Welcome back to the latest edition of the Religious Studies Project Opportunities Digest! This week you will find four conference calls for papers, one conference, four events, and one job opportunities.
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Conference Call for Papers
DVRW meeting: English-German panel
3-6 September 2019. Hannover, Germany
Deadline: 28 February 2019
“Religion as a Changing Category of Muslim Practice”
24 May 2019. University of Oxford, UK
Deadline: 28 February 2019
More information: https://criticalreligion.org/2019/02/22/call-for-papers-religion-as-a-changing-category-of-muslim-practice/
33rd Biannual Conference of the German Association for the Study of Religion
Extended deadline for panel proposal: 15 March 2019
More information: https://www.dvrw2019.uni-hannover.de/fileadmin/dvrw2019/Dateien/PDF/open_panel_sessions_final.pdf
SSSR 2019: Diversifying the Social Scientific Study of Religion: The Next Seventy Years
25-27 October 2019. St. Louis, Missouri
Deadline: 31 March 2019
More information: https://sssreligion.org/annual-meeting/information/
Women & Gender in the Bible and the Ancient World Conference 2019
29 March 2019. University of Glasgow
Samādhi Burial and the Continued Presence of the Realized Yogin
Dr. Mark J. McLaughlin
6 March 2019. SOAS, London, UK
ISSA Seminars on the Japanese Enthronement Ceremonies
5 March 2019. Tokyo, Japan (Japanese)
30 March 2019. Tokyo, Japan (English)
6 April 2019. Kyoto, Japan (English)
“How Minority Religions React to the Law” Seminar
1 June 2019. King’s College London, UK
More information coming soon
The Folly of Secularism
“Dialogues on the Theopolitics of the Nation-State: Israel in a wider context”
1 April 2019. Oxford University, UK
Professorship in the Religious Ethnology of the Contemporary Western World
Ecole Pratique des Hautes Etudes (EPHE). Paris, France.
Deadline: 14 March 2019