Religious Studies Opportunities Digest – 17 January 2014

wordleWelcome to the third RSP Opportunities Digest for 2014. As ever, please remember that we are not responsible for any content contained herein unless it is directly related to the RSP. If you have any content for future digests, please contact us via the various options on our ‘contact’ page. If you are enquiring about any of the opportunities listed below, please contact the organizers directly.

To skip to specific content within this digest, please use the table of contents to the right of your screen. This week there were SO MANY calls for papers that these have been omitted from the contents listing. New Year/New Problems.

RSP Recruiting Assistant Editor

As part of our restructuring process, we are currently looking to add a new assistant editor to our team. This individual – or, potentially, these individuals – will be responsible for producing and promoting these very opportunities digests. The ‘Opps Digest’ is one of the essential services that we provide through the RSP and requires a little bit of work on a weekly basis. Essentially, we have an email account – – which can be signed up to a variety of relevant mailing lists. In addition, others from within the team and from outside occasionally send through relevant job adverts, conference announcements, CfPs etc. to this address. The Opps Digest Editor simply needs to collate relevant material from these emails once a week, and place them into a post for the website, whilst also actively sourcing new sources of information. Louise and Chris, who have previously filled this role, will be able to liaise with the successful applicant\s on how they have done this up until now, but there is plenty of room for innovation.

The successful applicant should:

  • Be involved – whether as a student (of any level) or a professional academic – within the academic study of religion (broadly conceived)
  • Have a basic familiarity with WordPess\other blogging packages, in addition to general computing and social media skills.
  • Be a reliable and independent worker. It is essential that these digests are produced to a schedule every week, although the scheduled day can be negotiated. Other members of the team can cover the occasional week, but this must be arranged well in advance.
  • Be able to commit around one hour per week for the majority of the year to this role.

At this stage, and as will all positions on the RSP editorial team, this role will be for an initial period of one year – 2014 – after which there will be the opportunity to change roles/extend commitment as appropriate. Given our current financial situation, we are unable to offer any financial incentive to the successful applicant/s. However, we hope that the chance to be involved in what is arguably the primary hub for Religious Studies online, and the opportunities which accompany this, will be incentive enough.

If you are interested in this position, please send an academic CV and a brief note of interest detailing your suitability for the role to David and Chris at by 31 January 2014.


Contemporary Islam

Volume 8 Number 1 is now available on SpringerLink.

Journal of Contemporary Religion

Vol. 29, No. 1, 02 Jan 2014 is now available on Taylor & Francis Online.

Calls for Papers

HARTS & Minds Journal

This call for papers invites submissions from postgraduates or early career researchers on the subject of Sound and/or Silence for the next edition of HARTS & Minds, an online journal for students of the Humanities and Arts, which is due to be published in Spring 2014.

Our second edition ‘Space and Place’ can be found at and you can get updates on our journal at

Submissions should adhere to the guidelines available on our website and use the appropriate article template.

We accept:

  • ARTICLES: Send us an abstract (300 words) and your draft article (no longer than 6,000 words).
  • BOOK REVIEWS: Around 1,000 words on an academic text that deals with the theme of Sound and/or Silence in some respect. This would preferably be interdisciplinary, but we will accept reviews of subject specific texts.
  • EXHIBITION REVIEWS: Around 1,000 words on any event along the lines of an art exhibition, museum collection, academic event or conference review that deals with the theme of Sound and/or Silence in some respect.
  • CREATIVE WRITING PIECES: Original poetry (up to 3 short or 1 long) or short stories of up to 4,000 words.

All submissions should be sent to by Monday 17th February 2014. (Please note, there is some leeway with exhibition reviews in case of events taking place in late Feb, early March)

Subjects may include but are not limited to the following:

  • Use of Silence in music, film scores, in performance art, installations;
  • Movement and stillness;
  • Conveying sound and silence in Art – the void, colour and sounds/silence;
  • Silence and sounds in literatures (English, Global, Comparative);
  • The role of silence and solitude in religions: spirituality, memorial, obedience, mantra and hymn;
  • Sounds of the urban vs. the rural;
  • Changing sounds of musical instruments, the Orchestra, from Church to Chamber;
  • Silent histories – the oppressed, the underprivileged, muting, censorship, exclusion;
  • The Sound of Revolution;
  • The physical loss of voice – the mute, sign language;
  • Silence and Sound in relation to madness;
  • Noise vs. Sound;
  • Comedy and Silence;
  • Technologies of sound and silence: Gags and muzzles, weaponry, isolation camps, radios, televisions, gramophones;
  • Reading aloud.

