Religious Studies Opportunities Digest – 24 August 2012

24 August 2012 Issue

We are not responsible for any content contained herein, but have simply copied and pasted from a variety of sources. If you have any content for future digests, please contact us via the various options on our ‘contact’ page.

In this issue:

  • Books
  • Journals
  • Calls for Papers
  • Conferences
  • Jobs
  • Fellowships
  • Networks

And don’t forget, you can always get involved with the Religious Studies Project by writing one of our features essays or resources pages. Contact the editors for more information.


The Ashgate New, World and Indigenous Religions leaflet is now available to download …

In this new leaflet you can find out more about our exciting new Dialogues in South Asian Traditions: Religion, Philosophy, Literature and History series, including details on the first title to be published, Hindu and Buddhist Ideas in Dialogue. We have also published a few new titles in the Vitality of Indigenous Religions series, such as African Traditions in the Study of Religion in Africa.

I am particularly eager to announce the impending publication of Aztec Goddesses and Christian Madonnas by Joseph Kroger and Patrizia Granziera. This new book investigates the myths and images of 22 Aztec Goddesses and 28 Christian Madonnas in Mexico. This is a beautifully produced title (if we do say so ourselves!), and is available in both paperback and hardback.

If you would like to discover more of our new titles, click the front cover image above and explore!


Theology and Science, vol 10, No 3


Online International Journal of Arts and Humanities (OIJAH) is currently accepting manuscripts for publication. OIJAH publishes high-quality solicited and unsolicited articles, in English in areas of arts and humanities pertaining to psychology and counseling, policy studies, history and culture, etc

Contact: helpdesk [at]


Announcement ID: 196421

Mapping the Occult City: Exploring Magick and Esotericism in the Urban Utopia

Location: Illinois

Date: 2012-08-27

Description: A pre-conference for the Annual Meeting of the American Academy of Religions in Chicago, on Friday November 16, 2012, presented by Phoenix Rising Academy and DePaul      University. Phoenix Rising Academy would like to explore intersections of the esoteric and the urban, focusing on the city as a locus..

Contact: jwinslad [at]


Announcement ID: 196399

“Ready for Democracy? Religion and Political Culture in the Orthodox and Islamic Worlds” conference

Location: Indiana

Date: 2012-09-15

Description: Call for Papers “Ready for Democracy? Religion and Political Culture in the Orthodox and Islamic Worlds” conference ,br>at Indiana University Bloomington, February 28-March 2, 2013 The Russian and East European Institute at Indiana University invites advanced graduate students and recent PhDs (those …

Contact: reei [at]

Announcement ID: 196389

Infertility and Sacred Space: From Antiquity to the Early Modern

Date: 2012-09-30

Description: Concerns about fertility and children have been (and still are) common reasons for visiting, and more generally engaging with, the sacred spaces, sanctuaries and shrines, groves

and grottoes, of many religions and cultures. The narratives, objects, and rituals associated with places of particular access …



Announcement ID: 196497

Oct 15, 2012, deadline. Religion and Politics in a Post-Secular World: Telos conference in New York City, Feb 16-17, 2013, New York

Date: 2012-10-15

CALL FOR PAPERS Religion and Politics in a Post-Secular World: The Sixth Annual Telos Conference in New York City, February 16-17, 2013 The 21st century has been marked by both events and reflections that have explicitly challenged the long-standing liberal project of maintaining a separation between …



Announcement ID: 196466

   Title: Christianity in the second century: themes and developments

   Date: 2013-03-20

   Description: Interdisciplinary workshop on the state of research

      on Christianity in the second century, involving scholars

      working in Classics, early Jewish studies as well as

      Christianity.  …



Announcement ID: 196487


The Asian Conference on Film & Documentary

Date: 2012-09-25

Description: The International Academic Forum, in conjunction with its global partners, is pleased to announce the Inaugural Annual Asian Conference on Film and Documentary 2012, to be held in Osaka, Japan, from 2-4 November 2012. The FilmAsia event is a remarkable cross-cultural and interdisciplinary discussion, …

