Alina Kokoschka

Alina Kokoschka, who holds a PhD in Islamic Studies (Freie Universität Berlin), investigates contemporary Islam at the intersection of things, images, and script. Beyond her philosophically informed approach, Kokoschka has a keen interest in documentation. Hence, she founded the contemporary archive, virtual showroom, and open research network "Hawass. Contemporary Islamic Aesthetics“. As a curator she currently works for the museum and columbarium Die Eiche (Lübeck), focusing on the relation of art and grief, objects and loss.

Among her publications most relevant to the current conversation are:

2020. “The Script Does not Respond.” Arabic Script’s Difficulties in the Digital Realm. A Visual Approach. Cyber Orient 14/2: 38-63.
2019. Waren. Welt. Islam: Konsumkultur und Warenästhetik in Syrien 2000–2011. Berlin: Kadmos.
2019. Reading between the Line: Arabic Script, Islamic Calligraphy, and the Question of Legibility. In: Ways of Knowing Muslim Cultures and Societies edited by B. Gräf et al. Leiden: Brill: 246-264.
2017. Original Pirate Material. In TRACES: Fashion and Migration edited by O. Blumhardt/A. Drinkuth, Berlin: Distanz: 71-80.
2016. The Thing with Islam. Material Culture beyond the Museum Display Case and the Cabinet of Curiosities. In Muslim Matter edited by O. Kasmani/S. Maneval. Berlin: Revolver: 77-83.

Please see the interview on manazir in English on the German only Waren. Welt. Islam (Commodity. World. Islam.)


Contributions by Alina Kokoschka


It’s a kind of magic – Experiences with the Resisting Object

"The body alone cannot deal with the language problem that we have," writes Alina Kokoschka in her response to our interview with Richard McGregor on images, aesthetics, and challenge of studying objects in Islam.