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ISKCON In Britain


6 June 2016

Kim Knott provides an overview of the Hare Krishna movement in Britain, which celebrates its 50th anniversary this year.


Kim Knott


Aled Thomas


The "Axial Age": Problematising Religious History in a Post-Colonial Setting


30 May 2016

In the latest #RSPpod from our friends in Australia, Dr Jack Tsonis gets fired up about the "Axial Age" as well as the difficulties the immediate post-PhD years. Karl Jaspers created the term “Axial Age” in 1949 after considering that the Bhagavad Gita, the Pali Canon, the Book of Isaiah,...


Jack Tsonis


Breann Fallon


BDSM as Religious Practice


23 May 2016

Alison Robertson gives an insight to her doctoral research on BDSM as religious practice. In this interview Alison Robertson gives an insight to her doctoral research on BDSM (Bondage, Dominance, and Submission) as religious practice. Throughout her research, Robertson has examined the relationship between BDSM and religiosity,


Aled Thomas


Alison Robertson


Permutations of Secularism


16 May 2016

In this interview, we first focus on the origins of the term “secularism,” the proliferation of its meanings, and the uses to which it is put in Anglo-American contexts. Then we discuss the uses of the terms secularism and the secular today, particularly using a specific case study from Joe’s research on American nonbeliever organizations.


Dusty Hoesly


Joseph Blankholm


UFOs, Conspiracy Theories... and Religion?


9 May 2016

Area 51, Ancient Aliens, endemic child abuse at the BBC, and Reptilians,... This interview begins with David's own journey to this research field, before considering some basic questions such as "what is a conspiracy theory?"


Christopher R. Cotter


David G. Robertson