We are not responsible for any content contained herein, but have simply copied and pasted from a variety of sources. If you have any content for future digests, please contact us via the various options on our ‘contact’ page.
In this issue:
Call for papers
- Funding
H-Buddhism, Buddhism Bibliography (Zotero). 6,800 items, maintained by 91 members
Network for New Media, Religion and Digital Cultural Studies
Journal of Hindu Studies http://jhs.oxfordjournals.org/content/6/1?etoc
Sociology of Religion, advance access http://socrel.oxfordjournals.org/content/early/recent?papetoc
Journal of Religion, Media and Digital Culture – New Book Reviews http://jrmdc.com/
CfP: Edited volume “Women from the Parsonage: Pastors Daughters as Writers, Salonnires, Translators, and Educators”
Date: 2013-01-01
Description: CFP: Women from the Parsonage: Pastors Daughters as Writers, Salonnires, Translators, and Educators Many prominent writers and thinkers, especially from the second half of the seventeenth into the nineteenth century, were the sons of pastors. The advantages of their upbringing and especially the edu …
Contact: cindy.renker [at] utdallas.edu
Announcement ID: 203421
CFP for Ways of Knowing: Graduate Conference on Religion at Harvard Divinity School (Oct 25-6, 2013 in Cambridge, Massachusetts). Deadline July 1, 2013 Location: Massachusetts
Date: 2013-07-01
Description: CFP for Ways of Knowing: Graduate Conference on Religion at Harvard Divinity School (Oct 25-6, 2013 in Cambridge, Massachusetts). Deadline July 1, 2013. The Science, Religion, and Culture Program at Harvard Divinity School announces the second annual graduate student conference on religion. In our i …
Contact: gradreligionconference [at] hds.harvard.edu
URL: www.hds.harvard.edu/gradreligionconference
Announcement ID: 203423
Call for Book Chapter Proposals: Negotiating Ethics
Location: Nova Scotia
Date: 2013-07-01
Description: Ensuring that sociological research complies with ethical standards requires considerable thought and attention. Not only does the researcher need to ensure safety to all participants in the process, they must also place themselves within that same continuum of harm and risk to ensure their own safe …
Contact: alan.brown [at] msvu.ca
Announcement ID: 203406
Sacred Topography and Cultural Tranfers in the Himalayas
Organized by Klaus-Dieter Mathes, University of Vienna
Time: May 24, 3 pm until May 25, 4 pm
Venue: Dept. of South Asian, Tibetan and Buddhist Studies
1090 Vienna, Spitalgasse 2, Hof 2.7
Seminar Room 1
For further info see: http://www.univie.ac.at/ik_cirdis/
Wheaton College – Postdoctoral Fellowship, Asian History
Nanyang Technological University – Assistant Professor in Southeast Asian History
Northwestern University – Associate or Full Professor, Islam in African Societies
J. F. Oberlin University – Ass’t./Assoc. Professor, Premodern Japanese Literature
German Historical Institute – Post-Doctoral Research Fellow in History
Pennsylvania State University – Chaiken Family Chair in Jewish Studies
University of Maryland – College Park – Position in Yiddish Culture
and/or Literature
The Centre for the Study of Japanese Religions at SOAS invites applications for one PhD bursary for new dissertation projects on Japanese Religions.
The value of the bursary is £4000, which covers the fees for the first year of MPhil/PhD study at SOAS (UK/EU fees). If the successful candidate receives a grant to cover fees from another funding body the bursary may be used towards maintenance.
Deadline for applications: 3 June 2013
Start of bursary: Fall semester 2013
Applications are invited from outstanding students of Japanese religions, regardless of nationality.
For further details on the application process and procedures, please visit our website: http://www.soas.ac.uk/csjr/bursaries/