Religious Studies Opportunities Digest (25 May 2012) – Jobs, Seminars, Books, Conferences and more…

25 May 2012 Issue

image of booksWe are not responsible for any content contained herein, but have simply copied and pasted from a variety of sources. If you have any content for future digests, please contact us via the various options on our ‘contact’ page.

In this issue:

  • Advanced Notice – Journals
  • New Books
  • Conference Announcements
  • Jobs
  • Scholarships
  • Calls for Papers
  • Seminars


Culture and Religion, vol 13, issue 2, 2012

Sociology of Religion, May 2012,

Journal of Korean Religions, Volume 3, Number 1 (April 2012). Guest edited by Boudewijn Walraven and titled “Late Chosŏn Buddhism,” this issue adds to the body of work challenging stereotypical appraisals of the Buddhist world of the Chosŏn dynasty.


Buddhism Across Boundaries: The Interplay of Indian, Chinese, and Central Asian Source Materials, edited by John R. McRae and Jan Nattier.



The University of Bucharest

The Faculty of Letters

The “Goldstein-Goren” Center of Jewish Studies


International Conference on

The Jews of the Mediterranean

Bucharest, New Europe College, 24-25 May 2012

Conference Program

Thursday 24th of May 2012

1st Session

Chair and opening remarks: Andrei Oişteanu, Institutul pentru Istoria Religiilor – Academia Română, Centrul de Studii Ebraice “Goldstein Goren” – Universitatea din Bucureşti

10.00 Opening of the Works of the Conference

10.15 Anca Manolescu, Cercetător şi publicist: Filon din Alexandria şi întâlnirea religiilor ca filozofii (Philon of Alexandria and the Phylosophical Encounter of Religions)

10.40 Andrei Cornea, Centrul de Studii Ebraice “Goldstein Goren”, Secţia de Studii Europene – Universitatea din Bucureşti: The Jewish Shabbat – A Day of Fast?

11.05 – 11.20 Coffee Break

11.20 Adrian Pirtea, Centrul de Studii Ebraice “Goldstein Goren” – Universitatea din Bucureşti, Freie Universiät, Berlin:  Late Byzantine Jewry and the Transfer of Islamic Esotericism to Europe

11.45 Cristina Ciucu, CNRS, Paris: (Again) on Tzimtzum and Exile – On the Circulation of Some Kabbalistic Ideas in the Mediterranean World during the 15th.-16th. Centuries

12.10 – 12.30 Discussions

12.30 – 14.30 Lunch

2nd. Session

Chair: Andrei Cornea, Centrul de Studii Ebraice “Goldstein Goren”, Secţia de Studii Europene – Universitatea din Bucureşti

15.00 Roberto Bachmann, Portuguese Association of Jewish Studies, Lisbon: The Portuguese Jewish and Marrano Diaspora and Their Integration among the Mediterranean (Jewish) Communities upon Their Exodus from Portugal after 1506

15.25 Măriuca Stanciu, Centrul de Studii Ebraice “Goldstein Goren” – Universitatea din Bucureşti, Biblioteca Academiei Române: Jewish Dukes and Romanian Voievodas – On the Ties between the Sephardic Ottoman Elite and Romanian Princes

15.50 Ivan Biliarsky, Bulgarian Academy of Science, Varna University: Two Documents Concerning the Matrimonial Relations among the Balkan Jews in the Late Middle Ages

16.15 Carol Iancu, Université „Paul Valery”, Montpellier: Evreii din Marsilia: un secol de istorie, de la Revoluţia Franceză la Afacerea Dreyfus

16.40 – 17.00 Discussions

17.00 More discussions over a glass of Rotenberg wine

Friday 25th of May 2012

1st Session

Chair: Liviu Rotman, SNSPA, CSIER, Centrul de Studii Ebraice “Goldstein Goren” – Universitatea din Bucureşti

10.00 Silvia Planas Marce, Museu d’Historia des Jueus i L”Institut d’Estudis „Nahmanides”, Girona: Daughers of Sarah, Mothers of Israel, Jewish Women of Girona

