Explore the RSP Archive

Reinventing Graduate Education in the Study of Religion


3 April 2017

We spend a lot of time on the Religious Studies Project discussing Religious Studies as a discipline or field of study, what it means to study 'religion' with or without quotation marks, and what exactly it is that the critical, scholarly study of societal discourses surrounding 'religion' might have to offer. However, ...


Christopher R. Cotter


K. Merinda Simmons


Michael J. Altman


Religion and the Psy-Disciplines


27 March 2017

In this podcast, Dr. Christopher Harding uses his research on psychoanalysis and Buddhism in modern Japan to tackle the two-way dialogue between religion and the psy-disciplines. How have these shaped each other, and what are tensions between them?


Krittika Bhattacharjee


Christopher Harding


Six Scholars Discuss the Dissertation to First Book Process


20 March 2017

Ever wonder what it's like to complete the dissertation to first book process? How people find publishers? How much the publisher and editor influence the project? This podcast offers a roundtable discussion where six scholars discuss these questions and more. All six published some version of their dissertation, and they have unique insights and anecdotes to help explain and illumine this process.


Craig Martin


Brad Stoddard


Finbarr Curtis


Rachel Lindsey


Emily Clark


South American church-state relations


13 March 2017

Politics and social institutions are inseparable. Whether we take a look at small-scale or complex societies, we can find that politics is involved with economics, kinship with hierarchy, and of course, religion with the state. In this podcast, Sidney Castillo interviews professor Marco Huaco Palomino as he addresses the nuances of secularity in several Latin American countries.


Sidney Castillo


Marco Huaco Palomino


Religion, Gender, and Gender Violence


6 March 2017

In this podcast Dr Caroline Blyth discusses her research on 'theologies of rape' and gender violence as enacted against males and masculinity, particularly within the Christian Church. Blyth also discusses her upcoming edited series Rape Culture, Gender Violence and Religion (edited with Dr Emily Colgan and Dr Katie Edwards).


Breann Fallon


Caroline Blyth