We are not responsible for any content contained herein, but have simply copied and pasted from a variety of sources. If you have any content for future digests, please contact us via the various options on our ‘contact’ page.
In this issue:
- Future Podcasts
- Survey
- Books
- Journals
- Call for papers
- Workshops
- Conferences
- Jobs
- Awards
The following are some of the themes which will be covered in future podcasts
- Sociotheology and Cosmic War
- Religion and Globalization
- Religious Experience
- Pilgrimage/Tourism
Gregory D. Alles
Professor, Religious Studies, McDaniel College, Westminster, MD 21157, USA
I am conducting a survey of scholars of religions on methodological and theoretical resources in the study of religions that originate from outside Western Europe and North America. (Those that do originate from Western Europe and North America are known throughout the world.) Among other things I will use the results of the survey to determine how I might continue the project begun with Religious Studies: A Global View.
Please consider following this link and participating in the survey:
All responses will be strictly anonymous.
If you consider theoretical and methodological resources that originate from outside Western Europe and North America to be unimportant, that would be worth knowing, too. You will have the opportunity to rate these resources on a scale from very important to not at all important. The best answers are, of course, simply honest ones.
The survey is currently available in English, French, German, and Spanish. If you think it would be helpful to have the survey translated into other languages as well, please let me know – especially if you can suggest a way to accomplish that translation.
Santo Daime: A New World Religion. London: Bloomsbury.
ISBN: 978-1-4411-0299-7; 978-1-4411-5424-8.
Santo Daime: A New World Religion deals with a young, exotic and controversial religious movement. Emerging in the Brazilian Amazon in the 1930s, Santo Daime has since spread to many of the world’s major cities. Santo Daime is a mixture of indigenous, popular Catholic, Afro-Brazilian, esoteric, Spiritist, and new age beliefs and activities. Ritual practice is centred on the consumption of a psychotropic beverage called ‘Daime’ which members believe enhances their interaction with the supernatural world. Because Daime is treated as an illegal narcotic in many parts of the world, outside of its Brazilian homeland most Santo Daime rituals are practised clandestinely. This book unites extensive fieldwork experience with an established theoretical background and makes a significant contribution to understanding the contemporary interface of religion and late-modern society. Individualization and religious subjectivism, pluralization and religious hybridism, transformation and detraditionalization, globalization and religious identity, and commoditization and religious consumption are among the many issues engaged by this book.
Santo Daime: A New World Religion is an accessible and multi-disciplinary book suitable for undergraduate students and researchers working in Religious Studies, Sociology of Religion, Anthropology, Cultural Studies and Latin American Studies.
Andrew Dawson is Senior Lecturer in Religion at Lancaster University, UK.
Sociology of Religion, Advance Access. http://socrel.oxfordjournals.org/content/early/recent?papetoc
Anthropological Journal of European Cultures has been published by Berghahn Journals. This issue
celebrates AJEC’s 21 years by reflecting on the journal’s past and future. The General Articles explore the disciplinary connections on which the anthropological study of cultural expressions in and of Europe is based.
Volume 21, Issue 2
European Ethnology, Europeanist Anthropology and Beyond
Issue 5 – Journal on African Philosophy
Description: Journal on African Philosophy have just published issue 5. This is the second issue after a 10 year hiatus since 2003. We thank all the contributors of being part of this revitalization process. The leading article of the issue is by Professor Susan Babbitt. The article, Cuba’s Internationalism
Contact: editor [at] africaknowledgeproject.org
URL: www.africaknowledgeproject.org/index.php/jap/issue/view/143
Announcement ID: 201147
RE21 Religious Education in a Global-Local World – International Conference, Study of Religions dept., UCC, Cork, Ireland 29-30 August 2013
DEADLINES for those who want to apply for funding assistance are:
Panel proposals, Thursday 7 February 2013.
Individual paper/poster proposals, 28 February 2013
To be eligible for funding assistance, you must first have your paper or poster proposal accepted.
