Opportunities Digest – 20 April 2012
We have moved opportunities digests until Fridays, largely to promote more discussion related to the response essays and podcasts, and also to give readers the chance to think about the opportunities over the weekend. We are not responsible for any content contained herein, but have simply copied and pasted from a variety of sources. If you have any content for future digests, please email editors at religiousstudiesproject.com
In this issue:
- Journals – advance notice
- Calls for Papers
- Calls for Participants
- Jobs
Journal of Hindu Studies May 2012, 5 (1) http://jhs.oxfordjournals.org/content/5/1.toc?etoc
Journal of Religion in Japan (first issue) http://www.ingentaconnect.com/content/brill/jrj/2012/00000001/00000001
The Diversity of Death and Dying
Ad Hoc Group of:
Diversity and Cohesion: Challenges of Increasing Social Complexity
36th Congress of the German Society for Sociology,
October 1st-5th, 2012 in Bochum and Dortmund
The ad hoc group will address questions regarding the diversity of death and dying from various international perspectives. Social practice concerning death and dying has undergone major transformations in recent years and decades. Death, often a predictable event at a high age, occurs in hospitals, retirement homes or hospices i.e. death is being ‘outsourced’ to institutions which determine processes and procedures. However, this standardization is accompanied by a diversity of new phenomena, which indicate an individualization of death and dying, ranging from euthanasia and patient decrees to memorial websites and natural burials. The new diversity shows that the influence of social norms is declining and society as a whole does not unanimously share the attribution of sense. At the same time however, taken aback by the death of one of its members, a community calls for norms to stabilize itself. With regard to these transformations, we ask how social cohesion is maintained in spite of increasing diversity. How can death be integrated in a pluralistic society? Furthermore, how can the autonomous act of a decision present a problem? How can life considered to be meaningful facing alternating conditions? And which new forms of cohesion are developing in the course of this process? We would like the participants of the ad hoc group to follow these questions. We also welcome papers with international perspectives.
Please submit an abstract (max. 300 words) and a brief biography (max. 200 words) to Antje Kahl (antje.kahl@tu-berlin.de) and Nicole Sachmerda-Schulz (sachmerda@uni-leipzig.de) not later than May 10th, 2012.
Call for Papers: for 2013 Special issue on:
“Islamist Spring? Islamists and the State: New Paradigms and Engagements”
Guest Editors: Dr. Abdelwahab El-Affendi (University of Westminster), Dr. Anas El-Sheikh Ali (IIIT, London), and Dr. Nader Hashemi (University of Denver)
The demise of “Political Islam” has been foretold many times before, and a “post-Islamist” era has been said to have already arrived. The recent Arab Spring of “cluster revolutions” was also seen to present a more decisive arrival of a new alternative paradigm for both authoritarianism and Islamism. However, post-Arab Spring elections, from Rabat to Kuwait, have swept Islamist parties to power. In many other Muslim countries, from Malaysia and Indonesia to Turkey, Islamism is also a strong player on the political and social fields. This raises a number of important and urgent questions about the new rise of Islamism. Are these the same old Islamist parties, or have they changed? Are they destined to monopolize governance, or do they form an integral part of an emerging democratic ‒ even a post-Islamist political order? How do the ascendant Islamist parties and groups see the role of the state in their Islamizing projects? How do the competing and rival Islamist groups relate to each other and to the wider political spectrum? Which visions are more likely to dominate and flourish, and how stable will the emerging political order be? A special issue dedicated to the theme of “Islamists and the State” will allow for a timely reflection on the accomplishments and challenges of these times. The American Journal of Islamic Social Sciences invites:
1. Research papers (from the various disciplines of the social sciences and humanities), which reflect on all aspects of the theme of Islamists and the state are welcomed.
