Studying Tantra from Within and Without [transcript]

Studying Tantra from Within and Without Podcast with Douglas R. Brooks Interviewed by Daniel Gorman Jr. Transcribed by Helen Bradstock Audio and transcript available at: Brooks – Studying Tantra from Within and Without 1.1 Daniel Gorman (DG): Professor Brooks, welcome to the Religious Studies Project. Douglas Brooks (DB): Thanks for having me. DG: Could you tell […]

Witchcraft in Rural Slovenia [transcript]

Witchcraft in Rural Slovenia Podcast with Mirjam Mencej  Interviewed by Hannah Lehtinen Transcribed by Helen Bradstock. Hannah Lehtinen (HL): So, welcome to the Religious Studies Project. My name is Hannah Lehtinen and we are currently in Turku. It’s early morning and it’s relatively cloudy.And with me is Mirjam Mencej from the University of Ljubljana, Slovenia. […]

What Do We Mean by Indigenous Religion(s)? [transcript]

What Do We Mean by Indigenous Religion(s)? Podcast with Bjørn Ola Tafjord and Arkotong Longkumer  (2 October 2017) Interviewed by David Robertson. Transcribed by Helen Bradstock. Audio and transcript available at: Tafjord_-_Longkumer_-_What_do_we_mean_by_indigenous_relgion(s)_1.1 David Robertson (DR): We talk about the world religions paradigm a lot here on the Religious Studies Project. And one of the things we’ve […]

Modelling Religion and the Integration of the Sciences and the Humanities in the Bio-cultural Study of Religion [transcript]

Modelling Religion and the Integration of the Sciences and the Humanities in the Bio-cultural Study of Religion Podcast with Wesley J. Wildman (9 October 2017). Interviewed by Thomas White. Transcribed by Helen Bradstock. Transcript available at: Wildman-_Modelling_Religion_1.1 Thomas White (TW): Hello. I’m here in Dunedin, on the South Island of New Zealand at Otago University’s recording […]

Muslim NGOs and Civil Society in Indonesia [transcript]

Muslim NGOs and Civil Society in Indonesia Podcast with Robert Hefner (16 October 2017). Interviewed by Giuseppe Bolotta and Catherine Scheer. Transcribed by Helen Bradstock. Transcript available at: Hefner_-_Muslim_NGOs_and_Civil_Society_in_Indonesia Giuseppe Bolotta (GB): Welcome to the Religious Studies Project. We are Giuseppe Bolotta Catherine Scheer (CS): And Catherine Scheer GB: And this is the first instalment in […]

Hyper-Real Religion, Digital Capitalism and the Pygmalion Effect [transcript]

Hyper-Real Religion, Digital Capitalism and the Pygmalion Effect Podcast with Adam Possamai (6 November 2017). Interviewed by Sammy Bishop. Transcribed by Helen Bradstock. Transcript available at: Possamai-_Hyper-Real_Religion … nd_the_Pygmalion_Effect_1.1 Sammy Bishop (SB): Hi. I’m Sammy Bishop, here on the last day of SocREL 2017. I’m here with Professor Adam Possamai from Western Sydney University. And […]

Children in New Religious Movements [transcript]

Children in New Religious Movements Podcast with Susan Palmer (4 December 2017). Interviewed by David Robertson Transcribed by Helen Bradstock. Transcript available at: Palmer_-Children_in_New_Religious_Movements_1.1 DR: I’m here in Bedford. It’s a beautiful sunny afternoon at the last day of the CenSAMM conference on Millenarianism and violence. I’m happy to be speaking today with Susan Palmer, […]

Drawn to the Gods: Religion, Comedy and Animated Television Programmes [transcript]

Drawn to the Gods: Religion, Comedy and Animated Television Programmes Podcast with David Feltmate (11 December 2017). Interviewed by Breann Fallon. Transcribed by Helen Bradstock. Transcript available at: Feltmate_-_Drawn_to_the_Gods_1.1 Breann Fallon (BF): If you were asked to name the TV programmes that were most religious, had the most religious content and references, which ones would […]

Autism, Religion and Imagination [transcript]

Autism, Religion and Imagination Podcast with Ingela Visuri (5 February 2018). Interviewed by Thomas J. Coleman III Transcribed by Helen Bradstock. Audio and transcript available at: Visuri_-_Autism,_Religion_and_Imagination_1.1 Thomas Coleman (TC): Welcome to the Religious Studies Project. My name is Thomas Coleman and today I have the pleasure of speaking with a doctoral student at Södertörn and […]

Against Invention: A richer history for ‘Hinduism’ [transcript]

Against Invention: A richer history for ‘Hinduism’ Podcast with Will Sweetman (19 February 2018). Interviewed by Thomas White Transcribed by Helen Bradstock. Audio and transcript available at: Sweetman_-_Against_Invention_-_A_richer_history_for__Hinduism__1.1 Thomas White (TW): Kiaora! And a warm welcome from the Otago University recording studios here in Dunedin, on New Zealand’s South Island, where I’m joined today by our […]

‘Good’ Grief? Rituals of World Repairing [transcript]

‘Good’ Grief? Rituals of World Repairing Podcast with Douglas Ezzy (5 March 2018). Interviewed by Breanne Fallon. Transcribed by Helen Bradstock. Audio and transcript available at: Ezzy- Good Grief- Rituals of World Repairing 1.1 Breann Fallon (BF): How do we deal with death and grief in our contemporary contexts? Do we avoid talking about death and […]

The BASR and the Impact of Religious Studies [transcript]

This interview is also available as a PDF. The BASR and the Impact of Religious Studies Podcast with Steve Sutcliffe, Stephen Gregg, Christopher Cotter, Suzanne Owen and David Robertson (12 March 2018). Transcribed by Helen Bradstock. Audio and transcript available at: The BASR and The Impact of Religious Studies 1.2 Steve Sutcliffe (SS): Ok. Well, thanks […]

Stereotyping Religion: Critical Approaches to Pervasive Clichés [transcript]

Stereotyping Religion: Critical Approaches to Pervasive Clichés Podcast with Brad Stoddard and Craig Martin (30 April 2018). Interviewed by Christopher Cotter Transcribed by Helen Bradstock. Audio and transcript available at: Stoddard and Martin – Stereotyping Religion 1.1 Chris Cotter (CC): “Religions are belief systems.” “Religions are intrinsically violent.” “Religion is bullshit.” These are just some of […]

Situating Religion within Justice [transcript]

Situating Religion within Justice Podcast with Joseph Bulbulia (7 May 2018). Interviewed by Thomas White Transcribed by Helen Bradstock. Audio and transcript available at: Bulbulia – Situating Religion within Justice 1.1 Thomas White (TW): Kiaora! And, once again, a warm welcome from the Otago University recording studios, down here in New Zealand’s South Island. Today, […]

Soka Gakkai, Kōmeitō and the Religious Voices of Japan’s Political Arena [transcript]

Soka Gakkai, Kōmeitō and the Religious Voices of Japan’s Political Arena Podcast with Levi McLaughlin (28 May 2018). Interviewed by Paulina Kolata. Transcribed by Helen Bradstock. Transcript available at: McLaughlin – Soka Gakkai, Komeito and the Religious Voices of Japan’s Political Arena 1.1 Paulina Kolata (PK): Throughout Japanese history religion has always coloured and influenced […]