10.25 Minna Rozen, Haifa University: Romans in Istanbul: Tombstones and Manuscripts Tell the Story of a Jewish Family

10.50 Delia Bălăican, Biblioteca Academiei Române: Tipografia Samitca în viaţa urbei craiovene la sfârşitul secolului al XIX-lea şi începutul secolului XX (The Samitca Printing Press Co. and Its Influence on Craiova Urban Development during the Late 19th  and the Beginning of the 20th. centuries

11.15 – 11.30  Coffee Break

11.30 Victor Neumann Universitatea de Vest, Filiala Academiei Române, Timisoara:

Sefarzi şi ashkenazi în oraşele transilvano-bănăţene în secolele XVII- XVIII (Sephardim and Ashkenazim in Transylvania and Banat cities during the 17th – 18th centuries)

11.55 Yolanda Constantinescu, Academia de Muzica, CRIFS, Academia Română, Bucureşti: O privire asupra personalităţii lui Dimitrie Cantmir: sefarzi şi muzica sefardă (On Dimitrie Cantemir’s Personality Regarding the Sephardim and Sephardic Music)

12.20- 12.45 Discussions

12.45 – 15.00 Lunch

2nd Session

Chair: Mariuca Stanciu, Centrul de Studii Ebraice “Goldstein Goren” – Universitatea din Bucureşti, Biblioteca Academiei Române:

15.00 Karen Gerson Sarhon, Ottoman-Turkish Sephardic Culture Research Center, Istanbul: The Ladino Database Project Results as insight to the Current Situation of Judeo-Spanish in Turkey

15.25 Liviu Rotman, SNSPA, CSIER, Centrul de Studii Ebraice “Goldstein Goren” – Universitatea din Bucureşti: Continuitate şi înnoire în comunitatea sefardă din Bucureşti în a doua jumătate a secolului al XIX-lea (Continuity and Renewal within the Bucharest Sephardic Community during the 2nd. Half of the 19th. Century)

15.50 Cristina Toma, Societatea Romana de Radio: Bucureşti – panoramă sefardă (Bucharest – A Sephardic Outlook)

16.15 Alina Popescu, Centrul de Studii Ebraice „Goldstein-Goren”, Universitatea din. Bucureşti, Biblioteca Academiei Române, Bucuresti: Bucureştiul sefard şi sinagogile sale (Sephardic Bucharest and Its Synagogues)

16.40 Discussions

17.00 Closing of the works of the conference

Title: The annual two day conference hosted by the

Interdisciplinary Association for Philosophy & Religious

Studies (IAPRS)will be held at Edinboro University in April


Location: Pennsylvania

Date: 2013-04-01

Description: The annual two day conference hosted by the

Interdisciplinary Association for Philosophy & Religious

Studies (IAPRS)will be held at Edinboro University in April

2013 (specific dates to be announced later). The conference

features undergraduate, graduate, and faculty presentations on

any topic in phi …



Announcement ID: 194543


University of Toronto – Scarborough, Humanities, Tung Lin Kok Yuen Visiting Professor in Buddhist Studies


Applications, consisting of a statement of interest with some indication of how a candidate will contribute to the Universitys programs (at most two pages), accompanied by a curriculum vitae,should be sent to buddhist-studies-search [at] The search committee reserves the right to ask for further materials from shortlisted candidates.

If electronic submission is not possible, applications may be mailed to:

TLKY Visiting Professor Search

Professor William Bowen, Chair

Department of Humanities

University of Toronto Scarborough

1265 Military Trail

Toronto, ON M1C 1A4


The deadline for applications is May 30, 2012.

Lecturer in Philosophy, University of Stirling

Grade 7 £31,222 to £35,939

Full time

Fixed term: 1 September 2012 – 31 December 2013

Job Reference: SCH00039

For further information, including details on how to apply, please see

Closing date: Monday 11 June 2012

Lecturer in Philosophy, University of Aberdeen

College / University Administration: College of Arts & Social Sciences

Position Type: Full-time

University Grade Structure: Grade 7

Salary From: £37,012. Salary To: £44,166.