2. Book reviews on relevant books are also welcomed.
3. Shorter reflection pieces of two thousand to three thousand words are also invited.
Possible Topics:
- theoretical papers examining the impact of the Arab Spring on the fortunes of Islamist movements and the ramifications for wider Muslim politics
- case studies, qualitative interviews, and comparative studies of Islamist groups across the spectrum or across borders
- critical and in-depth examinations of the shifts in Islamist views and practices on the state and democracy and their methods of engagement with various social groups
- critical studies of variations in Islamist attitudes toward women and minorities
- critical studies of the impact of particular scholars or leaders on the Islamist scene
- studies of the role of new actors and leaders (women, youth, professionals, etc.) within the emerging Islamist movements and what impact it may be having
- critical examinations of the views of Islamists on regional and international issues, including attitudes toward the West and Israel
- critical engagement with current scholarship on Islamism and on Western official attitudes to Islamic movements
- critical studies of the post-Arab Spring state, the regional order, and the impact on various political forces, including Islamists
- critical explorations of the impact the new democratic atmosphere is having on the tendencies, visions, and programs within Islamism, and whether it is favoring radical or moderate groups
- critical studies of the fortune of radical or violent Islamist groups in the post-Arab Spring era
- in-depth explorations of the evolution of Islamist political thought, including comparative perspectives across movements and regions
- critical assessment of intra-Islamist debate, in particular generational and ideological divisions on all matters political
- critical studies of the impact of existing “Islamist” experiments ‒ such as those in Iran and Sudan ‒ on the evolution of thinking, attitudes, and priorities of Islamist groups across the world
- in-depth explorations and forecasts of emerging trends and possible directions in the thinking and practice of Islamist groups and the significance and likely impact of these trends
- historical studies of underlying structural forces in contemporary political change, or previous efforts at democratization
- explorations of the reactions of liberal and secular actors to the ascendancy of Islamists, and how the interaction between the two camps is impacting the democratization process
- examination of the changing discourse of the West toward the various Islamic movements and vice-versa, before, during and after the “revolutions”
Regular research papers should be between seven thousand and ten thousand words (7,000‒10,000). All submissions should conform to AJISS guidelines: original, unpublished research, and presented as double-spaced and single-sided. Please send all contributions as an attachment in MS-Word, with a 250-word abstract and a short biography, simultaneously to:
Submission Deadline: January 15, 2013
Publication Date: July 2013
For more on AJISS guidelines, please go to:
The American Journal of Islamic Social Sciences (AJISS) is a double-blind, peer-reviewed, and interdisciplinary journal published by the Association of Muslim Social Scientists of North America and the International Institute of Islamic Thought. AJISS publishes a wide variety of peer-reviewed scholarly research on all facets of Islam and the Muslim world: politics, history, economic philosophy, metaphysics, psychology, religious law, and Islamic thought ‒ employing both empirical and theoretical analysis. AJISS aims to provide a forum for high-quality original research and critical dialogue and discussion, advancing both application of social sciences to the study of Islam and the Muslim world and an analysis of the social sciences. In addition, AJISS includes insightful reviews of published books of interest to our subscribers, as well as forum articles and conference reports.
CFP: Salvage and Salvation: Religion, Disaster Relief, and Reconstruction in Asia.
Dates: 22 (Thursday) and 23 (Friday) November 2012
Venue: Asia Research Institute
Seminar Room
Tower Block Level 10, 469A Bukit Timah Road
National University of Singapore
Bukit Timah Campus
Dr. Philip Fountain
Dr. Levi McLaughlin
What does it mean to offer salvation in the midst of catastrophe? What dynamics are in play at the intersection of religion and disaster relief in Asia? Over the past few years, Asia has witnessed frequent massive and high profile disasters, notably the Indian Ocean tsunami (2004), the Kashmir earthquake (2005), Cyclone Nargis in Myanmar (2008), the Pakistan floods of 2010, and most recently the 2011 earthquake, tsunami, and nuclear disasters in northeast Japan. In the wake of these tragedies – and the numerous smaller-scale disasters that also afflict the region – religious organizations have played pivotal roles in disaster response initiatives. Millions of relief workers and billions of dollars in aid have been mobilized through their networks. However, despite having a profound impact on the lives of disaster victims, these initiatives have gone largely under-reported, and there has been no comprehensive attempt to present research on religion and relief in contemporary Asia. ‘Salvage and Salvation’ will be the first interdisciplinary conference to bring together researchers, humanitarian workers, and policy makers to address this theme.
