Calls for papers
Symposium: Magic and intellectual history
March 5, 2015
University of York, UK
Calls for: abstracts
Deadline: October 15, 2014
Journal: The Journal of Religious Studies, History and Society (Revista Ciências da Religião, Historia e Sociedade)
Calls for: articles
Deadline: October 6, 2014
More information (English and Portuguese)
Anthology: Beyond Insider Outsider Binaries: New Approaches in the Study of Religion
Calls for: authors
Conferences and events
International Symposium on Human-Animal Relationships in Religious Traditions
September 25–27, 2014
Bonn, Germany
PhD students workshop in Law and Religion
Date: TBA
Oxford Brookes University
20 Research Fellowships in various fields
Queen’s University Belfast, UK
Up to 15 PhD positions, up to 10 graduate school grants
Berlin Graduate School Muslim Cultures and Societies