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Studying "Non-Ordinary Realities": A Roundtable Discussion


20 October 2014

Bettina Schmidt and David Wilson organised a series of panels at the 2014 BASR Conference in Milton Keynes on the topic of "Studying Non-Ordinary Realities", as part of the conference's "Cutting Edge" sub-theme. We managed to make time to get Bettina and David,...


David G. Robertson


David Gordon Wilson


Jonathan Tuckett


Bettina Schmidt


Fiona Bowie


Witchcraft and Demonic Possession in Early Modern England


13 October 2014

Emeritus Professor Philip Almond discusses his work on witchcraft and demonic possession in early modern England, including issues such as the "familiar cultural script" that was usually played out, the strategic interests of those making accusations, and the broader context of post-Reformation turmoil in which confessional claims to truth took on new urgency.


Jack Tsonis


Philip Almond


The Emerging Church


6 October 2014

The Emerging Church Movement (ECM) is notoriously difficult to define. What are scholars of ‘religion’ to do with a trend seemingly emerging both within and without many contemporary manifestations of (Western) Christianity, that is both anti-institutional and ecumenical, aims to avoid hierarchies and power structures, embraces creativity,...


Christopher R. Cotter


Gladys Ganiel


Studying Vernacular Religion in the US


29 September 2014

Vernacular religion is a subject which fascinates us here at the RSP, because in keeping with our critical perspective, it challenges that idea that neat categorical boundaries may be drawn, and reminds us that when attempts are made to draw them, particular interests are being served.


David G. Robertson


Leonard Norman Primiano


Os serés matáves: Pentecostalism in the Prisons of Rio


22 September 2014

For Brazil’s “killable people”, there are two prevalent ways to deal with the relative hell of prison - both involving allegiance and devotion. You can give your life to the gang or give your life to God. Only three types of people dare to venture into the heart of a Minas Gerais prison: the condemned, the pentecostal pastors leading the prison ministry, ...


Thomas J. Coleman III


Andrew Johnson