We are not responsible for any content contained herein, but have simply copied and pasted from a variety of sources. If you have any content for future digests, please contact us via the various options on our ‘contact’ page.
In this issue:
Seeking Your Help
Call for papers
Given that the RSP has been running for nearly 2 years now, and in light of the website redesign, David and Chris thought it was about time to have another major publicity push. The email at the link below has already been circulated around the DOLMEN, BASR, and NSRN lists. If you are a member of any other vaguely relevant mailing list – particularly of academic associations – please considering copying it and circulating among friends, colleagues, and interested parties.
Here’s the link: https://www.religiousstudiesproject.com/october-2013-publicity/
You can help to financially support the RSP simply by shopping on Amazon – and at no additional cost to you!
The Religious Studies Project is a participant in the Amazon EU Associates Programme, an affiliate advertising programme designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Amazon.co.uk. We are also a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Amazon.com.
If you click through to Amazon.co.uk or Amazon.com through these links, and buy ANY product during your visit, the RSP will earn referral fees. There will be no additional cost. Why not add a shortcut to your bookmarks bar and use these links every time you shop?
V1olume 14 of The Indian International Journal of Buddhist Studies (2013) has just appeared http://www.iijbs.org/html/home.html.
The Senses and Society, vol 3 http://www.ingentaconnect.com/content/bloomsbury/tsas/2013/00000008/00000003
Religion, State and Society, vol 41 http://www.tandfonline.com/toc/crss20/41/3#.UmBNIRDg8gI
Laurence Cox, Buddhism and Ireland: from the Celts to the counter-culture and beyond
Sheffield, UK: Equinox, 2013
ISBN 9781908049292 (hardback) / 9781908049308 (paperback)
426pp, 35 illustrations
Price $99.95 / $35; 25% discount available for web orders via
https://www.equinoxpub.com/equinox/books/showbook.asp?bkid=529 until the end of 2013 (use the code COX when ordering).
Broeckaert, (Bert), Van den Branden (Stef), Pérennès, (Jean-Jacques, 1949-)(eds),
Perspectives on Islamic culture. Essays in honour of Emilio G. Platti Louvain-Paris, Peeters (Les Cahiers du MIDEO, 6), 2013, XXIII+350
p., ISBN: 978-90-429-2734-6. 78 EURO
Babylonian Creation Myths By W. G. Lambert
Mesopotamian Civilizations 16 (Eisenbrauns)
Retail price: $99.50
Eisenbrauns price: $89.55
ISBN13: 978-1-57506-247-1
Pages: xvi + 640; plates
For much of the last half of the twentieth century, W. G. Lambert devoted much of his research energy and effort to the study of Babylonian texts dealing with Mesopotamian ideas regarding creation, including especially Enuma Elish. This volume, which appears almost exactly 2 years after Lambert’s death, distills a lifetime of learning by the world’s foremost expert on these texts. Lambert provides a full transliteration and translation of the 7 tablets of Enuma Elish, based on the known exemplars, as well as coverage of a number of other texts that bear on, or are thought to bear on, Mesopotamian notions of the origin of the world, mankind, and the gods. New editions of seventeen additional “creation tales” are provided, including “Enmesharra’s Defeat,” “Enki and Ninmah,” “The Slaying of Labbu,’ and “The Theogony of Dunnu.”
Lambert pays special attention, of course, to the connection of the main epic, Enuma Elish, with the rise and place of Marduk in the Babylonian pantheon. He traces the development of this deity’s origin and rise to prominence and elaborates the relationship of this text, and the others discussed, to the religious and political climate Babylonia.
The volume includes 70 plates (primarily hand-copies of the various exemplars of Enuma Elish) and extensive indexes.