Analysis of religion and disaster relief introduces practical and theoretical concerns. Understanding the full ramifications of disaster requires attention to specific religions involved in recovery and the different positions they assume. Additionally, it cannot be presumed that Asian states are religiously neutral. Disasters and relief efforts open new forms of communality among affected populations, thereby altering religion and politics and inspiring novel social and
spiritual trajectories. Humanitarian actors and grassroots mobilizations are also deeply implicated in these shifts. Even self-consciously secular humanitarian organizations inevitably engage with the religious realities they encounter in their disaster responses through varying strategies of collaboration, accommodation, or exclusion of different religious activities. A region-wide comparative approach to disaster and recovery should be concerned with the broadest possible spectrum of what ‘salvation’ may comprise, whether associated with the state or non-governmental actors or whether designated ‘religious’ or ‘secular.’
We are seeking paper presentation proposals that will address the following topics (and related themes) as they relate to the Asian region:
• Analysis of the types of humanitarian work undertaken by Buddhist, Christian, Hindu, Muslim, and other religious groups in response to disasters, including rescue operations, medical and post-traumatic care, fundraising, reconstruction, mitigation, proselytizing, spiritual counseling, and other interventions
• Doctrinal, ritual, clerical, and/or institutional innovations occasioned by religious disaster responses
• Imaginations and perceptions of religion by state actors and humanitarian organizations
• Collaborations between religious organizations, state actors, humanitarian organizations, and community groups in disaster response initiatives
• Emerging transnational networks forged between religious groups, non-governmental organizations (NGOs), donor organizations, and other actors engaged in disaster responses
• Reconfigurations of local communities following religious and/or secular disaster relief initiatives
• Contrasting visions of ‘salvation’ offered in response to disasters and the ramifications of these visions
Papers from any field in the humanities or social sciences that employ any type of methodology are welcome. We are particularly interested in submissions that employ data from fieldwork. Analytical papers by development practitioners or representatives of religious institutions/groups drawing on field experience relevant to this topic are also encouraged.
Paper proposals must be for original, previously unpublished work. Selected papers from the conference proceedings will be compiled for an edited volume. Proposals should include a title, abstract (250-300 words), and a brief personal biography (150 words). For more detailed guidelines or questions regarding specific paper proposals, and for obtaining a Paper Proposal Form, please contact the conference organizers.
Please submit all applications to Dr Philip Fountain (aripmf@nus.edu.sg) by 15 May 2012. Successful applicants will be notified by 15 June 2012 and will be required to send a draft paper
(5,000-8,000 words) by 15 October 2012. Travel and accommodation support is available from the Asia Research Institute, depending on need and availability of funds.
Université de Genève, 4-5 mai 2012
La première étape de notre projet interdisciplinaire sur « Les mondes clos » a été l’occasion de deux journées de rencontres autour du thème des jardins, dont les actes sont en cours de publication. Il s’agit d’essayer de (re)penser l’imaginaire du « paysage » et sa construction dans le cadre d’une anthropologie de l’espace et du territoire. Dans ce large domaine, nous avons choisi de nous intéresser plus particulièrement aux notions de frontières et de délimitation. Ce sera ainsi autour du thème de « l’île » que se déroulera le second volet de cette enquête collective et comparatiste, qui concerne la place de l’Homme dans le monde et son rapport à l’espace, qu’il s’agisse d’espaces construits ou au contraire naturels. « Qu’est-ce-qu’une île ? » a pu se demander Carlo Ginzburg, interrogeant la littérature anglaise. Cette question mérite d’être posée aussi dans le champ de l’anthropologie religieuse. Espace dont les frontières ne sont pas fondées par l’Homme mais par sa nature géographique elle-même, l’île apparaît comme un lieu tout particulièrement signifiant, développant chez qui l’habite ou la pense une « insularité », c’est-à-dire un caractère qui lui serait propre. Réfléchir sur l’insularité revient aussi à travailler sur les cultures en contact, car l’île est une sorte d’isolat fragile, aux frontières nettes mais perméables. Ce sont également les îles de l’imaginaire qu’il s’agit de questionner, en réalisant d’emblée la place prépondérante que celles-ci ont joué, non seulement dans les littératures, mais aussi dans les mythologies, en poursuivant des axes de recherches déjà fructueusement empruntés, mais riches encore de développements et de réflexions.
