Opportunities Digest – 6 April 2012
We have moved opportunities digests until Fridays, largely to promote more discussion related to the reponse essays and podcasts, and also to give readers the chance to think about the opportunities over the weekend. We are not responsible for any content contained herein, but have simply copied and pasted from a variety of sources.
In this issue:
- Advance Notice – Journals
- Calls for Papers
- Symposiums
- Jobs
- Studentships
Religion, State and Society – http://www.tandfonline.com/toc/crss20/40/1
Journal of Religion in Japan, which is dedicated to Religion and the Secular in Japan, is now available. Brill is offering free online access to JRJ 1/1 at:
Journal of the American Academy of Religion has just published a number of free articles on Buddhism http://www.oxfordjournals.org/our_journals/jaarel/bh.html
Pilgrimage and Sacred Places in Central and Eastern Europe: Place, Politics
and Religious Tourism
University of Zadar, Croatia
27-30 September 2012
We invite papers which will explore:
• Construction and deconstruction of sacred places
• Embodied spaces and body as a mediator
• Pilgrimage as a form of religious tourism
• Relationship between travel and tourism industry
• Pilgrimage and territorial boundaries
• Politics and Pilgrimage in the past and today
• Pilgrimage in memories and narratives
• Tourist ab/use of pilgrimage and sacred places
• Tourist perspectives on the pilgrimage journey
• Secular pilgrimage and tourism
• The realm of pilgrimage / tourism experience
Submission details:
Abstracts (up to 350-words in Word doc.), with contact details and affiliation, should be sent to the conference E-mail address (pilgrimageandsacred@gmail.com), or to Božena Krce Miočić (krceb@unizd.hr) or Mario Katić (makatic@unizd.hr) by 1th May 2012.
You will be informed about acceptance or non-acceptance of your proposal by
15th May 2012.
For further information: pilgrimageandsacred.info
International Conference on Religious Travel and Tourism in a Globalising World
27-28 April 2012, Nicosia, Cyprus
The University of Nicosia, the Euro-Mediterranean Academy of Tourism (EMAT), and the Cyprus Tourism Organization (CTO), welcome the submission of papers for an international conference, with the title:
The conference will explore such questions as:
- How are religious and secular pilgrims guided to their destinations?
- How are they guided around those destinations?
- How are their expectations and experiences of those places shaped by the written and oral literature guiding them?
- What is their role in shaping those texts and thereby the expectations of other visitors?
- What is the role of tour guides, people, as well as oral and written texts, in shaping the experience of the journey and destination?
- How is the identity of these travellers and local people influenced by this literature?
- What role do these various texts play in helping people shift between secular and religious forms of pilgrimage?
For information concerning the programme, location, venue, registration fees, please visit:
For online registration please follow the link below:
CFP: Contemporary Islam: Dynamics of Muslim Life Call for Papers
Thematic issue: Muslims and ageing
The International referred journal Contemporary Islam: Dynamics of Muslim Life welcomes and encourages the submission of articles which reflect on ageing, perceptions of it and the impact that it has on Muslim communities both in Muslim majority countries as well as
Muslims living in the west.
Questions and topics for discussion include, but are not limited to:
- The concept of ageing as discussed among Muslims
Ageing identity and self among Muslims communities
Challenges faced by Muslim communities as far as an increased ageing population
Changes in the care of the elderly among contemporary Muslim communities
Problems that elderly Muslims face in the West as far as care and support are concerned
Ageing and faith
Relations between the young and the old: inter-generational conflict, respect, and veneration
Political and social discrimination against elderly Muslims.
The deadline for receipt of submissions is 31 July 2012
For this special issue, please direct all enquiries, requests for further information as well as actual manuscripts to our Assistant Editor: Ms Siobhan Irving siobhan.irving@gmail.com
Some information about Contemporary Islam:
- Contemporary Islam has an acceptance rate of about 33% (applying to original research papers, so excluding book reviews and special issue papers)
Contemporary Islam has a very fast “time-to-first-decision” of 53 days on average despite submitting manuscripts to a very selective peer-review process (2 or 3 peer-reviewers)
-Thousands of academic institutions worldwide now offer access to Contemporary Islam
For further information about the journal, including a description of the aims and scopes, please see:
CFP: EASR 2012
23-26th of August, the EASR annual conferense 2012 – Ends and beginnings will take place at Södertörn University in Stockholm. It is now possible to submit abstracts for the conference. Abstract submission deadline is 1 May 2012.
For more information, please see the conference web-site: http://www.sh.se/EASR2012
CFP: The International Journal of Transpersonal Studies – http://www.transpersonalstudies.org/
is dedicated to theory, research, practice, and discourse in the area of transpersonal studies. Transpersonal studies may be generally described as a multidisciplinary movement concerned with the exploration of higher consciousness, expanded self/identity, spirituality, and human potential.
Now in its 31st year of publication, IJTS is published both online as an open access journal and in print (produced on demand through Lulu Press).