Application process:

The closing date for the receipt of applications is 22 June 2012.


University of London

Lecturer in Anthropology

£39,146 – £46,300 p.a. inclusive of London Allowance

Vacancy No: 000392

The Department of Anthropology and Sociology at the School of Oriental and African Studies, London invites applications for a permanent lectureship tenable from September 2012. Preference will be given to a candidate able to teach the ethnography of West or East Africa at undergraduate and Master’s level. The successful candidate would be expected to teach and develop other courses, assume normal administrative tasks including PhD supervision and must have an outstanding publication record.

You must have a PhD in Social Anthropology. It is expected that you will have expertise relevant to the vision and strategy of the School, including a strong interest in issues of particular importance to the developing world.

To apply for this vacancy or to download a job description/further information, please visit<>.

Closing date:  14th June 2012

Interviews are provisionally scheduled for week commencing: 16th July 2012

Please follow the link below for two new academic job opportunities in Theology and Religion at Durham. Please note the deadline of 8th June. I’d be happy to respond to any minor, informal enquiries. For formal enquiries or detailed questions, please contact my colleague and Head of Dept, Dr Robert Song (

Arizona State University – Postdoctoral Fellowship in Science and



Managing Editor/ Open Access Books in Theology, Religious Studies.

We are currently looking for candidates for Managing Editors for our Open Access Books program in Theology, Religious Studies, launched by Versita (

Scholarly monographs and other book categories have been an important format of scholarly communication. For various reasons in the last decades they have faced significant challenges. We believe that Open Access may yield the best available solution for keeping academic monographs and other scholarly books alive. Open Access provides free and unrestricted online access to electronic books for all interested users. This model grows readership by hundreds or thousands of times versus the printed book. To cover the publication costs, we will charge a moderate fee to the institution supporting the author. However, for the first year or two we have decided to waive these fees, so we will neither charge the reader (or librarian) nor the author.

With over 250 Open Access journals in its portfolio Versita ( is one of the leading scholarly Open Access Publishers. Versita cooperates with Springer ( and in January 2012 the company was acquired by de Gruyter (, a prominent scholarly publisher with a 260-year history.


Ideal candidates should hold a PhD in the above mentioned discipline and have experience in both conducting research and teaching. They should have sufficient time available to complete their duties. Editorial experience is not required. Candidates must speak native or fluent English, be proficient in using computers, and have constant access to Internet.


The Managing Editor’s chief responsibility is launching a program for the publication of scholarly books in Open Access model in the above mentioned discipline. The Managing Editor solicits and evaluates book proposals submitted by authors from around the world and coordinates work of other editors who solicit books in their discipline. The Managing Editor is also expected to cooperate with authors, reviewers and copy editors.


Compensation is based on the number of books published under Managing Editor’s supervision. You will get a chance to combine publishing activities with academic and pedagogic work and have a unique opportunity to acquire experience in and understanding of professional scientific publishing while taking part in a pioneering project in a dynamically developing company.

If you are interested in this position, please send a cover letter and a CV (both documents in English) to  with “Managing Editor, Theology, Religious Studies” as your subject line.

If you wish to participate in our Open Access Books program as an author and submit a new book proposal in your discipline, please fill in our New Book Proposal Form available at and return it in by e-mail to

Versita offers its authors:

•    fair and comprehensive peer-review of submitted proposals and manuscripts, English language copy-editing by native English speaking specialists in the field (in some subject areas we accept also manuscripts in other languages)

•    professional composition of the manuscript in PDF format

•    hosting the book on MetaPress platform, which offers many functionalities, e.g. active links in references

•    printed copies sold to libraries and individuals, by Versita and distributors (e.g. Amazon)

•    complimentary printed copies for book author and editors

•    royalties for the author from print copy sales

•    indexing by Google and other search engines

•    e-book delivery to libraries and full-text repositories (e.g. Google Book Search)

•    Creative Commons copyright license

More information on our Open Access book publishing program can be found at


Guest Scholarships 2012 CRC 933 “Material Text Cultures”