Colloque organisé par l’Unité d’histoire des religions , en collaboration avec ASDIWAL, Revue genevoise d’anthropologie et d’histoire des religions et le soutien de la Faculté des Lettres.
Programme : http://www.unige.ch/lettres/antic/HR/Actualites/Mondesclos/Mondesclos2.pdf
Informations/contact : daniel.barbu@unige.ch ; youri.volokhine@unige.ch
Ascea, 15-18 aprile 2012
Melisso fra Mileto ed Elea
Prof. Jaap Mansfeld
Università di Utrecht
DOMENICA 15 aprile 2012
Ore 16:30 – Conferimento della Cittadinanza Onoraria dell’Antica Città di Elea al prof. Giovanni Casertano – Parco Archeologico di Elea-Velia (in caso di pioggia presso Auditorium Parmenide della Fondazione Alario per Elea-Velia onlus)
LUNEDÌ 16 aprile 2012
ore 9,00 Accoglienza e registrazione dei partecipanti – Cortile del Palazzo Alario
ore 9,30 – Indirizzi di saluto
prof. Pasquale Persico (Presidente della Fondazione Alario per Elea-Velia onlus)
dr. Mario Rizzo (Sindaco di Asce prof. Livio Rossetti (Responsabile Scientifico di ELEATICA)
ore 10,00 – I lezione- Un Eleatismo senza lacrime – Sala “Avv. F. Alario”, Palazzo Alario
ore 11,30 – coffee break
ore 12,00 – Presentazione di nuovi libri sui presocratici (I parte) – Sala “Avv. F. Alario”, Palazzo Alario
ore 16,00 – Presentazione di nuovi libri sui presocratici (II parte) – Sala “Avv. F. Alario”, Palazzo Alario
MARTEDÌ 17 aprile 2012
ore 9,30 – II lezione- Melisso nella tradizione antica, da Isocrate a Simplicio – Sala “Avv. F. Alario”, Palazzo Alario
ore 11,00 – coffee break
ore 11,30 – dibattito – Sala “Avv. F. Alario”, Palazzo Alario
ore 15,30 – Visita guidata al Parco Archeologico di Elea-Velia
ore 18,00 – Presentazione di nuovi libri sui presocratici (III parte) – Sala “Avv. F. Alario”, Palazzo Alario
MERCOLEDÌ 18 aprile 2012
ore 09,30 – III lezione- Alcuni problemi rimasti in sospeso – Sala “Avv. F. Alario”, Palazzo Alario
ore 11,00 – coffee break
ore 11,30 – Dibattito, conclusioni e consegna delle borse di studio e degli attestati di partecipazione – Sala “Avv. F. Alario”, Palazzo Alario
Eleatica 2012
Diciotto libri sui presocratici
Nell’ambito di Eleatica 2012 sono previste tre sessioni dedicate alla presentazione di libri recenti sui Presocratici. Questo il programma.
