Explore the RSP Archive

MasterBrain! | Mid-Year Special 2014


22 December 2014

Here are some traditions that make this time of the year special. End-of-year listicles, the "War on Christmas" debate, animations of elves dancing with your family's heads pasted on... and of course, the RSP "Christmas" Special!


David G. Robertson


Carole Cusack


Ethan Gjerset Quillen


Jonathan Tuckett


Beth Singler


Baby Boomers, Quest Culture, and Spiritual Seeking


15 December 2014

In this interview, discussion focuses on Roof’s work on the Baby Boom generation and beyond, particularly as expressed in his books A Generation of Seekers (1993) and Spiritual Marketplace (1999). In these books, Roof combined survey data with panel studies and interviews across a broad spectrum ...


Dusty Hoesly


Wade Clark Roof




8 December 2014

In this interview with Chris, Altglas discusses the complex genealogy of 'bricolage', tracing a movement from forms of cultural warfare to 'playful, postmodern bricoleurs' - what many might be tempted to dub 'pick and mix spirituality'. However, as Altglas goes on to demonstrate,...


Christopher R. Cotter


Véronique Altglas


Prayer, Pretense, and Personification: How God becomes real


1 December 2014

Luhrmann details the rise of evangelicals in the 60’s and 70’s, and how anthropological work can be informed by evolutionary psychology. This serves as a framework to understand the unique training processes that teach an individual that their mind is not only open to their own thoughts, but God’s as well.


Thomas J. Coleman III


Tanya Marie Luhrmann


Spiritualism and Shamanism


24 November 2014

Wilson's 'apprenticeship' model not only gives us a way to conceptualise shamanism without recourse to sui generis discourse, but draws interesting parallels between indigenous cultures and the somewhat hidden world of heterodox religious practices in the West.


David G. Robertson


David Gordon Wilson