The Collaborative Research Centre (CRC) 933 “Material Text Cultures. Materiality and Presence

of Writing in Non-Typographic Societies” has been established by the German Research Founda

tion in July 2011 at Heidelberg University (collaborating partner: College of Jewish Studies, Hei

delberg). Researchers working in the field of cultural studies will investigate the material presence of writing in “non-typographic societies” that do not possess any or any widespread methods for the mass production of writing. Based on this investigation, those receptive practices are presented which in all probability took place at the writing due to its material presence. The ‘material text cultures’ thus identified in non-typographical societies will then be systematically described and compared with those of typographical societies. The fundamental research by the CRC 933 “Material Text Cultures” on text-bearing artefacts, especially those of the circum-Mediterranean zone, will be performed within a conceptual framework that has been developed from recent approaches in cultural studies.

The Research Training Group „Text Anthropology“ of the CRC 933 is now looking for guest graduate students with outstanding qualifications who can show that participating in the interdisciplinary research of the CRC 933 “Material Text Cultures” will be beneficial to their doctoral project and to the CRC 933. The Research Training Group offers a monthly scholarship of 1.250 Euros starting on October 1st 2012. Furthermore, it supports scholarship holders in offering graduate courses and individual mentoring. The scholarship is granted for one year.

Applicants, who should hold an M.A. or equivalent in a discipline of the humanities with an above-

average grade, should send their written applications (including a CV, a letter of intent, a project proposal and a letter of recommendation from their supervisor) with reference to “CRC 933” by July 15th 2012 at the latest to SFB 933 „Materiale Textkulturen“, Heidelberg Zentrum Kulturelles Erbe, Marstallstraße 6, 69117 Heidelberg/Germany. We regret that we cannot return application documents sent to us by regular mail. Details may be requested at

The University of Heidelberg actively seeks to raise the proportion of female employees in all previously under-represented areas. In keeping with this, applications are particularly requested from women with the appropriate qualifications. In the case of equal qualifications, severely disabled persons will receive priority.


CFP: The Journal of Korean Religions (JKR) is published biannually, every April and October, by the Institute for the Study of Religion, Sogang University, Korea. It aims to promote interest in and discuss the study of Korean religions in various academic disciplines within the humanities and social sciences. A peer-reviewed journal, JKR publishes articles of original research, review articles, book reviews, and current issues which seek to discuss, elaborate, and extend the study of Korean religions. Our work is featured in both print and digital form, published by the University of Hawai’i and served online by Project MUSE:

JKR invites contributions from scholars researching on any aspect of Korean religions from a wide range of perspectives, including religious studies, philosophy, theology, literature, folklore, art, anthropology, history, sociology, political science, and cultural studies. Articles submitted for consideration should not have appeared or be under review for publication elsewhere. JKR also welcomes book reviews and review articles. All submissions and inquiries should be sent to the Managing Editor: journalkr[at] Submission guidelines can be found at:

Call for Papers

Demons and Illness: Theory and Practice from Antiquity to the Early Modern Period

Centre for Medical History, University of Exeter

22 – 24th April 2013

In many near eastern traditions, demons appear as a cause of illness: most famously in the stories of possessed people cured by Christ. These traditions influenced perceptions of illness in Judaism, Christianity and Islam in later centuries but the ways in which these cultures viewed demons and illness have received comparatively little attention. For example, who were these demons? How did they cause illness? Why did they want to? How did demons fit into other explanations for illness? How could demonic illnesses be cured and how did this relate to other kinds of cure? How far did medical or philosophical theory affect how people responded to demonic illnesses in practice?

This conference will take a comparative approach, taking a wide geographical and chronological sweep but confining itself to this relatively specific set of questions. Because Jewish, Christian and Islamic ideas about demons and illness drew on a similar heritage of ancient religious texts from New Testament times to the early modern period there is real scope to draw meaningful comparisons between the different periods and cultures. What were the common assumptions made by different societies? When and why did they differ? What was the relationship between theory and practice? We would welcome papers which address these issues for any period between antiquity and the early modern period, and which discuss Christian, Jewish or Islamic traditions.