Please consider that HARTS & Minds is intended as a truly inter-disciplinary journal and therefore esoteric topics will need to be written with a general academic readership in mind.

The 39th Spalding Symposium on Indian Religions

25th-27th April 2014

Venue: Luther King House – Manchester

The Spalding Symposium on Indian Religions invites papers on Indic religious cultures and traditions. The Spalding Symposium is an annual conference bringing together scholars from many disciplines who are working in the general areas of Indic Studies. It is funded by the Spalding Trust. Papers on Jain, Hindu, Buddhist, Parsi, Sikh and sub-continental Christianity or Islam are welcome, as are those that examine Indian religions as diasporic or global communities.

We invite proposals for 45 minute papers, with 15 minutes for discussion. Proposals in the form of a title, a short abstract and a brief biographical statement including affiliation should be sent, by February 3rd, to Dermot Killingly (

It is expected that a selection of papers from the Symposium will be published in our peer-reviewed journal, Religions of South Asia (RoSA). However, giving a paper at the Symposium does not guarantee inclusion in the journal.

Speakers, papers and a provisional programme will be posted on the Spalding website as soon as they become available.

Booking form and more details on our website

Religion and Food

The Donner Institute arranges its 26th international research symposium, 25-27 June 2014 in Åbo/Turku, Finland

Conference website:

The relationship between food and religion is a lived activity formed by the dynamics of both tradition and adaption. Religious commitments to food are influenced by several different factors, ranging from personal spirituality and experiences to social patterns of belonging as well as ethical, political and doctrinal convictions related to food and eating.

Today, this topic is receiving increasing scholarly attention and has become a relevant focus to a broad spectrum of researchers working with different religious traditions and contemporary spiritualities. The conference seeks to address the question of why and how persons of various religious and spiritual liaisons seem to engage in food and eating with a growing zeal today from a variety of different theoretical and methodological angles. Proposals are welcome on the interconnectedness of religion, food, and the following themes:

  • Folkways/foodways and vernacular practices;
  • Tradition, memory, and nostalgia;
  • Boundaries, identity, and control;
  • Symbolism, authenticity, and fluidity;
  • Consumption and abstention;
  • Ethics and environmentalism;
  • The global, local, and glocal.

Keynote speakers:

Dr. Benjamin Zeller, Lake Forest College, Chicago, USA

Prof. Gunnar af Hällström, Åbo Akademi University, Finland

Prof. Patricia Lysaght, University College Dublin, Ireland

Dr. Graham Harvey, Open University, London, UK


Please send an abstract of approximately 200 words to the Donner Institute no later than January 31, 2014. At the conference, 20 minutes will be reserved for your lecture followed by 10 minutes for discussion.


Selected papers from the conference will be published in volume 26 of the Donner Institute series Scripta Instituti Donneriani Aboensis. We hope that you will keep this publication option in mind while preparing your paper for the conference and kindly invite you to submit your article for peer-review after the conference.

Detailed guidelines for submitting papers will be sent to all participants upon acceptance of their papers for the conference. The publication series Scripta, initiated in 1967, is peer-reviewed and will be available as an open access publication in the Internet as well as in printed form.

Further information about the publication series:


The registration fee is 200 €. The fee should be paid by April 30, 2014.

Account number: Nordea FI12 2057 1800 0200 55; BIC CODE: NDEAFIHH

Name of the account holder: Stiftelsen för Åbo Akademi (Foundation of Åbo Akademi University).

The registration fee includes lunches and coffee during the conference as well as an excursion and a banquet organised in connection with the symposium. Please indicate in your registration whether you wish to participate in the excursion and the banquet. Please also indicate if you have special dietary needs.

The registration fee does not include accommodation.

Conference Venue:

Åbo Akademi University

Asa Building

Fänriksgatan 3 / Vänrikinkatu 3

Åbo / Turku



31.1 2014: Submission of abstracts

14.2 2014: Letters of acceptance

30.4 2014: Payment of conference fee

25-27.6 2014: Conference

30.9 2014: Submission of articles for the conference proceedings

28.11 2014: Responses from the peer-review process

31.1 2015: Final submission

29.5 2015: Publication of Scripta Instituti Donneriani Aboensis.


