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Ralph Ellison’s Invisible Theology


12 June 2017

By claiming the invisible not simply as a materialist term but a metaphysical one as well, Harriss contends that despite—or even because of—his status as a thoroughly “ secular” novelist and critic, Ellison’s writing reflects important theological trends and issues that mark his age and the cultural inheritances of his literary production.


Brad Stoddard


Cooper Harriss


Angel Spirituality


5 June 2017

What is angel spirituality, and who does it appeal to (hint: women)? How do they challenge preconceptions about the relationship between new spiritualities and Christianity, and raise interesting questions about gender, and vernacular religion in supposedly post-Christian Europe?


David G. Robertson


Terhi Utriainen


Jesuits, Mormons, and American Religion in the World


29 May 2017

My conversation with Maffly-Kipp begins with McGreevy's book, expands to include her work on Mormonism in contrast to Catholicism, and ends with a discussion of evangelical historian Mark Noll, in whose honor Notre Dame was originally going to host a conference, but was cancelled at the last minute.


Daniel Gorman, Jr.


Laurie F. Maffly-Kipp


Millennialism and Violence?


22 May 2017

Are we right to connect millennialism and violence? Are groups like Heaven's Gate or the Branch Davidians typical, or rare exceptions, magnified out of proportion by the lens of the media - and scholarship? How do we account for the popularity of mllennialism outside of religious traditions, new, extreme or otherwise?


David G. Robertson


Eileen Barker


Joseph Webster


Moojan Momen


Tristan Sturm


Witchcraft in Rural Slovenia


15 May 2017

Based on her ethnographic fieldwork in the area, Mencej describes witchcraft from a variety of angles, from psychological to anthropological and historical, providing a detailed understanding of witchcraft as part of the lived social reality of the community. In what kind of situations are witchcraft narratives evoked?


Hanna Lehtinen


Mirjam Mencej