Contact: filmasia [a]


Announcement ID: 196232

What it Means to be a Person – The Religious Philosophy of John Macmurray

Saturday 20th October 2012, 10.30am-4.30pm,

The Friends’ Meeting House, 43 St Giles, Oxford OX1 3LW

more details at:

The main address ‘Religion in Public: Macmurray on Religion and Politics’, will be by Esther McIntosh, Research fellow at the Faculty of Education and Theology, York St. John University, and author of ‘John Macmurray’s Religious Philosophy — What it means to be a Person’ (, published last year. There will be a review of the book in our next Newsletter. There will also be a panel discussion on the increasing relevance of the work of John Macmurray in the 21st century.

Center for Islamic Studies National Conference

Location: Louisiana

Date: 2012-11-09

Description: The Center for Islamic Studies welcomes abstracts for paper presentations at the national conference in Baton Rouge, Louisiana. Topics include, but not limited to, religion, role

of women in society, social issues, the arts, medical practices, believes, education, and more.

Contact: naaasconference [at]


Announcement ID: 196301

Dear colleague,

The Dutch Association for the Study of Religion (NGG) will hold its Annual Meeting on 25-26 October 2012 at the University of Groningen. The theme of the conference is “Religion and Social Cohesion: Challenges and Perspectives.” The Annual Meeting uses the 100th anniversary of the publication of Émile Durkheim’s Les formes élémentaires de la vie religieuse (1912) as an opportunity to look critically at the concept of ‘social cohesion’ and the many, often conflicting ways in which scholars, politicians, and others have correlated religion to values of equality, solidarity, democracy, and tolerance (or their opposites) in contemporary Western societies. We want to raise the question whether religion(s) and discourses on religion(s) promote social cohesion or social conflict in multicultural and plural modern societies. The conference will combine sociological, anthropological, and historical approaches to the theme of social cohesion and will provide a contribution to the ongoing debates in Europe regarding the benefits and problems of religious convictions.

We are honoured to present two distinguished keynote speakers:

  • Prof. Lori Beaman, Canada Research Chair in the Contextualization of Religion in a Diverse Canada, University of Ottawa. Lecture: “The Trouble with Cohesion: Equality Models in Diverse Societies”

  • Prof. Anders Klostergaard Petersen, Department of Culture and Society – Study of Religion, University of Aarhus, Denmark. Lecture: “The Elementary Forms and

Social Cohesion: Reappraising the Durkheimian Legacy in the Study of Religion”

Registration for the conference is now open. For detailed information about registration, accomodation, and programme, please see the conference website at

For all questions pertaining to the conference organization, please contact Annet van der Meer ( ) who is the administrative officer for the conference.

Thank you very much for your consideration.


Lecturer in Philosophy

University of Glasgow

Deadline: 31 August 2012

Further information:

Associate Research Fellow in Palestinian Studies

Closing date 27th August 2012

Research Fellow on Islamic Reformulations project

Closing date 18th September 2012

University of California – Davis – Assistant Professor, Late Antique



University of California – Santa Cruz – Assistant Professor, Early

Modern and Modern South Asia


Harvard University – tenure-track position in modern Chinese



University of California – Los Angeles – Tenure-Track Professor,

Early Modern/Modern Japanese history



Yale ISM Fellows in Sacred Music, Worship and the Arts

The Yale Institute of Sacred Music is accepting applications for the 2013-­-2014 ISM Fellows in Sacred Music, Worship and the Arts. Scholars and practitioners whose work is in sacred music, liturgical/ritual studies or religion and the arts are invited to apply. This residential fellowship carries a stipend of up to $52,000 and housing is provided. Other benefits include travel and research funds, and offers the opportunity to teach. The ISM is particularly interested in considering applications from scholars and practitioners whose work lies outside of Western Christianity. For full details on the program, please visit or contact the ISM Fellows Coordinator at glen.segger [at] yale [dot] edu.

