Season 9: 2019-2020

September 23, 2019 Podcast Natural Selection In the Evolution of Religion In this week’s podcast, professor Armin Geertz outlines an answer elaborating on the arguments presented in his co-authored book The Emergence and Evolution of Religion by Means of Natural Selection. He argues that there are multilevel selection processes that happen within different sociocultural formations, […]
Secular Jewish Millennials in Israel/Palestine [transcript]
Secular Jewish Millennials in Israel/Palestine Podcast with Stacey Gutowski (9 December 2019). Interviewed by Christopher Cotter Transcribed by Helen Bradstock. Audio and transcript available at: Christopher Cotter (CC): In the popular imaginary Israel/ Palestine is, and has always been, a contested territory associated with secret sites, the Abrahamic religions, religion-related conflicts and a volatile political […]
Media and the Study of Religion [transcript]
Media and the Study of Religion Podcast with Vivian Asimos, Tim Hutchings and Suzanne Owen (20 January 2020). Interviewed by Christopher Cotter Transcribed by Helen Bradstock. Audio and transcript available at: Download the PDF of this transcription here: Christopher Cotter (CC): Welcome, Listeners, to a special roundtable episode of the Religious Studies Project. We […]
Artificial Intelligence and Religion [transcript]
Artificial Intelligence and Religion Podcast with Beth Singler (27 January 2020). Interviewed by Christopher Cotter Transcribed by Helen Bradstock. Audio and transcript available at: PDF at Christopher Cotter (CC): At the weekend, I mentioned to my father that I was going to be recording an interview about the intersections between AI and religion. And […]
Near-Death Experiences [transcript]
Near-Death Experiences Podcast with Jens Schlieter (13 April 2020). Interviewed by Christopher Cotter. Transcribed by Helen Bradstock. Audio and transcript available at: Christopher Cotter (CC): Listeners to the Religious Studies Project, and indeed in society beyond, will be very familiar, I imagine, with the notion of near-death experiences. They’ve become quite a predominant theme in […]
Decolonizing the Study of Religion [transcript]
Decolonizing the Study of Religion Podcast with Malory Nye (30 June 2020). Interviewed by Christopher Cotter. Transcribed by Helen Bradstock. Audio and transcript available at: Christopher Cotter (CC): Regular Listeners to the Religious Studies Project will probably be quite familiar with the critique that the whole notion of the category of religion, and particularly […]
May the Fourth Be With You

To honor May the Fourth, International Star Wars Day, please enjoy this compilation of classic Religious Studies Project interviews about Star Wars!
The Inauthenticity of New Media

When it comes to media and the study of religion, Travis Cooper says “scholars need to ask more compelling questions, moving beyond overly simplistic binaries and dualisms to think in terms of scales and networks, degrees and systems, connection and difference.”
Measuring and Categorizing Young Adult Spirituality

Previous generations have not been influenced to change and adapt as quickly as Millennials and Generation Z
What is the point of of academic conferences?: A roundtable discussion

Why attend conferences? What is the point? What else could we do instead that might be a better use of our time? And how did we find having a fully-functional podcast studio set up at this conference? These are just a few of the issues that crop up in this lively roundtable discussion, facilitated by the inestimable Moritz Klenk.
The Blog Assignment: “Authentic” Learning about Spirituality, Secularity, and Nonreligion?

In this first post of a two-part series Sharday Mosurinjohn reflects on the outcome of a new assignment that was intended to invite students to write in a way that was both familiar to their usual online communication (short and social media-based) and scholarly. The results led her to rethink the meaning of “authentic learning” (pedagogical approaches that empower learners to collaborate with one another…
Paths to Sexual Ethics

Paths need not be linear nor our place on them stagnant, rather we can draw from the past and draw it into the present moment, revisiting and revising as we ask new questions in enduring, and uniting, struggles over ethics in sexuality and beyond.
How to solve a problem like World Religions? An interdisciplinary approach.

Challenging this simplistic conception of religion and its consequences lies at the core of the Critical Religion movement. Schaefer’s interview is an invitation to explore how we can do that most effectively. How do we translate critical insights that have significant real world implications into ideas that can easily be transmitted to students and the wider public?
Teaching and Learning in Contemporary Religious Studies

Today we are joined by Dr Dominic Corrywright of Oxford Brookes University in the UK, to discuss current developments in higher education pedagogy, the challenges and opportunities that these present for Religious Studies, and some practical examples from Dominic’s own experience.
Dominic Corrywright

Dominic Corrywright is Principal Lecturer for Quality Assurance, Enhancement and Validations, and Course Coordinator for Religion and Theology at Oxford Brookes. Alongside other research interests, including alternative spiritualities and new religious movements, Dominic has a strong research focus on teaching and learning in higher education, and pedagogy in the study of religions. He is Teaching & […]