For full conference details google RE21 UCC or go to http://www.ucc.ie/en/studyofreligions/research/re21/callsforpapersre21/
Researching Africa: Fieldwork and UK-based research
Date: 2013-04-24
Description: This workshop is aimed at postgraduate students in all disciplines with research interests relating to Africa. The workshop will include presentations and group discussions around two main topics: Fieldwork in Africa and Studying Africa from a distance. Fieldwork in Africa
Contact: c.baker [at] lancaster.ac.uk
URL: online-payments.lancaster university.co.uk/browse/extra_info.asp?modid=1&prodid=1560&deptid=6&catid=231&prodvarid=0
Announcement ID: 201142
CPF for the annual meeting of the Dutch Association for the Study of Religion which will take place at the University of Leiden 24-25 October 2013 and have as theme Lived Religion: Studying Religious Practice Outline of theme
The 2013 Annual Meeting of the NGG focuses on lived religion, that is religious practice such as it is actually enacted and religious identities and beliefs such as they are actually held. The opposite of lived religion is thus not ‘dead religion’, but ‘prescribed religion’, the religion of catechisms, canons, and creeds. We invite papers that explore the lived religion of groups and individuals, including the unofficial and everyday dimensions of the great religious traditions, non-institutional and post-Christian religion (e.g., ‘new age’, neo-paganism), and tensions between lived and prescribed religion. The conference welcomes anthropological, sociological, cognitive, and historical perspectives, and we especially encourage papers of a methodological or theoretical nature. The conference aims to advance the study of lived religion by critically and systematically reflecting on the core question ‘how do we approach and theorise lived religion’?
We invite proposals for papers, panels, and posters on lived religion from all theoretical perspectives within the study of religion. In addition, PhD and MA students are given the possibility to present their ongoing research either with a poster or in a paper session that is not related to the conference theme. Deadline for all proposals is 1 June 2013. See detailed calls for papers, panels, and posters below.
We are honoured to present two distinguished keynote speakers:
Prof.Dr. Ronald Hutton, “Lived Religion in History, History in Lived Religion: The Case of Contemporary Paganism” (speaker confirmed; title provisional) Dr. Nathal Dessing, “How to Study Everyday Lived Religion”
A. Call for individual papers
Each individual paper will be given a total of 30 minutes, i.e. 20 minutes for presentation and 10 minutes for discussion.
We invite proposals from various disciplinary perspectives (the academic study of religion, sociology, anthropology, history, etc.) on lived religion. Topics can include (but are not restricted to):
§ Unofficial and everyday religious practices within great religious traditions
§ Practices, beliefs, and identities in contemporary, non-institutional religion (e.g., ‘new age’, neo-paganism)
§ Tensions between lived and prescribed religion, between specialists and laity, and between theological correctness and theological incorrectness
§ Theories of religion focusing on action, activity, or practice (e.g., Weber, Geertz, Bourdieu, Riesebrodt, and Whitehouse)
§ Processual approaches to religion: Practicing, experiencing, cognising, and feeling as the core of religion
§ Discursive practices as lived religion
§ Rituals and religious acts: ritual theory and ritual dynamics
§ Religion and material culture
§ Lived religion as a theoretical concept
§ Lived religion in the past and the historical context of contemporary lived religion
§ The interlace of lived religion with media, leisure, entertainment, fiction, and play
§ The internet as a new site of religious practice and the methodological challenges it poses
§ The study of social organisation beyond the religious group: network analysis, field work, and more
§ The methodology of studying religious experience (including altered states of consciousness): seeking a third way between going native and scanning brains
Candidates should submit both an abstract (of max. 150 words) for the programme book and a more detailed proposal (of max. 400 words). Deadline for submitting abstract and proposal for an individual paper is 1 June 2013. Abstracts and proposals should be emailed to NGG secretary Markus Altena Davidsen (m.davidsen@religion.leidenuniv.nl).
B. Call for PANELS
Groups of scholars are invited to submit 3 to 5 papers on similar topics as one coherent panel (1.5–2 hours length, depending on the schedule). Panels should fit into the perspectives outlined above.
Deadline for submitting a panel is 1 June 2013. When submitting a panel, please include in one document both individual abstracts and proposals for the papers (respectively max. 150 and 400 words), as well as a panel abstract (max. 150 words) for the programme book and a more detailed panel proposal (of max. 400 words). Abstracts and proposals should be emailed to NGG secretary Markus Altena Davidsen (m.davidsen@religion.leidenuniv.nl).
C. Call for papers and posterS for off-theme PhD and MA student session(s) PhD students are invited to propose papers for the perspectives outlined above. Additionally, both PhD students and MA students are cordially invited to submit a poster or a paper for a separate off-theme session. This can be a great opportunity for MA students to report on the results of their MA thesis and for PhD students to present some of their preliminary conclusions.
Each individual paper will be given a total of 30 minutes, i.e. 20 minutes for presentation and 10 minutes for discussion.
Posters should be A1 size and should not include too much text. Make sure to include pictures, graphs etc. to enhance readability. We suggest that posters are accompanied with a number of handouts for people to take. Unfortunately, we cannot help with the printing of the poster. Most universities, however, do offer templates and/or facilities for making conference posters.
