Explore the RSP Archive

Evangelicalism and Civic Space


24 October 2016

In this podcast, Anna Strhan talks to Katie Aston about her research among evangelical Christians, exploring their search for coherence in the contemporary city. How do the members of conservative Anglican congregations negotiate their place in a secular multicultural society, ...


Katie Aston


Anna Strhan


A Critical Introduction to the History, Beliefs, and Practices of Wiccans


17 October 2016

In this interview Ethan Doyle White, author of the book Wicca: History, Belief, and Community in Modern Pagan Witchcraft, introduces his systematic overview of the contested history and multifaceted developments of Wicca. White presents his own methodological approaches and theoretical data utilising both emic and etic sources in a thematic framework.


Damon Zacharias Lycourinos


Ethan Doyle White


Religion and Feminism


10 October 2016

'Religion' and 'Feminism' are two concepts that have a complex relationship in the popular imaginary. But what do academics mean by these two concepts? And how can we study their interrelationship? What can we say about 'religion and feminism', about the academic study of 'religion and feminism', ...


Christopher R. Cotter


Dawn Llewellyn


Communism and Catholicism: Religion and Religious Studies in Lithuania


3 October 2016

What is the religious field like in a country where religion was banned for half of the 20th century? And how do you set up a Religious Studies department there? Under Communism, religion was suppressed in the formerly Catholic Eastern European country of Lithuania until the 1990s.


David G. Robertson


Milda Ališauskienė


An Introduction to the Sociology of Religion


26 September 2016

What is the sociology of religion? What are its particular concerns, dominant themes and defining methodologies? Where did it begin, and how has it evolved? This interview with Grace Davie, the first in our BSA SOCREL series, introduces this important and historically influential approach to the study of religion.


David G. Robertson


Grace Davie