SOAS Muslim South Asia Graduate Research Conference 2013
Date: 2013-10-28
Description: This one-day interdisciplinary conference brings together early career researchers from all around the world working on Muslim South Asia. The day will end with a Plenary Session chaired by Professor Francis Robinson and a drinks reception. Four panels: – Muslim Thought and Practice in South Asia – …
Contact: musa [at] soas.ac.uk
Announcement ID: 207451
NISIS Autumn School 2013, 22-25 October, Utrecht University
The NISIS Autumn School 2013 ‘Islam: culture or religion?’ is held at Utrecht University, from Tuesday 22 October through Friday 25 October, and features keynotes from several renowned speakers. This conference-cum-workshop seeks to investigate the relationship between religion and culture in Islam, to think about the history of the scholarly appropriations of these terms as well as to explore their current and possible future uses in the study of Islam. The keynotes are:
Tuesday 22 October
15.00-15.45: Carole Hillenbrand (University of Edinburg): ‘The academic discipline of Islamic history: the case of jihad scholarship’
16.30-17.15: Adam Silverstein (Bar-Ilan University,): ‘Islam as an Abrahamic civilization.’
Wednesday 23 October – 14.30-15.15: Syrinx von Hees (Bonn University): ‘Artistic production of the Middle East in view of the question Islam: Culture or Religion?’
16.00-16.45: Bruce Lawrence (Duke University): ‘Islam between scripture and discourse.’
Thursday 24 October – 14.30-15.15: Roman Loimeier (University of Göttingen): ‘“African Islam” vs. “Islam in Africa”: the problem of binary constructions of Muslim societies’
16.00-16.45: Léon Buskens (Leiden University): ‘Changes and continuities in Islamic Studies in the Netherlands in an international perspective’
For full information about this event, visit
The 1st circular of the IXth International Hittitology Congress which will be held at Çorum during September 2014 is posted at <http://www.hittitology.org.tr/>.
The Graduate Journal of Harvard Divinity School
Cult/ure is the student-‐run academic journal of Harvard Divinity School and the only graduate journal of religion at Harvard University. We publish exemplary student scholarship in the areas of religious studies, ministry studies, and theology.
Did you write an outstanding term paper last year? Have you been working on an independent research project? Submit your work to Cult/ure, HDS’s graduate journal by December 22nd, 2013!
Deadline: December 22nd, 2013
Submissions are open to all graduate religion students. Submit via email to cultandculturecfp@gmail.com.
The IAA awards a prize for the best first article written after the Ph.D. Please observe the following rules and regulations (see also the IAA website http://www.let.leidenuniv.nl/IAA/index.html
Rocky Mountain-Great Plains Region
University of Denver
Saturday-Sunday, March 29-30, 2014
The Regional Program Committee cordially invites you to submit proposals for papers and panels to be presented at the 2014 Regional Meeting at the University of Denver. The deadline for submissions is October 31, 2013. The program co-chairs are Gregory Robbins and Andrea Stanton, both faculty members in the Department of Religious Studies at the University of Denver (http://www.du.edu/ahss/religiousstudies/index.html).
Proposal Requirements
Because the committee receives a number of proposals in a wide variety of approaches we ask that each proposal include all the following elements:
1. An abstract, no more than 300 words;
2. The specific subject with enough detail that the subject is quickly and easily discerned;
3. The general methodology the presenter will use to discuss the subject;
4. The significance of the subject within the larger field of interest.
The proposal should be sent as an e-mail attachment in MS Word format to Program co-chairs:
grobbins@du.edu (SBL) or andrea.stanton@du.edu (AAR).
Please be sure to include reliable contact information. If you require technological support for your presentation (such as Internet connection, or audio and projection equipment), you must request it with your proposal.
Proposals are welcome in all areas of religious and biblical studies, including — but not limited to — the following:
· ANE / Greco-Roman history and cultures and biblical texts
· Religion in the public square; religion and government
· Religion and popular culture
· The Bible and cognate literature · Religious traditions: Christianity, Islam, Judaism, Buddhism, Hinduism, Native
American religions, etc.
· ANE archaeology and archaeological methods
· Pedagogical methods and technologies
We also encourage those who are members of ASOR to submit in the hopes of having sufficient presentations to constitute a separate ASOR section. Only those proposals received by the deadline will be considered for inclusion in the program. Presentations are limited to approximately twenty minutes, with a brief amount of time allowed for questions.
Student Paper Awards
Graduate students are encouraged to submit proposals. There will be awards for the best AAR and SBL student papers. The awards are presented during the luncheon on Saturday and carry a stipend of $100 each. To be considered for the award, a student must submit a copy of the completed paper (as an e-mail attachment in MS Word format or a PDF), along with an abstract, by October 31, 2013 (papers not chosen for an award will still be considered for the program).
