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NSRN Annual Lecture 2012 - Matthew Engelke: In spite of Christianity


19 August 2013

What do we talk about when we talk about religion? What do we recognize as essential and specific to any given faith, and why? In this lecture, I address these questions by drawing on fieldwork among humanists in Britain, paying particular attention to humanism’s relation to Christianity.


Matthew Engelke


Outtakes and Review of the Year


1 July 2013

A very special episode of the podcast this week, to mark the beginning of our annual summer hiatus. For the past year, I (David) have kept a file where all the little amusing bits that didn't make it into the weekly episodes got put. Sometimes, this was because of restraints of time, but more often they were simply too 'scandalous'. I broadcast them here with that proviso.


Christopher R. Cotter


David G. Robertson


Louise Connelly


Material Religion Roundtable


24 June 2013

What exactly does Material Religion bring to Religious Studies? Is it a potentially revolutionary phenomenon, or merely a passing fad? How might one apply the theoretical perspectives and methodologies developed in this growing field to some of the defining debates of our subject area? To discuss these issues, and reflect on the conference in general,...


Christopher R. Cotter


David G. Robertson


Rachel Hanemann


George Ioannides


David Gordon Wilson


Identity or Identification?


19 June 2013

Identity or Identification? In this second podcast for Identities? Week, the Culture on the Edge group address the issue of religious identity. Is our identity – cultural, religious or other – something which causes us to act, or something which we choose to mobilise in certain circumstances? And what part do scholars have in reifying these discourses?


Russell McCutcheon


K. Merinda Simmons


Monica R. Miller


Craig Martin


Steven Ramey


Cross-Cultural Identities Roundtable


17 June 2013

It’s Identities? Week here at the Religious Studies Project, with not one but two specially-recorded roundtable discussions about how identity is negotiated (if indeed it is) through our religious, ethnic, sexual and socio-cultural identities. This first podcast focuses on identity and dislocation, either through diaspora or through rapid social change.


Paul-François Tremlett


Jasjit Singh