The conference is hosted by the Centre for Medical History at the University of Exeter, on April 22nd-24th, 2013. Please send abstracts by 15th September 2012 to the conference organizers, Catherine Rider and Siam Bhayro, Centre for Medical History, University of Exeter: email or

The Board of Editors of the interdisciplinary journal Quaderni di Studi Indo-Mediterranei

( indo-mediterranei/ ; (

is soliciting contributions to its sixth thematic volume, scheduled to appear in 2013.

This issue will contain twelve to fifteen essays addressing the theme of the cultural

and religious interactions between Hebraism, Christianity and Islam.

The “Three Rings” parable, known in Western culture mainly through Boccaccio’s

novella in the Decameron and Lessing’s Nathan der Weise, has been subject to research

for a hundred years or so. Some scholars have argued that the parable originated in

Spain, but its exact source remains unknown. In any case, the emergence and

development of his suggestive message, including the eight and sixteenth centuries,

evidently origins in the Mediterranean context of intercultural and inter-religious

relations between Jews, Christians and Muslims.

In particular, Western esotericism has been characterised as the combination of

Alexandrian Hermeticism, Neo-Platonism and related religious philosophies of late

antiquity and the traces each has left in the three Abrahamic religions. For this

process, very important was the uninterrupted translation of texts between Arabic,

Latin and Hebrew languages. Still today these three Mediterranean cultures are mixed

together in narrow and interesting plots.

All aspects of the cultural connections between Hebraism, Christianity and Islam in

history of religions, theology, philosophy, mysticism, esotericism, literature, visual

arts, music and folklore are welcome.

Please send proposals for essays (250 to 350 words) accompanied by a bio-

bibliographical sketch to Alessandro Grossato (, by

September 30, 2012.

Quaderni di Studi Indo-Mediterranei accepts proposals and essays in all major European

languages. The editors of the volume will strive for a balanced and diversified table of

contents. They will confirm accepted submissions by December 2, 2012.

Subsequently, the final deadline for submitting the completed essays will be June 1,

  1. The average length recommended for each contribution is of 6,000 words, with

a maximum length allowed of 7,000 words, including footnotes and bibliographical


The journal Quaderni di Studi Indo-Mediterranei is based at the University of Bologna,

Italy, and is supported by ASTREA (Associazione di Studi e Ricerche Euro-

Asiatiche). Editor in Chief: Carlo Saccone; Board of Editors: Daniela Boccassini,

Alessandro Grossato, Carlo Saccone.

The journal counts among its editorial associates world-renowned specialists from

major European and North American Universities.

For further information on the journal’s mission and an overview of previous issues

please go to: indo-mediterranei/ (Italian website) (North American website)

Quaderni di Studi Indo-Mediterranei is committed to upholding a high profile in

comparative studies and the highest standards of peer-reviewed scholarship.

Title: Special Issue on Religion and the Paranormal

Date: 2012-08-01

Description: The journal Nova Religio is currently seeking papers

for a special issue on religion and the paranormal. In the last

few years, several good books have appeared that consider

so-called paranormal beliefs, discourses, and experiences as an

object of inquiry for religion scholars. Like the category re


Announcement ID: 194634


An Open Meeting at St. Marylebone Church, 17 Marylebone Road,

London NW1 5LT

Thursday 14th June 2012 from 2-4pm


Making the spiritual real: from research into training and practice

The challenge for all mental health services is to integrate spiritual care within care

planning in order that those who use the services receive true holistic care. Using a

combination of training, research and care planning Nigel will outline a research

project he has undertaken in partnership with nurses to deliver high quality spiritual

care. It is his belief that those of us engaged in delivering spiritual care need to base

all provision of care upon the foundation of robust research. He will outline the

model of research that he believes to be appropriate for researching the effectiveness

of spiritual care.

DR NIGEL COPSEY is the Team Leader for Spiritual Care in the East London

Foundation Trust and Surrey and Borders Partnership Foundation Trust. He has

published two research papers in the field of psychiatry and mental health for

the Sainsbury Centre for Mental Health. He has also contributed to a number of

psychotherapy publications in the area of spirituality and mental health. Nigel is a

visiting lecturer at several London Universities as well as being a Programme

Leader in the psychology department of UEL. Nigel is an Anglican priest and an

accredited psychotherapist.