The paper should be 10–12 pages double-spaced (for a 20-minute presentation).
Regional Scholars Award
The SBL offers a Regional Scholars award ($1000 plus national recognition as a Regional Scholar) for an outstanding paper presented at the regional meeting by a Ph.D. candidate or recent Ph.D. (four years or fewer). If you are interested in competing in the Regional Scholars competition, you must indicate so with your paper proposal. See the SBL national website for more information:
Program Committee
The Program Committee will review all proposals, and will convene at the National Meetings in Baltimore. The Program Co-Chairs, Gregory Robbins (grobbins@du.edu) and Andrea Stanton (andrea.stanton@du.edu), invite at least one faculty person from each of the participating schools in the region to serve on the program committee; the Regional Student Representative will also be a member of this committee. Please notify the co-chairs by October 31, 2013, if you are willing to serve on the Program Committee.
For more information, please visit: http://www.aarweb.org/node/179.
Popular Anthropology Magazine <http://popanthro.org> Call for Reviewers Popular Anthropology Magazine is looking for peer-reviewers for the December 2013 issue. Popular Anthropology Magazine is a biannual online publication aimed at increasing public understanding and access to current research in the field of anthropology, with a focus on raising awareness of anthropology’s relevance to issues of public interest and exploring the ways in which anthropology is learned as a discipline. The magazineincludes articles on sociocultural anthropology, biological anthropology, archaeology linguistics and visual anthropology
Please e-mail popanthro [at] gmail.com with any questions.
“Media and Religion”: Betwixt and Between
ICA Pre-Conference
Sponsored by the Philosophy, Theory and Critique Division of the International Communication Association
22 May 2014, 9:00 AM – 5 PM
Location: Thomas Hall-Jackson School of International Studies, University of Washington
“Media and religion” is a phrase used to describe a growing cross-disciplinary field of research. Communication scholars have noted interesting social and cultural implications of the intersection of media and religion on several levels. This includes acknowledging how communication processes within media and religious practice often point to a ritualization of communication, drawing attention to acts of witnessing and confession in media cultures. There is also recognition by scholar that media and religion highlights an important intersection of cultural and social imaginations, where media creates and informs deep feelings of social belonging. Against this background, it is not surprising that the intersection of religion and media is attracting research attention, especially in regards to the mediatization of religion and the proliferation of mediated religion.
Given the complexity of the relationship between media and religion, we advocate moving beyond the simple questions of “How is religion represented in the media?” and “How to religions use media to promote their cause?” to consider broader and deeper theoretical investigations of this evolving interplay. We suggest media may evoke and create a sense of wonder, transcendence, and flow, which in many ways approach experiences often assigned to the religious realm. To put it with Victor Turner’s classical essay on liminality: Religious media events, as well as media as a religious event, call into question simplistic social ontologies by being “betwixt and between” purely religious and purely media contexts.
This preconference seeks to bring into conversation a variety of approaches common within the study of media, religion and culture, in order to showcase the diverse perspectives scholars of Communication have taken in the study of this interrelationship. The goal of the preconference is to spotlight current scholarly methods within media and religion studies in order to highlight key theoretical concepts and problems – both for those working in the field, and for those who wish to gain first-hand insight into this area of Communication research. Through papers, panel presentations and shared conversation amongst participants this event aims is to draw scholarly attention to the relationship between media, religion and culture in its multiple intersections.
The preconference will consist of a morning session featuring two keynote panels of recognized scholars whose work intersects with the field of media and religion. The afternoon will involve two parallel panels of papers selected from abstract submissions, and a closing summary panel. Invited and confirmed speakers/respondents include Menachem Blondheim, Hebrew University; Nick Couldry, Goldsmiths University of London; Stig Hjarvard, University of Copenhagen; Stewart M. Hoover, University of Colorado-Boulder; Knut Lundby, University of Oslo and Paddy Scannell, University of Michigan.
