Robin Veldman

Robin Veldman is Assistant Professor of Religious Studies at Texas A&M and an Associate Editor for the Journal for the Study of Religion, Nature, and Culture. Her first book is The Gospel of Climate Skepticism: Why Evangelical Christians Oppose Action on Climate Change (UC Press, 2019).


Contributions by Robin Veldman


Focus on Fieldwork: An RSP Remix

In the first RSP Remix, Dave McConeghy guides us through recent RSP discussions of fieldwork and its impact on scholarship. This episode features excerpts from conversations with Christopher R. Cotter, Spencer Dew, Liz Bucar, Alyssa Maldonado-Estrada, Robin Veldman, Elizabeth PĂ©rez, and Cristina Rocha.




Understanding Evangelical Opposition to Climate Action

Evangelicals don't oppose climate activism for the reasons you think. Listen to expert Robin Veldman and find out why "embattlement" matters more than eschatology when it comes to rejecting climate science.