Explore the RSP Archive

Studying Nonreligion within Religious Studies


17 December 2012

How we can position the study of non-religion within the discipline of Religious Studies? In this episode, Chris Cotter is joined by Louise Connelly, Frans Jespers, Ethan Quillen, Steven Sutcliffe, and Teemu Taira to unpack the term 'non-religion'.


Christopher R. Cotter


Louise Connelly


Frans Jespers


Steven Sutcliffe


Ethan Gjerset Quillen


Religion in the 2011 UK Census


14 December 2012

An 'emergency broadcast' from the Religious Studies Project... featuring George Chryssides, Bettina Schmidt, Teemu Taira, Beth Singler, Christopher Cotter, and David Robertson. What did the 2011 census data actually say, and how did the press report it? Why does it matter, and how can we use the data more constructively?


Christopher R. Cotter


David G. Robertson


Teemu Taira


George Chryssides


Bettina Schmidt


Who joins New Religious Movements?


10 December 2012

In this episode of the Religious Studies Project, Lewis shares some of his views on the study of NRMs. It seems, claims Lewis, that our current generalizations about who joins such movements is based on outdated statistics. It seems no longer to be the case that it is primarily young people who join NMRs, rather joiners’ age has increased during recent decades.


James R. Lewis


Knut Melævr




3 December 2012

If statistics are to be believed, close to 100% of people in the UK know their astrological sun-sign. But what is astrology, exactly? Is it merely a “survival” from the medieval worldview, and what is its relationship to modernity and scientific thought? Most pertinently, does it have something profound to tell us about the nature of popular belief, or vernacular religion?


David G. Robertson


Nicholas Campion


Book Reviews


1 December 2012

When we were contacted earlier this year by a couple of publishers asking if we’d be interested in reviewing books, we immediately thought “Yes – but how?” We’re not a journal, and didn’t want to do the traditional journal review, but we do love books, and especially talking about them. So when Chris suggested we could combine several reviews into a roundtable format, ...


Christopher R. Cotter


David G. Robertson


David Gordon Wilson


Jonathan Tuckett