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Roundtable: Can We Trust the Social Sciences?


2 May 2012

In another roundtable gathering, conversation ranges from the strengths and weaknesses of such data, whether there is more to the social sciences than quantitative methods, and the place of the social sciences within a multi-disciplinary Religious Studies field. Can we trust social sciences when we study religion? Is a social scientific approach the future of religious studies?


Christopher R. Cotter


David G. Robertson


Ethan Gjerset Quillen


Kevin Whitesides


Katie Aston


Historical Approaches to (Losing) Religion


30 April 2012

How can we use historical approaches in the study of religion? More specifically, can we use historical approaches to understand why people are losing it? Professor Callum Brown tells us why historical approaches have much to tell us about religious change. How can we use historical approaches in the study of religion?


Christopher R. Cotter


Callum Brown


Religion After Darwin


23 April 2012

Charles Darwin's On The Origin of Species was published in 1859, and had an immediate and dramatic effect on religious narratives. Traditional religions were forced to adopt an evolutionary worldview, or to go on the offensive; whereas New Religious Movements like Wicca or New Age adopted an environmental concern as a central part of their belief. And possibly, ...


Christopher R. Cotter


David G. Robertson


Bron Taylor


The Secularisation Thesis


16 April 2012

What is the secularisation thesis? And how does it relate to the category of 'religion'? Join Linda Woodhead and David G. Robertson as they explore the development and ideas of the secularisation thesis.


David G. Robertson


Linda Woodhead


Psychological Approaches to the Study of Religion


9 April 2012

Last November, Chris had the pleasure of chatting to Professor Benjamin Beit-Hallahmi about the psychological approach, how one applies it to the study of religion, and the various challenges and advantages contained therein.


Christopher R. Cotter


Benjamin Beit-Hallahmi