1) Livio Rossetti presenta Jaume PÒRTULAS & Sergi GRAU, Saviesa grega arcaica, Barcelona: Adesiara 2011 e Die Milesier. Bd. 2: Anaximander und Anaximenes, a cura di Georg WÖHRLE, Berlin, New York: de Gruyter 2011
2) Nestor Luis Cordero presenta The Presocratics from the Latin Middle Ages to Hermann Diels, Akten der 9 Tagung der Karl -und Gertrud Abel- Stiftung 5-7 Oktober 2006 in München, a cura di Katharina LUCHNER e Oliver PRIMAVESI, München: Steiner 2011
3) Alexander Mourelatos presenta Die Vorsokratiker. Griechisch / Deutsch, a cura di Jaap MANSFELD e Oliver PRIMAVESI, Stuttgart: Reclam 2011 (nuova edizione)
4) Massimo Pulpito presenta Ugo DI TORO, L’enigma Parmenide. Poesia e filosofia nel proemio, Roma: Aracne 2010 e Walter FRATTICCI, Il bivio di Parmenide ovvero la gratuità della verità, Siena: Cantagalli 2008
5) Giovanni Cerri presenta Jonathan Barnes et al., Zenone e l’infinito, a cura di Livio ROSSETTI e Massimo PULPITO, Sankt Augustin: Academia 2011
6) Nicola Galgano presenta Charles KAHN, Essays on Being, Oxford: OUP 2009
7) Guido Calenda presenta Nuevos ensayos sobre Heráclito. Actas del Segundo Symposium Heracliteum, a cura di Enrique HÜLSZ PICCONE, Unam / Faculdade de Filosofía y Letras, México 2009 e S. N. MOURAVIEV, Heraclitea IV A Refectio [= vol. XI], Sankt Augustin: Academia 2011
8 ) Sofia Ranzato presenta Yulia USTINOVA, Caves and the Ancient Greek Mind. Descending Underground in the Search for Ultimate Truth, Oxford: OUP 2009
9) Giovanni Casadio presenta Gabriele CORNELLI, O pitagorismo como categoria historiográfica, São Paulo: Annablume 2011
10) Giovanni Casertano presenta Rachel GAZOLLA, Pensar mítico e filosófico. Estudos sobre a Grécia Antiga, São Paulo: Loyola 2011
11) M. Michela Sassi presenta Ontologia Scienza Mito. Per una nuova lettura di Parmenide, a cura di L. RUGGIU C. NATALI e S. MASO, Milano: Mimesis 2011 e Parménide. Fragments, Poème précédé de Énoncer le verbe Être, par Année Magali, Paris: Vrin 2012
12) Serge Mouraviev presenta Laura GIANVITTORIO, Il discorso di Eraclito. Un modello semantico e cosmologico nel passaggio dall’oralità alla scrittura, Hildesheim-Zürich-New York: Olms 2010
13) Christian Vassallo presenta Andreas SCHWAB, Thales von Milet in der frühen christlichen Literatur. Darstellungen seiner Figur und seiner Ideen in den griechischen und lateinischen Textzeugnissen christlicher Autoren der Kaiserzeit und Spätantike, Berlin: De Gruyter 2011
14) Guglielmo Ruiu presenta W. LESZL, I primi atomisti. Raccolta dei testi che riguardano Leucippo e Democrito, Firenze: Olschki 2009
The University of Tennessee, Department of Religious Studies, invites applications for a one-year full-time lecturer in the field of religion and science to begin August 2012. The position requires teaching a 4-4 course load. PhD and teaching experience are preferred, but ABDs in the final stages of completing their dissertations will be considered. Applicants may work on any religious tradition or topic within the field of religion and science, including environmental ethics, religion and nature, cultural studies of science, evolutionary biology, cognitive studies, and current debates about religion and science. Preferred applicants will be trained in religious studies and be able to teach introductory courses in the field. Please send a letter of application, curriculum vitae, statement of research interests, and three letters of recommendation, to Dr. Rachelle Scott, Associate Head of the Department of Religious Studies, at rscott@utk.edu. Electronic submissions are preferred, but applications may be sent to 501 McClung Tower, University of Tennessee, Knoxville, TN, 37996. Review of applications will begin April 30 and continue until the position is filled. The University of Tennessee is an EEO/AA/Title VI/Title IX/Section 504/ADA/ADEA institution in the provision of its education and employment programs and services. All qualified applicants will receive equal consideration for employment without regard to race, color, national origin, religion, sex, pregnancy, marital status, sexual orientation, gender identity, age, physical or mental disability, or covered veteran status.