Explore the RSP Archive

The Supernatural and the New Comparativism


21 September 2015

Jeffrey Kripal argues that we need to make room for the paranormal in the study of religion, and that consciousness should be at the forefront of our study.


David G. Robertson


Jeffrey J. Kripal


Encounters Between Buddhism and the West


14 September 2015

In this story is a continuation of "dissident orientalism", a conflict inherent within the colonial project wherein communities and personal trajectories become embedded within local religious contexts. A distinction made, both in Ireland and Burma, between native religion and the religion of the coloniser serves ...


Eoin O'Mahony


Laurence Cox


'Religious' and 'Spiritual' Struggles: Now in 'Nonreligious' and 'Nonspiritual' flavors!


22 June 2015

In this interview, Dr. Julie Exline discusses what led to her interest in Struggles and some of the background behind the development of the Religious and Spiritual Struggle Scale. She goes on to talk about why the scale includes struggles relevant to both religious believers and nonbelievers and how this work related to some of her current work on god images in both groups.


Alex Uzdavines


Julie Exline


Is Religion Special? A Critical Look at Religion, Wellbeing and Prosociality


15 June 2015

Is religion good for your health and wellbeing? Does religion promote prosociality? While positive stereotypes prevail in these domains, studies also typically answer these questions in the affirmative and as such, it is easy to think that there must be something special, sui generis, ...


Thomas J. Coleman III


Luke Galen


Christian Reconstruction


8 June 2015

Rousas John Rushdoony might be one of the most important Christian theologians you've never heard of. In this interview, Professor Michael McVicar discusses Rushdoony and Christian Reconstruction. McVicar gained unprecedented access to Rushdoony's personal files, ...


Brad Stoddard


Michael J. McVicar