To register for this free seminar contact:

Map and more information on the venue (on Jubilee Line, Baker Street Station)

obtainable on this link:

For more information about the National Spirituality and Mental Health

Forum see website:

Centre for Child and Youth Research, Brunel University


Friday, 29th June 2012

10.30am – 4.30pm

MS114, Mary Seacole Building, Brunel University

Chair: Professor Judith Harwin, Centre for Child and Youth Research, Brunel University

10.30 – 10.50      Refreshments

10.50 – 11.00      Welcome to the seminar!

11.00 – 11.50      Young British Muslims finding their voice: from alienation to engagement

Dr Philip Lewis, Department of Peace Studies, University of Bradford

Young British Muslims are developing the confidence to engage British society and make the most of the institutional spaces opening up in which they can participate. This paper explores some of the encouraging debates now being heard – not least British Muslims contributing ‘Islamically’ to debates within education, social services and chaplaincy. It also addresses how intergenerational tensions are being played out by referring to a seismic political change in Bradford where the Respect candidate recently defeated the Labour candidate in one of the safest Labour seats. The important development from Islamist to post-Islamist politics is also discussed.


11.50 – 12.40      Young Sikhs

Jasjit Singh, University of Leeds

This presentation will outline findings from doctoral research on religious transmission among young British Sikhs (18-30). Focusing on a number of arenas of transmission including families, Sikh camps and the internet, this presentation will outline the ways in which these various arenas allow young British Sikhs to engage with their faith. It will also demonstrate how many religious identity practices result from religious socialisation in the family.

12.40 – 13.30      LUNCH

13.30 – 14.20      The Youth On Religion project: Young people and the negotiation of identity in three diverse urban locations

                               Professor Nicola Madge, Centre for Child and Youth Research, Brunel University

The Youth On Religion project surveyed over ten thousand young people, and talked to over 160, in secondary schools and colleges in the London Boroughs of Hillingdon and Newham, and Bradford in Yorkshire. Participants came from a range of faith and non-faith positions, and provided a wealth of information on the meaning of religion in their young lives. It was very apparent that families guided their initial religious direction but that peers, school, the community and their own personal experiences and agency became increasingly important as they grew older. This presentation examines the meaning of religious identity for young people and documents some of the landmarks they pass in their religious journey.

14.20 – 15.00      YORvoice: Youth On Religion

Young people from the London Borough of Hillingdon, who participated in YORvoice, part of the Youth On Religion project, present some of their views on religion and its impact on young lives.

15.00 – 15.15      TEA AND BISCUITS

15.15 – 16.00      Growing up with disability in Pakistani Muslim families

Dr Debbie Kramer-Roy, Lecturer in Occupational Therapy, Brunel University

This paper presents findings from a study of Pakistani Muslim families bringing up disabled children. Religion was a strong part of their daily lives, and parents talked about how personal faith influenced the way they experienced becoming the parents of disabled children and living with them in their communities. While mothers tended to talk about the shift from feelings of distress and shame to considering their child a blessing from God, fathers reported how they turned to religious leaders and scriptures to learn more about disability and its meaning. Siblings reported generally positive views but also indicated some frustration at the restrictions that a disabled brother or sister imposed.

16.00                     END OF SEMINAR

NB There is no charge for this seminar and lunch is provided

If you would like to attend, please email

Title: Summer Institute at Rutgers – Islam and the Muslim World –

July 16th-20th

Location: New Jersey

Date: 2012-07-16

Description: 2012 Summer Institute for Teachers at Rutgers Islam

and the Muslim World Where: Rutgers, the State University of

New JerseyNew Brunswick, NJ When: Monday, July 16 to Friday,

July 20, 2012 Cost: $300 The Center for Middle East Studies at

Rutgers, the State University of New Jersey, is pleased to anno



Announcement ID: 194590