The deadline for applications is October 15, 2012.

Title: Deadline approaching fast (August 17) for Duke Library

Fellowships in Jewish Studies and Hebrew Bible

Location: North Carolina

Date: 2012-08-17

Description: The Duke Center for Jewish Studies and the David M.

Rubenstein Rare Book and Manuscript Library would like to

remind scholars that the deadline for library fellowships in

Jewish Studies and Hebrew Bible is fast approaching: August 17,

2012 for the 2012-2013 academic year. These fellowships benefit

s …



Announcement ID: 196377


Childhood Studies and Religion

New website and listserve that has been created titled Childhood Studies and Religion Discussion Group. It is sponsored by the American Academy of Religion, the main and largest venue for scholars of religion around the world, and allows you to post

Contact: ptcox [at]


Announcement ID: 196459

H-Shukyo: H-Net Network on Japanese Religions

H-Shukyo (the Japanese term for “religion”) is an international network dedicated to the scholarly discussion of Japanese religions. It is open to graduate students and professionals working

on the academic study of Japanese religions.

Japanese Religions: Japan has an unusually diverse religious landscape including not only different schools of Buddhism (such as Zen, Nichiren, Pure Land, and Shingon), but also Shinto, Confucianism, Christianity, and a host of so-called “Shinshukyo” or “New Religions.”

This list aims to focus on the discussion of these religions in their historical, philosophical and cultural contexts.

H-Shukyo will be a forum for the discussion of Japanese religions in general. It will host discussions of current scholarly issues, announce new research projects, and provide a place to post job announcements and reviews of recent publications in the field.

ISSNR: International Society for the Study of New Religions

New Religious Movements came into being as a distinct field of study in Western countries in the 1970s. Despite the many specialists working in this field, no international membership association was ever formed for scholars of New Religions. So in 2009, a group of individuals associated with Finyar – a Swedish association devoted to the study of New Religions – and other academicians took the initiative to form the International Society for the Study of New Religions (ISSNR). Modeled on Finyar, ISSNR was created as a network association for the exchange of research and academic cooperation, and also as an organization that could provide scholarly information about New Religions to the public and to government bodies.

Members of ISSNR come from different academic disciplines and take different approaches to New Religions. A shared goal is the desire to highlight the phenomenon objectively and impartially on the basis of scholarly perspectives.

ISSNR cooperates with Equinox Publishing to publish an academic journal and a book series on New Religions. ISSNR also organizes seminars and conferences, and plans to manage research projects.

Become a member of ISSNR

Membership of ISSNR includes a subscription of IJSNR. The web site of ISSNR is not yet finished, but you find information on

IJSNR: International Journal for the Study of New Religions

IJSNR is published in cooperation between ISSNR and Equinox. IJSNR considers submissions from both established scholars and research students from all over the world. Articles should be written for a general scholarly audience. All articles are referred. IJSNR is published biannually in May and November. Each issue includes articles and a number of book reviews. The journal is published simultaneously in print and online.

The most recent issue of IJSNR  vol 3 (1) 2012: Special issue: New religions and dialogue.

“Editor´s Introduction” by guest editor Stephen E. Gregg

“Ecumenical with the Truth? Jehovah´s Witnesses and Dialogue” by George Chryssides

“Global and Solitary: Dialogue and the Unification Church” by Sarah Lewis

“Constructing Korea´s Won Buddhism as a New Religion: Self-differentiation and Inter-religious Dialogue” by Don Baker

“Poking Fun at the Pope: Anti-Catholic Dialogue, Performance and the Symbolic Construction of Identity in the International Raelian Movement” by Stephen E. Gregg

“Dialogue or Confrontation? New Religious Movements, Mainstream Religions and the State in Secular Estonia” by Ringo Ringvee


International conference in Falun, Sweden, June 22nd to June 25th 2013

ISSNR will arrange a conference in Sweden in 2013 in cooperation with CESNUR and FINYAR. The information is not yet available on web sites, but write to professor Liselotte Frisk,