Paper proposals are sought for the afternoon sessions on themes related to the study of media and religion. Of special interest are papers which sketch out new cross-disciplinary connections, methods and theoretical approaches to this intersection.Possible themes for paper considered for the pre-conference includes research which reflects on:
– Media as a site for religious practice and performance
– The mediatization of religion
– Religion and media as cultural technologies
– Media communication as a conduit for understanding and peace
– Religious media as mediating religion
– Media as Ritual
Paper submissions are welcome from scholars at all stages of their career working in a variety of discipline that intersect with the study of media, religion and culture. Abstracts of 500 words (maximum) should be submitted along with a brief biographical statement no later than 15 December 2013. Abstract should be submitted to Heidi Campbell at heidic [at] tamu.edu. Submissions will be judged by peer evaluation. Authors will be informed regarding acceptance/rejection for the preconference in mid February 2014.
The preconference is sponsored by the Jackson School of International Studies and Department of Communication at the University of Washington and supported by the Media and Religion Temporary Working Group of the European Communication Research and Education Association (ECREA) and The International Society for Media, Religion, and Culture.
Co-Convenors: Heidi Campbell, Texas A&M University, USA and Günter Thomas, Faculty for Protestant Theology-Ruhr-University Bochum, Germany
The Inaugural Conference of the British Association for Islamic Studies (BRAIS)
Thursday 10 – Friday 11 April 2014 University of Edinburgh
Call for panels and papers
As a follow-up to the very successful work of the Islamic Studies Network between 2009 and 2012, a learned society for Islamic Studies, the British Association for Islamic Studies (www.brais.ac.uk<http://www.brais.ac.uk/>) has been established.
The Inaugural Conference of the Association will be held in the University of Edinburgh on 10 – 11 April 2014, and the organisers invite proposals for whole panels or individual papers on any aspect or sub-discipline of Islamic Studies, broadly understood to include both Muslim-majority and Muslim-minority contexts, and any region of the Islamic World (e.g. Middle East, South Asia, South-East Asia, Sub-Saharan Africa), with a view to the conference as a whole providing a showcase of the range and depth of Islamic Studies today across the UK.
Panels are particularly welcome on themes within the subject, such as:
* Qur’anic Studies
* Law
* History
* Philosophy and Theology
* Intellectual History
* Civilisation (arts and science)
* Economics and Finance
* Education
* Gender Studies
* Islam in the Media
* Islam in South Asia
* Muslims in Britain/Europe/the West.
Individual proposals will also be considered, and, if accepted, will be grouped with similar submissions by the conference organisers.
200-word outlines of panels, together with 200-word abstracts of each paper proposed for panels, should be submitted in Word format by e-mail attachment tobrais@ed.ac.uk<mailto:brais@ed.ac.uk> by 5 pm (UK time) on MONDAY 9 DECEMBER. Proposals must include short biographies of each speaker (including details of institutional affiliation and e-mail address). Notification of accepted panels and papers will be circulated early in 2014.
Further details about the Association, including how to join, can be found at www.brais.ac.uk<http://www.brais.ac.uk/>. Registration for the conference will open in January 2014, and early registration is recommended as limited space is available. The deadline for registration for the conference is 5 pm (UK time) on Monday 10 March.
CALL FOR PAPERS: Anthropocene Feminism
Center for 21st Century Studies, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
April 10-12, 2014
C21’s conference Anthropocene Feminism will consider the ways in which feminism has long been concerned with the anthropocene, and what current interest in the anthropocene might mean for feminism, in its evolving histories, theories, and practices. The conference seeks to highlight both why we need an anthropocene feminism and why thinking the anthropocene must come from feminism.
We begin with two sets of questions. First, how has feminism anticipated the concept of the anthropocene, and what might it yet have to offer: how can feminism help us to historicize, challenge or refine the concept of the anthropocene? what does feminism have to say to the claim that humans now act as a geological force in ways that are independent of or indifferent to social, cultural, or political will or intent? And equally important, is there (or should there be) an anthropocene feminism: does feminism require a new formulation specific to the age of the anthropocene? how should feminism in an anthropogenic age take up an altered relation to the nonhuman world?