Current issue is available at:
Previous issues are available at:
Call for Papers:
The International Journal of Transpersonal Studies plans to publish Special Topic sections on the following subject areas during 2012-2014:
- Transpersonal Anthropology
Transpersonal Sociology
Expressive Art Therapies
Spiritually-Informed Social Activism.
You are invited to a one-day symposium organised by the Society, Religion & Belief Research Group at the University of Derby:
How are students and staff negotiating religion and belief in universities today? This symposium will bring together researchers examining the role of religion and belief in higher education and showcase a range of recent research projects. We will examine evidence from large-scale surveys and local case studies, and from projects spanning a range of faith and belief groups. Topics include multi-faith spaces on campus, non-religious students, Muslim chaplaincy and student Christianity. The symposium will bring together scholars from a range of disciplines, including sociology, religious studies, social policy, architecture, Islamic studies and theology.
Professor Paul Weller & Nicki Moore (Derby) ‘Religion and Belief in Higher Education: Findings, Questions and Reflections from a Research Project for the Equality Challenge Unit’
Jacqueline Stevenson (Leeds Metropolitan) ‘Struggling, Striving, Strategising, Surviving: Religious students in UK higher education’
Dr Ataullah Siddiqui (Markfield Institute) ‘Bridging the Gap between the “Islamic Studies” and “Islamic Sciences”: Some Challenges’
Dr Mike Higton (Cambridge) ‘A Theology of Higher Education’
Dr Adam Dinham (Goldsmith’s) ‘An Ambiguous Role for Religion in the Universities: A Case Study in Practice’
Dr Andrew Crompton (Liverpool) ‘The Architecture of the Multifaith Space: Designing for Inclusion’
Dr Rebecca Catto & Dr Janet Eccles (Lancaster) ‘Forming and Expressing Non-Religious Beliefs in Higher Education’
Maulana Dr M. Mansur Ali (Cambridge Muslim College) ‘Muslim Chaplaincy in UK and US Higher Education: A Comparative Study’
Dr Kristin Aune (Derby) ‘Student Christianity in English Universities’
DATE: Friday 15th June 10am-4.45pm
VENUE: The Enterprise Centre, University of Derby, Bridge Street, DE1 3LA
REGISTRATION: No charge but places are limited so please register soon. Vegetarian lunch and refreshments provided.
Register by email to Frauke Uhlenbruch (f.uhlenbruch@derby.ac.uk) by Friday 18th May
Lectureships in Sociology x2
University of Edinburgh
Closing Date: 24 April 2012
Further information: http://www.jobs.ed.ac.uk/vacancies/index.cfm?fuseaction=vacancies.detail&vacancy_ref=3015539
Loyola University New Orleans
Loyola University New Orleans seeks candidates for a tenure-track position in Islam at the level of Assistant Professor. The area of specialization is open. Expertise in Arabic and/or other relevant research languages is required. Deconstructing excellence in teaching
undergraduates will positively influence our deliberations. The successful candidate will teach general courses in Islam and an introductory course in world religions. The teaching load is 3 x 2 per year through the first six years. Complete dossiers should be received by April 13, 2012 to ensure full consideration. The successful candidate will support the mission of the university and the goals of Jesuit education. The search committee reserves the right to make a one-year visiting appointment in lieu of the position described above.
Loyola University New Orleans is a Jesuit and Catholic institution of higher education that prepares students to lead meaningful lives with and for others. The Department of Religious Studies offers two major tracks and supports numerous interdisciplinary minors across the
college and university. Loyola University, New Orleans is an equal opportunity/affirmative action employer.
Review of applications will begin in mid-April. Candidates should submit a curriculum vitae, three letters of reference and sample syllabi. Transcripts will only be requested of the finalists. Electronic submissions should be sent to: Dr. Timothy Cahill (tccahill@loyno.edu), Associate Professor and Chair, Department of Religious Studies, Loyola University New Orleans.
Two PhD-students Tilburg School of Catholic Theology 1,0 fte
Tilburg University (The Netherlands) is looking for two new enthusiastic and competent PhD-researchers, one PhD-researcher within the research programme “Christian Identity in a Pluralistic Context: Continuity and Discontinuity” and one within the Research Programme “(Re)actualizing Catholic Identity in Advanced Modernity”. More information on these research programmes and the participating members of the academic staff can be found online, on:http://www.tilburguniversity.edu/research/theology/programmes/
and underlying pages.
Your profile
For this position we seek candidates with a (research) master degree in Theology or a related field, a strong interest in doing research and excellent academic qualifications and writing skills. Developing and defending a project plan within the research programme will be part of the procedure.
Information and online application: http://erec.uvt.nl/vacancy?inc=UVT-EXT-2012-0124
Supervisor for candidates from sociology of religion, practical theology and religious studies:
dr. Kees de Groot
E: c.n.degroot@tilburguniversity.edu
W: www.tilburguniversity.edu/people/cdegroot
Homepage: www.cndegroot.nl
Twitter: @cndegroot