Donner Institute

PO Box 70

FIN-20501 Åbo / Turku



Tel.: +358 20 786 1450

3e Colloque pour étudiants et jeunes chercheurs sur le religieux contemporain

24 et 25 avril 2014

Une invitation de la Chaire de recherche sur les religions en modernité avancée de l’Université de Sherbrooke Pour les étudiants et les jeunes chercheurs en maîtrise, au doctorat ou au postdoctorat, provenant de toutes disciplines universitaires et dont les travaux abordent la thématique du religieux.

Date limite de soumission : 20 janvier 2014

Envoyer votre proposition à Stéphane Bürgi :

Chaque proposition doit inclure:

  1. Les nom, prénom et adresse courriel du conférencier
  2. L’université de rattachement et le programme d’étude
  3. Le titre de la proposition
  4. Le texte de la proposition (maximum 200 mots)

L’acceptation des propositions de communication sera notifiée aux intervenants le

lundi 10 février 2014.

Les actes de colloque seront publiés dans une revue à comité de lecture à

l’automne 2014/hiver 2015.

Podcasts on Esotericism

In November last year there was an interesting conference in Berlin on the subject of “Looking Through the Occult: Instrumentation, Esotericism, and Epistemology in the 19th Century”. Audio recordings of the papers presented are now online at




  1. The ARYS association has established its Second International Award called the ARYS “Fernando Gascó” Award for research into ancient religions and societies. It is a biennial prize of €1000 for original research works. The work awarded will be published in the year following the decision in the Anexus series of books published by ARYS: Antiquity, Religion and Societies, with ISSN 1575-166X. Authors will not receive royalties for the first 1000 copies but they are recognized as owning the copyright of the work. If the work is published in subsequent editions, the authors should state that the work was the recipient of the ARYS “Fernando Gascó” Award, and should cite the fact of its publication and its year of publication. Furthermore, the ARYS Association reserves the right to offer to publish the works of the finalists for the Award in the same series.
  2. All authors of any nationality may participate with works written in Spanish, English, French, German, Italian or Portuguese.
  3. Original manuscripts should address the essential themes of the Association, the religions and societies of the ancient world, must be previously unpublished, and not have been awarded or submitted to any other competition involving a commitment to publish the winning work, nor be subject to any other similar commitment. The applicant agrees to publish the work in ARYS if it is awarded.
  4. Original manuscripts, not to exceed 400 pages excluding images, should be typewritten at a space and a half, on DINA-4 or folio, in 12 pt Times New Roman or similar normal font, must be legible, and the margins pre-established by default must be used. Notes should go at the foot of the page, in 10 pt.
  5. A printed copy must be presented along with an electronic version (CD, DVD or USB). Manuscripts must be presented by 14:00 hours on the 30th of June 2014 in the Instituto de Historiografía de la Universidad Carlos III de Madrid , addressed to Grupo de Investigación Historiografía e Historia de las teligiones, mentioning the Award´s name.
  6. Works must be identified with the name of the author, catchphrase or pseudonym, which should also figure in the same way on the outside of an attached sealed envelope containing the personal and contact information of the author, a short biography and a summarized CV.
  7. A reading committee of qualified experts designated by the leadership of the ARYS Association will be in charge of determining the three original manuscripts to be included in the short list of the Award. They will send them to the Jury´s members.
  8. The Jury will comprise 3 qualified specialists, as follows: a) One member of the Board of Directors of the ARYS Association, who will act as Secretary. b) One member of the Scientific Committee of the ARYS journal, who will be a Member. c) A specialist of recognized prestige from a Spanish or foreign University, not represented by the other members, who will act as Chair of the jury.
  9. The Jury’s decision shall take place before December of that same year and shall be made public during the Ordinary General Assembly of the ARYS Association in the last months of the year. After the Award has been granted, the Secretary of the Jury shall open the sealed envelope corresponding to the winner.
  10. The Award can be declared void but cannot be divided up.
  11. Once the Award has been conceded, the other contestants can collect their original manuscripts from the same address they were sent to, either in person or by means of another duly authorized person, agency or representative, within the three months following the awarding. The ARYS Association will not return manuscripts by post.
  12. Participation in the Award competition entails the acceptance of these norms. In matters not specified within them, the Jury’s criteria shall be followed, and their decisions are not open to appeal.

