Are you a budding graphic designer or artist? Do you listen to the RSP? Want to see your work adorn the walls of RS departments around the globe? Then the Religious Studies Project wants YOU!

This summer, the RSP is running our very first Poster Competition. What does “critical, accessible, and cutting-edge scholarship in the academic study of religion” look like? We’ll share the best ones on our social media, and the winning design will then be printed up and sent to every RS department in the world.

Email your designs with “RSP Poster Competition Submission” in the subject line to by September 1st, 2016. Material for you to use is below. Now the technical stuff:

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The Religious Studies Project (RSP) is an international collaborative enterprise producing weekly podcasts with leading scholars on the social-scientific study of religion. Since January 2012 we have released over 170 interviews (of around 30 minutes) on cutting-edge theoretical, methodological and empirical issues, which is available through the website, weekly essays, roundtable discussions, resources, and conference reports, plus our weekly digest of opportunities (jobs, journals, conferences, etc). Find out more about our international team here.

The RSP is a non-profit organisation primarily supported by the British Association for the Study of Religions (BASR). You can support us by buying your books etc through our and Associates links, and can follow us on TwitterFacebook and iTunes.

The RSP was launched in 2012 by Christopher R. Cotter (Lancaster University) and David G. Robertson (University of Edinburgh) to help disseminate contemporary issues in RS to a wider audience and provide a resource for undergraduate students of RS, their teachers, and interested members of the public. We aim to provide engaging, concise and reliable accounts of the most important concepts, traditions, scholars and methodologies in the contemporary study of religion, without pushing a religious or nonreligious agenda or resorting to presenting “fact files” about “World Religions”. Our aim is to always keep pushing boundaries, challenging disciplinary norms, and helping RS research get the increased exposure and engagement it deserves.

The views expressed in podcasts, features and responses are the views of the individual contributors, and do not necessarily reflect the views of The Religious Studies Project or the BASR. Unless otherwise stated, all RSP material is disseminated under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License. and can be distributed and utilised freely, provided full citation is given.