Abstracts for posters and papers for the off-theme session(s) (max. 150 words) together with a more detailed proposal (of max. 400 words) should be sent no later than 1 June 2013 to NGG secretary Markus Altena Davidsen (m.davidsen[at] religion.leidenuniv.nl).
Practical Details
Organisers. The Dutch Association for the Study of Religion (Nederlands Genootschap voor Godsdienstwetenschap) in cooperation with Leiden Institute for Religious Studies, University of Leiden.
Organising committee. Prof.Dr. Kocku von Stuckrad (chair, NGG), Markus Altena Davidsen (secretary, NGG), William Arfman, (PhD representative, NGG), Dr. Wim Hofstee (Leiden Institute for Religious Studies).
Venue. Leiden Institute for Religious Studies, University of Leiden.
Time. 24–25 October 2013. The conference will begin around 14.00 on Thursday the 24th and end around 16.00 on Friday the 25th.
Deadline. Deadline for all proposals is 1 June 2013. Proposals should be sent to the secretary of the Dutch Association for the Study of Religion, Markus Altena Davidsen (m.davidsen [at] religion.leidenuniv.nl).
Registration. Registration costs will be kept as low as possible (and depend on further funding that the organisers applied for). Discounts will be available for members of the NGG and for students. Registration includes coffee/tea breaks, the conference dinner on Thursday evening, and a lunch on Friday. The organisers will help with finding accommodation in various categories. Please check the website for updates and further information.
Homepage. For updates and information, please see the website of the NGG at www.godsdienstwetenschap.org or follow us on Twitter at @NGG_nl.
Demons and Illness: Theory and Practice from Antiquity to the Early Modern Period.
Exeter this April (22-24)
There are several late antique/medieval sessions: http://centres.exeter.ac.uk/medhist/conferences/Demons%20and%20Illness/index.shtml
Reformation Studies Conference
Westminster College, Cambridge
3-5 April 2013
Further information on the Society for Reformation Studies and its conferences can
be obtained by emailing Dr Charlotte Methuen (charlotte.methuen@glasgow.ac.uk)
or Dr Aaron Clay Denlinger (a.c.denlinger[at]abdn.ac.uk), or by visiting the website of
the Society for Reformation Studies (www.reformationstudies.org)
Registration is now open for the ‘Exploring modern South Asian history with visual research methods’ conference, 15-16 March 2013. CRASSH, Alison Richard Building, 7 West Rd., Cambridge, CB3 9DT.
As a preamble to the conference, the Centre of South Asian Studies, University of Cambridge, is organising a seminar series (11 February – 11 March 2013) that will introduce the theme of the conference. Several historians and anthropologists will discuss a selection of anthropological films of South Asia in relation to current historiographical methodologies. The series is organised in collaboration with the Royal Anthropological Institute. To find out more see http://www.crassh.cam.ac.uk/events/2379/
Living Research: Reflexivities, Positionalities and Transformations. Call for Proposals
Location: Ontario
Date: 2013-02-25
Description: Interdisciplinary Conference Living Research: Reflexivities, Positionalities and Transformations to be held April 15th & 16th 2013 University of Ottawa Call for
Submissions Due February 25th, 2013 Keynote Speaker: Tim Ingold
Chair in Social Anthropology, University of Aberdeen Monday
April 16th 4:30 …
Contact: nicolasrasiulis [at] gmail.com
Announcement ID: 201066
Temple and Tomb: Reimagining the Sacred Buildings of Jerusalem
Date: 2013-03-15
Description: 13.00 18.10, Friday 15 March (with registration from 12.30) 09.30 17.40, Saturday 16 March (with registration from 09.00) Kenneth Clark Lecture Theatre, The Courtauld Institute of Art, Somerset House, Strand, London WC2R 0RN God and humankind had been at one in paradise. The sanctuary of Jerusalems …
Contact: ResearchForumEvents [at] courtauld.ac.uk
URL: www.courtauld.ac.uk/researchforum/events/2013/spring/mar15_TempleandTomb.shtml
Announcement ID: 201101
Changing Boundaries: Mindfulness, Spirituality and Education
Date: 2013-07-04
Description: Building upon the success of the first Changing Boundaries: Spirituality and Education International Conference 2010, the Centre for Spiritual Capital at DCU is delighted to host the 2nd conference. It is co-organised by Dr. James O’Higgins Norman, from the School of Education Studies, and Dr.Berna …
Contact: louise.bent [at] dcu.ie
URL: www4.dcu.ie/conferences/changingboundaries/index.shtml
Announcement ID: 200925
International Conference on Humanities: Crises and Spirituality
Date: 2013-05-17
Description: The concept of crisis has become one of the most commonly referred concepts of modern times. Spirituality is an important part of human experience and certainly has things to say on crisis conditions as well. II. International Conference on Humanities titled Crises and Spirituality will be discussing