Florentino García Martínez Research Master Scholarship

Established by Jan Overmeer

The Qumran Institute of the Faculty of Theology and Religious Studies (University of Groningen) is delighted to present the Florentino García Martínez Research Master Scholarship for excellent students. The scholarship is specifically for students in the fields of Hebrew Bible, early Judaism and Dead Sea Scrolls.

The scholarship is € 1,000 and is meant to cover some of the expenses connected with the two-year Research Master’s programme at the Faculty’s Graduate School. Awards are made on academic merit, evaluated by an academic committee. Outstanding students who wish to apply must submit:

  • a letter of motivation for enrolling in the Research Master specifically for the fields of Hebrew Bible, early Judaism or Dead Sea Scrolls
  • the list of marks for their BA
  • a writing sample (essay, thesis) from their BA
  • two letters of recommendation
  • a plan for how to spend the scholarship (e.g. tuition assistance, books, conference visit, etc.)

The Qumran Institute welcomes applications for the Florentino García Martínez Research Master Scholarship.

The deadline for submission for non-EU/EEA students is 1 March 2014 and the deadline for EU/EEA students is 15 May 2014.

Applications for the scholarship should be submitted to the secretary of the Qumran Institute, Ms. Willeke van de Pol: Further enquiries should be addressed to the Director of the Qumran Institute, Prof. Dr. Mladen Popović:

2014 Research Colloquium – Fellowships Available

Location: New York

Date: 2014-02-02

Description: 2014 Annual Research Colloquium: Religion, Leadership

and Social Transformation Spend the month of July in New York

working on a research or writing project related to the theme

of Religion, Leadership and Social Transformation, with access

to libraries and research facilities at Columbia University …



Announcement ID: 209265


CRASIS Annual Meeting

14 February 2014

Cultural Knowledge in the Ancient World: Production, Circulation, and Validation. 

The annual CRASIS Annual Lecture will be delivered by Professor Marietta Horster (Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz):

Beyond Philosophy? The Notion of Wisdom and Theosophy in the Second Sophistic

The Annual Meeting takes place on 14 February, 10.00-18.00 in the Courtroom / Zittingzaal of the Faculty of Theology & Religious Studies, Oude Boteringestraat 38, Groningen. The Annual Lecture starts at 16.30.

For the (revised) programme, please visit our website!

All are very welcome to attend the conference and the Annual Lecture, or just the Annual Lecture. Please register before 1 February with Tamara Dijkstra ( Registration for the Annual Lecture is not required and free of charge.

For the conference, we ask a small contribution of 5 euro for attendance (including tea and coffee); including lunch: 15 euro; including (buffet) dinner: 45 euro. The informal buffet dinner starts at 19.00. If you register, please indicate if you want to join for lunch or dinner.

Centenaire de Totem et tabou

Psychanalyse et interdisciplinarité au XXIe siècle

23-24 JANVIER 2014


Université Paris Diderot — Amphithéâtre Buffon – 15 rue Hélène Brion

Paris, France (75013)


Pour commémorer le centenaire de Totem et tabou, la psychanalyse à l’université invite aujourd’hui les disciplines affines à revenir à la table de Freud pour se réapproprier son héritage, en un repas totémique renouvelé. Ce centenaire entend réinterroger la postérité et l’actualité du geste freudien, pour chercher à penser la psychanalyse au XXIe siècle, dans l’horizon des interactions pluridisciplinaires qui l’ont nourrie dès sa naissance.


Organisé par le CRPMS et l’UFR d’Études Psychanalytiques – Soutenu par la Mairie de Paris


Il y a cent ans paraissait Totem et Tabou, où Freud rend compte de l’origine du lien social par l’hypothèse inouïe du meurtre du père de la horde par les frères coalisés en un mouvement de révolte. Cette mise au jour d’un acte réel, dont il précisera dans L’homme Moïse que sa vérité est d’ordre non matériel mais historique, est l’une des thèses freudiennes les plus discutées. À preuve, la fortune de cette fiction dans les champs du savoir est souvent passée par sa requalification en mythe (Lévi-Strauss), fut-il génial (Lacan).

