Douglas Ezzy

Douglas Ezzy PhD is Professor of Sociology at the University of Tasmania, Australia. He is editor of the Journal for the Academic Study of Religion. His research on contemporary religion includes religious diversity, contemporary Paganisms, and Christianity. His books include LGBT Christians (2017, with Bronwyn Fielder), Reinventing Church (2016, with Helen and James Collins), Sex, Death and Witchcraft (2014), Teenage Witches (2007, with Helen Berger), and Qualitative Analysis (2002).


Contributions by Douglas Ezzy


'Good' Grief? Rituals of World Repairing

Toys, Rabbits, and Princess Diana - three things that may not seem at all connected. However, when one starts to question the notion of grief, bereavement, and death in the contemporary West, these three are more connected than appears. In this podcast, Breann Fallon interviews Professor Douglas Ezzy of the University of Tasmania on the power of symbols...