamentalism, but it has a long and interesting history in the Islamic world too. Rob Gleave, Professor of Arabic Studies at Exeter, takes us through the history of Islamic millennialism, ...


David G. Robertson


Robert Gleave


Black Religious Movements and Religio-Racial Identities during the Great Migration


26 June 2017

In this podcast, Judith Weisenfeld talks to Brad Stoddard about her new book, New World A-Coming: Black Religion and Racial Identity during the Great Depression. In this book, Weisenfeld explores several social groups in the early 1900s who combined religious and racial rhetoric to fashion new identities.


Brad Stoddard


Judith Weisenfeld


Evangelical Yoga: Cultural Appropriation and Translation in American Religions


19 June 2017

In this interview, we discuss yoga as a new American phenomenon and the way that some evangelical Christians practice it. Brown provides a historic overview of bodily–religious practices in America, starting with mesmerism, occultism, osteopathy, and chiropractic in the nineteenth century.


Daniel Gorman, Jr.


Candy Gunther-Brown