Reste qu’au-delà du statut que chacun lui accorde, cette hypothèse a eu de considérables effets théoriques non seulement au sein de la psychanalyse, mais également dans la philosophie politique, l’anthropologie ou l’histoire des religions. Car si elle découle au départ d’une tentative de préciser le statut clinique de la toute-puissance de la pensée et de la phobie infantile, cette hypothèse proprement psychanalytique n’a pu se constituer qu’en donnant un rôle d’interlocuteur privilégié à des disciplines affines. C’est cette démarche dont on souhaite commémorer le centenaire dans ce colloque, en réinterrogeant à la fois sa postérité et son actualité au XXIe siècle.

Nous proposons donc de remettre au travail le rôle de cette fiction théorique (et de ses avatars dans L’homme Moïse et le monothéisme) pour en faire la matrice d’une interrogation sur l’intérêt de la psychanalyse pour d’autres disciplines et sur les conditions d’un dialogue interdisciplinaire autour des enjeux de Totem et Tabou.

Nous indiquons quelques unes des dimensions de ce dialogue. Depuis la philosophie politique, nous interrogerons la fondation freudienne du contrat social et l’articulation inédite qu’elle propose de l’individuel au collectif. Les avancées de l’épigénétique contemporaine permettront de revenir sur la transmission d’un héritage archaïque. Avec l’anthropologie, nous ressaisirons l’analyse freudienne du ressort inconscient des structures sociales et des formations religieuses. Nous questionnerons le statut de la construction dans la démarche de l’historien et dans celle du psychanalyste.

Le colloque est ouvert à tous. Entrée gratuite, dans la limite des places disponibles.

Renseignements :


Jeudi 23 janvier

Matinée — 9h-13h : Totem et tabou, une méthode pour l’interdisciplinarité ?

  • François Villa, Professeur de Psychopathologie (Université Paris Diderot), Psychanalyste. Totem et tabou, un modèle pour l’interdisciplinarité ?
  • Olivier Douville, Maître de Conférences en Psychopathologie (Université Paris Diderot), Psychanalyste. La réception de Totem et tabou par les anthropologues du temps de Freud
  • Eric Smadja, Psychiatre, psychanalyste et anthropologue. L’irruption traumatique de Totem et tabou dans le champ des sciences humaines et sociales
  • Giovanni Lévi, Professeur d’Histoire (Université Ca’ Foscari Venise). Totem et tabou : analogie et ressemblance

Après-midi — 14h30-18h30 : Totem et tabou, Histoire et vérité historique

  • Sophie Wahnich, Directrice de Recherche en Histoire (CNRS/EHESS). La Révolution française au regard de Totem et tabou
  • Bruno Karsenti, Directeur d’Études en Philosophie (EHESS). Insistance ou résistance de la vérité historique dans Totem et tabou
  • Alain Vanier, Professeur de Psychopathologie (Université Paris Diderot), Psychiatre, Psychanalyste. Totem et tabou, mythe clinique
  • Jacques Ehrenfreund, Professeur Ordinaire d’Histoire (Université de Lausanne). Yerushalmi, un historien du judaïsme en dialogue avec Freud

Vendredi 24 janvier

Matinée — 9h-13h : Totem et tabou et le politique

  • Joel Birman, Professeur dans le Programa de Pós-Graduação em Teoria Psicanalítica (Université Fédérale de Rio de Janeiro), Psychanalyste. Freud et le politique
  • Markos Zafiropoulos, Directeur de Recherche en Psychanalyse et Sciences Sociales (CNRS/Université Paris Diderot), Psychanalyste. Ce que disait Lacan de Totem et tabou
  • Mariella Pandolfi, Professeur Titulaire d’Anthropologie (Université de Montréal). Faire violence à la violence ? L’Empire Lite du XXIe siècle
  • Etienne Balibar, Professeur de Philosophie (Universités Paris Ouest Nanterre La Défense/Californie-Irvine/Columbia). Psychologie des masses et analyse du moi : entre l’hypothèse régressive et l’hypothèse répressive, le moment du transindividuel

Après-midi — 14h30-18h30 : Totem et tabou, fantasme et lien social

  • Christian Hoffmann, Professeur de Psychopathologie (Université Paris Diderot), Psychanalyste. Chronique d’une mort annoncée : la chute du Pater familias
  • Régine Waintrater, Maître de Conférences en Psychopathologie (Université Paris Diderot), Psychanalyste. Du contrat fraternel aux alliances inconscientes : Freud et la pensée du groupe
  • François Richard, Professeur de Psychopathologie (Université Paris Diderot), Psychanalyste. Le père de la horde n’est pas le père œdipien
  • Paul-Laurent Assoun, Professeur de Psychopathologie (Université Paris Diderot), Psychanalyste. Totem ou tabou : l’envers inconscient du lien social