We seek proposals for critical, historical, and theoretical papers or creative presentations that address the questions posed by the concept of anthropocene feminism. Topics we imagine proposals pursuing include but are not limited to
· feminist genealogies or epistemologies of the anthropocene
· queer nature, queer ecologies, queer anthropocene
· ecosexualities or ecofeminism and feminism and dark ecologies
· environmental racism and transnational feminist approaches
· the anthropocene and the commons
· new materialism
· quantum entanglements and agential realism
· feminist science/environmental ethics and aesthetics and science studies in the
· anthropocene feminism after capitalism
· cyborg futures, geo-engineering, speculative ecologies and feminism after the non-human
· anthropocene utopianism/dystopianism and their antecedents
Please send your abstract (up to 250 words) and a brief (1-page) CV by Friday, December 6 to Richard Grusin, Director, Center for 21st Century Studies, c21@uwm.edu.
Conference website: http://c21uwm.com/anthropocene | C21: c21.uwm.edu
Sixth Graduate Symposium: April 11-13, 2014 in Thessaloniki, Greece
EABS is excited to announce its sixth graduate symposium, which will take place in Thessaloniki on the weekend of April 11-13, 2014. The symposium, which seeks to engender an intimate, supportive atmosphere for dialogue across a variety of biblical and related studies (OT, NT, DSS, early Christianity, rabbinics, etc.), welcomes PhD candidates and postdoctoral researchers to present on a topic related to their research area. Participants may format their presentation as they see fit: paper, seminar discussion, workshop session, or another form.
This year we especially encourage to propose posters! This is a complete novelty and a cutting edge approach to studying the Bible!
You do not need to send a complete poster as a proposal, although this is highly welcome.
The EABS Graduate Symposium is happy to welcome a few senior scholars, including the EABS president, Professor Reimund Bieringer (Katholieke Universiteit Leuven), who will offer feedback and share their own experiences in the field. In addition, the symposium looks forward to continuing its tradition of holding a joint session with graduate students from the University of Alberta.
Candidates should submit their abstracts and/or posters of no more than 300 words to students [at] eabs.net no later than January 15th, 2013.
Please mention the preferred format in the abstract (i.e. paper, workshop, pre-circulated paper, discussion etc.). For the sixth symposium we suggest equal time slots of 20 minutes for everyone.
Participants have to be members of the EABS. The one-year membership (from January 1st to December 31st ) for 2014 will be €10.
American University – Beirut – Assistant Professor in Classical Islamic Thought <http://www.h-net.org/jobs/job_display.php?id=47565>
Princeton University – Lecturer, Modern Standard Arabic <http://www.h-net.org/jobs/job_display.php?id=47713>
Michigan State University – Director, Muslim Studies Program <http://www.h-net.org/jobs/job_display.php?id=47725>
Jewish Theological Seminary – postdoctoral fellowship in JewishStudies <http://www.h-net.org/jobs/job_display.php?id=47733>
Princeton University – Assistant, Associate, or Full Professor, History of the Jewish and/or Christian populations of the pre-modern Muslim world 800-1800 <http://www.h-net.org/jobs/job_display.php?id=47754>
Museum of Islamic Art, Doha – Curator for Early Iran and Central Asia <http://www.h-net.org/jobs/job_display.php?id=47704>
Museum of Islamic Art, Doha – Curator for Later Iran and Central Asia <http://www.h-net.org/jobs/job_display.php?id=47705>
University of Nebraska at Omaha – Assistant Professor – Islamic Studies <http://www.h-net.org/jobs/job_display.php?id=47751>
Pacific Lutheran University – Chair, Holocaust Studies <http://www.h-net.org/jobs/job_display.php?id=47774>
Princeton University – Lecturer, Modern Hebrew <http://www.h-net.org/jobs/job_display.php?id=47709>
University of Potsdam – W3 Professorship for Bible and Judaic Exegesis <http://www.h-net.org/jobs/job_display.php?id=47760>
University of Potsdam – W1 Endowed Professorship of Jewish Liturgy and Comparative Ritual Studies <http://www.h-net.org/jobs/job_display.php?id=47761>
University of Potsdam – W3 Professorship for History of Jewish Religion and Jewish Thought <http://www.h-net.org/jobs/job_display.php?id=47762>
School of Philosophical, Anthropological and Film Studies
University of St Andrews