Contact: ich [at] beder.edu.al
URL: ich.beder.edu.al/index.html
Announcement ID: 200924
Job Title: Tenure Track faculty in Theology
Employer: University of St. Thomas
Application Deadline: Unspecified
Job Detail: http://www.PostdocJobs.com/jobs/jobdetail.php?jobid=1123831
Job Title: Aquinas Chair in Theology
Employer: University of St. Thomas
Application Deadline: Unspecified
Job Detail: http://www.PostdocJobs.com/jobs/jobdetail.php?jobid=1123830
Job Title: Open-Rank Professor of Judaism in Late Antiquity
Employer: University of Chicago
Application Deadline: 2013-03-01
Job Detail: http://www.PostdocJobs.com/jobs/jobdetail.php?jobid=1123425
Job Title: Postdoctoral Research Positions at the Interdisciplinary Center for Intercultural and Indigenous Studies, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile
Employer: Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile
Application Deadline: 2013-5-3
Job Detail: http://www.PostdocJobs.com/jobs/jobdetail.php?jobid=4012182
Lecturer in Central Asian Studies
College of Social Sciences, School of Social and Political Sciences
University of Glasgow
Deadline: 1 March 2013
The John W. Kluge Center Announces Call for Applications for David B. Larson Fellowship in Health and Spirituality
Location: District of Columbia
Date: 2013-04-17
Description: The John W. Kluge Center at the Library of Congress is now accepting applications for the David B. Larson Fellowship in Health and Spirituality. The application deadline is April 17, 2013. The Larson Fellowship is a post-doctoral fellowship in the field of health and spirituality. Made possible by a …
Contact: scholarly[at]loc.gov
URL: www.loc.gov/loc/kluge/fellowships/larson.html
Announcement ID: 200836
Leibniz Institute of European History – 1 research position for PhD-candidates “World Heritage Site Auschwitz Concentration Camp”
(65% TV-L EG 13), IEG Mainz
Two PhD scholarships on “Agrarian Alternatives in South Asia” University of Heidelberg (Cluster of Excellence “Asia and Europe in a Global Context”) http://www.asia-europe.uni-heidelberg.de/de/ueber-uns/karriere/detail/m/two-phd-scholarships-on-agrarian-alternatives-in-south-asia.html
For more information, please consult the project description <http://www.asia-europe.uni-heidelberg.de/en/research/junior-research-groups/jrg-agrarian-alternatives.html>
Deadline : 10.03.2013
Durham University
Department of Theology and Religion
Bede Professor of Catholic Theology (Post Ref: 2403)
Salary will be by negotiation within the Professorial range.
Durham University’s Department of Theology and Religion, home to the Centre for Catholic Studies (CCS), is seeking an outstanding scholar-teacher with gifts for public communication for the Bede Chair of Catholic Theology, the only such endowed chair in Catholic theology in the UK since the Reformation. We are seeking a highly productive, deeply committed, energetic team-player who can define this unique role and fulfil its immense potential. Working in close collaboration with the other CCS staff members, associates, and postgraduate community, together with colleagues in other institutions nationally and internationally, and in co-ordination with the CCS Director and CCS Administrator, the Bede Professor will share in providing internationally regarded academic leadership in Catholic theology and Catholic studies in the public academy and so help further Durham University’s reputation as a world-centre in these regards. Together with the recognised excellence of her/his scholarship, the Bede Professor will have proven excellence also in teaching and public communication. The Bede Professor will not have any major administrative responsibilities but will instead carry out significant theological outreach work on behalf of the Diocese of Hexham and Newcastle and act as theological advisor, as required, to the Bishop of Hexham and Newcastle (approximately 20% of workload). As a consequence the post is restricted to practising (Roman) Catholics.
Reference Number: 2403 Closing Date: 7th March 2013
Further details of the post and an application form are available on our website (http://www.dur.ac.uk/jobs/) or telephone 0191 334 6498.
2014 the Manfred Lautenschlaeger Award for Theological Promise will be given to 10 young scholars from all over the world. It is funded by the Manfred Lautenschlaeger-Stiftung, Germany (Manfred Lautenschlaeger Foundation). In addition to the prize of $10,000 each, the winners will have the chance to propose an international and interdisciplinary colloquium on an important academic topic. At least two winners from at least two countries and at least two disciplines should organize and lead this colloquium. Each year two Lautenschlaeger Colloquia will be supported with 15,000 each. The deadline for the 2014 Award is April 30, 2013.
For further information go to the following http://www.fiit.uni-heidelberg.de/award/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=33&Itemid=1