Samedi 25 janvier

Matinée — 9h-13h : Fonction du mythe et fonction de la construction

  • Thomas Lepoutre, Psychologue clinicien, Doctorant en Psychopathologie (Université Paris Diderot). Le mythe de la horde originaire à l’épreuve du roman familial
  • Janine Puget, Médecin, Psychanalyste, ex-directrice du Magistère de psychanalyse de famille et couple de l’Institut de Santé Mentale (Association psychanalytique de Buenos Aires). Comment penser après Freud le lien social ?
  • Bertrand Ogilvie, Professeur de Philosophie (Université Saint Denis), Psychanalyste. La psychanalyse entre mythologie et politique
  • Patrick Merot, psychiatre, psychanalyste. Totem et tabou au regard de « Vue d’ensemble des névroses de transfert » : d’un mythe à l’autre

Après-midi — 14h30-18h30 : Perspectives à partir de Totem et tabou

  • Fethi Benslama, Professeur de Psychopathologie (Université Paris Diderot), Psychanalyste. Le principe de concordance
  • Olivier Putois, Chercheur post-doctorant en Études psychanalytiques et Épistémologie de la biologie (LabEx « Who am I ? » Déterminants de l’identité, de la molécule à l’individu/Université Paris Diderot). Quelques concordances actuelles des fantasmes originaires
  • Jean-Claude Ameisen, Président du Comité Consultatif National d’Éthique, Professeur de Médecine (Université Paris Diderot). L’éthique à partir deTotem et tabou
  • Conclusions générales


Thomas Lepoutre, courriel :

The Impact of Arabic Sources on Divination and the Practical Sciences in Europe and Asia


January 21-23, 2014

The presentations and discussions will focus on the impact on practical sciences like divination, astrology, medicine, algebra and mechanics (which are often distinguished from the Peripatetic tradition of the theoretical natural science). The aim of this conference is to examine the Arabic/Islamic influence on these branches – both eastwards and westwards, with a particular emphasis on the European Renaissance. Therefore, the transfer of cultural concepts and scientific knowledge will be studied by looking at a wide range of authors and sources (Arabic, Japanese, Chinese, Latin, Greek) comparatively.

Conference venue: E-Werk, Fuchsenwiese 1, 91052 Erlangen

Contact person: Petra Hahm +49 173 8611440

Summer School

Max-Planck Institute for the Study of Religious and Ethnic Diversity,

Religious Diversity in Göttingen Summer School 2014


College of Charleston – Distinguished Visiting Chair in Jewish Studies


Buddhist Temples of Kyoto and Kamakura

Beatrice Lane Suzuki

Edited by Michael Pye

Series: Eastern Buddhist Voices

HB £60 9781845539207

PB £19.99 9781845539214

256pp, 234 x 156mm

Equinox Publishing Ltd

Beatrice Lane Suzuki (1878-1939) was an extremely well informed and sensitive expositor of Mahāyāna Buddhism. As the American wife of the influential Zen Buddhist Suzuki Daisetsu, she lived in Japan for many years, becoming very familiar with the leading temples of various Buddhist schools—especially in Kyōto and Kamakura.

Buddhist Temples of Kyōto and Kamakura brings together some of her writings from The Eastern Buddhist. The collection preserves valuable information from Suzuki’s own times and the charm of her personal discovery of the temples described here. Further information is also provided to place them in their current context. The volume will be of interest to scholars of Japanese Buddhism and to the many travelers to these sites today.

Link to book website and ordering details

Special offer 25% off when ordering from using the code “Temples”.

Outside the Bible: Ancient Jewish Writings Related to Scripture

Edited by Louis H. Feldman, James L. Kugel and Lawrence H. Schiffman

We are pleased to offer a 20% discount on this major new work from the Jewish Publication Society.

3 volume set – was £215.00 now £172.00 when you order using code “CS1013OUTB”

Outside the Bible is an unprecedented anthology of key texts of ancient Jewish literature from the Second Temple Period, including commentary that links to the development of Rabbinic Judaism and early Christianity. Please click on the title above for more information, and click here to order on our website.

You can also order by phone from Marston Book Services +44 (0)1235 465500, or by Please feel free to pass this offer on to your library.