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Is Secularism a World Religion?


28 November 2016

Discussion starts with the entanglement of the concepts 'religion' and 'secularism', a brief discussion of the problems associated with the World Religions Paradigm, and then moves to the pedagogical merits and challenges of teaching 'secularism/s' within a World Religions model. We hope you enjoy this experiment!


Christopher R. Cotter


Donovan Schaefer


Researching Radicalisation


21 November 2016

We discuss what we mean by 'radicalisation', and what its connections to socialisation, terrorism, and 'religion' might be. We take on the methodological question of how one might go about researching such a contested topic, and look specifically at some of Matthew's findings relating to the causes of radicalisation, and the neo-Durkheimian 'sacred'.


Christopher R. Cotter


Matthew Francis


Death, Music, and Ritual: Contemporary Requiems in the Commemoration of Death and Violence


14 November 2016

Hoondert discusses the step away from the liturgy associated with requiems as way for today's individual to deal with death or violence in their own way. Still, It is clear that the ritual elements of the requiem remains, hence where this contemporary music fits into the sacral landscape is up for debate.


Breann Fallon


M.J.M. Hoondert


Religion, Youth, and Intergenerationality


7 November 2016

We begin this interview by asking what is ‘youth’? How do sociologists define it? What are some of the current trends in sociological research on youth? What, if anything, is distinctive about youth experience? Discussion then turns to ‘religion and youth’, focusing on why scholars might be interested in it, ...


Christopher R. Cotter


Naomi Thompson


Researching Religious Diversity


31 October 2016

In this interview, we discuss the broad topic of diversity, contrast this with concepts of 'difference', and ask what on Steven Vertovec might mean by the concept of 'super-diversity' (2007). We then ask why scholars might be interested in situations of 'religious diversity',...


Christopher R. Cotter


Martin Stringer